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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by tom_widdows

  1. Can we moan at the ones done by the scottish Parliament or are they untouchable? Anyway tax increases? That doesnt happen in the UK. Its all tax cuts, higher thresholds and benefits frezes apart from the Lib dems who seem to be trying to fight back (pointless as they are dead to most people till the 2020 election). We want things like the NHS, public transport, decent schools but dare to suggest we pay a bit more tax and its a lynch mob.
  2. Its not a questions of being too ambitious. The issue was they never put down enough facts to back everything up spending way too much time attacking the no campaign instead of just getting on with things and letting facts do the talking. Their job was to convince the majority to change from the status quo and they went about it as you stated in a presidential way - we will do this and that and everything will be fantastic falling into the cynical mind trap of 'if it sounds too good to be true it probably is'. Possibly a similar reason why the Pars and Arabs told Romanov where to go.
  3. Personally I saw the yes campaign more like the Romanov regime at Hearts or Bonetti brothers at Dundee. Promised X Y & Z and everytime someone asked 'how can you afford this' they either deflected the issue and accused the press etc of bias or made claims of mythical investment with no firm evidence to back them up. Could have been totally wrong and it would all have been milk and honey but at the same time it could have been liquidation and economic suicide. The 'NO' campaign barely had to lift a finger because the YES campaign didn't give themselves enough time to get credible evidence to do the job of convincing the majority to make a change.
  4. tom_widdows


    Sin City 2 - Felt it started well then just faded. Walk among the tombstones - Didn't want to see it but was actually OK. Liam Neeson seems to be milking his 'hanibal' voice for as much as he can
  5. Young Katie pressing charges?
  6. You were away?
  7. Out The Flat The Flat Fife Flyers vs Braehead Clan in Kirkcaldy (Part of the offical sold out away support) 0-1 and another injured player
  8. Apologies if there is a 2014/15 thread but didn't see one in my travels Soooo Ryan Jack apparently out for a few weeks with a tear in his medial ligament. Hopefully be back in time for the Hamilton game on October 19th Anderson & Robertson hopefully also back for Hamilton Nial McGinn out for tomorrow's game and hopefully only tomorrow's game. Like to think we are getting these out of the way early but either i'm more aware of injuries now or modern footballers are getting more like racehorses
  9. They just went for a ' roundup' set for all the games http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/scotland/29354807
  10. Frankly I wish both Yes and No voters would just leave it and get back to work. Everyone had their reasons for their decisions, some may regret them now but without a freak result of an absolutely equal 50:50 split there was always going to be a losing side. Now on a more important topic May 2015 takes the spotlight. There appears to be an acceptance among certain people that it will be a conservative/ UKIP coalition in Westminster come June and that cannot be allowed to 'just happen' Of course the wonderful first past the post system means it is possible to win an election just on London and the South East alone but we all have to fight. 85% turnout in scotland must be repeated or even improved upon and if you have any friends/ contacts in england they must be encouraged to match us. I've always been against tactical voting but I fear it may be required by all to get rid of the Tories for at least another 5 years. As for UKIP I'd still like to think they are euro election protest vote fodder only but I dont want to take a chance. Protest votes achieve fuck all when it results in evil getting elected And finally for fuck sake don't pick a party just for their policy on Immigration. Look at what their plans for education, health, transport etc and you might suddenly think that bloke next door with the funny accent ain't so bad.
  11. Stretchered off. Radio coverage broke up but im sure i heard something about a head injury. Could be wrong though
  12. Walk in the park only concern is Ryan Jack
  13. Seems to be getting a bit unsavoury in George Square at the moment. Police been called to seperate the crowds when a loyalist movement showed up.
  14. Well bugger me with a fish-fork!
  15. Salmond resigning as First Minister and Leader of the SNP http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-29277527
  16. No mention of any redevelopment. Its a UEFA 5 star stadium so no work required as part of the bid
  17. Host Cities announced Final & Semi-Finals Wembly Stadium, London Quarter Finals Allianz Arena, Munich Bak? Olimpiya Stadionu - Baku Stadio Olympico - Rome New Zenit Stadium - St Petersburg Last 16 & 3 group matches each Hampden Park, Glasgow Aviva Stadium, Dublin Parken Stadion, Copenhagen Arena Nationalia, Bucharest San Mamés Barria, Bilbao Új Puskás Ferenc Stadion, Budapest Amsterdam ArenA, Amsterdam New Stadium, Brussells
  18. Highland - 87% Yes - 78,069 47% No - 87,739 53% Reject - 168 Final score Yes - 1,617,989 No - 2,001926
  19. Fife - 84.1% Yes - 114,148 No - 139,788 Reject- 236 Better Together Officially wins the referendum with Highland and Moray still to declare Update Moray - 85.41% Yes - 27,232 42.44% No - 36,935 57.56% Reject - 38
  20. Aberdeen-shire - 87.2% Yes - 71,337 40% No - 108,606 60% Reject - No idea Edinburgh - 84.4% Yes - 123,927 39% No - 194,638 61% Reject- 460 Argyle & Bute - 88.2% Yes - 26,324 41% No - 37,143 59% Reject - 49
  21. Dear God Tommy Sheridan irritates me. I know he was not an official part of the Yes team but the difference between his reaction and that of Nicola Sturgeon's is night and day. Just keep thinking of Arthur Scargill whenever he opens his mouth
  22. East Ayrshire - 84.5% Yes - 39,762 47% No - 44,442 53% Reject - 58
  23. Stuff Ireland mate. Go to New Zealand. Yes its miles away but its very nice (particularly Wellington)
  24. South Ayrshire - 86.1% Yes - 34,402 42% No - 47,247 58% Reject - no idea
  25. North Ayrshire - 84.4% Yes - 47,072 49% No - 49,016 51% Reject - 85
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