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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by tom_widdows

  1. Well at least one train load can fight their way into Buchanan street subway for the 12-15min journey. 5 megabuses on offer too. (although one does leave at 440am)
  2. Newport vs Exeter has been sold out for weeks
  3. Main stand holds almost 21000 fans. Most I'd say they will get is the Govan stand that holds about 11000 but will probably end up with one of the goal end stands (7500 not including the infilled corner bits)
  4. You think its wise putting your mobile on a public forum? Be safer saying 'PM me'
  5. Think they are looking at the 2 tier corner between the caley allocation which bizarrely isn't being sold to either
  6. I fancy the Arabs backed by 10000+ to turn them over royally Meanwhile ex rangers players are saying the goal shouldn't have stood. So far it is only Sally and Chick Young saying it was fine
  7. St Johnstone vs Aberdeen Rangers/ Albion vs Dundee United
  8. ah bollocks Knew i'd jinxed it my imagining a semi final between Albion and St Johnstone Still - Funny Replay at Hamilton of course. Couldn't have the ibrox darlings playing at Fortress Cliftonhill
  9. Thinking more bitterness - Circa Leeds United vs Derby county back in the 70s just before Clough & co had to play in the EC semi final
  10. Next Sunday I really hope Inverness defend the same way they currently are. That 2nd Arabs goal?
  11. Asking for more tickets at the moment.
  12. Shame they couldnt keep their legs closed in the last minute
  13. I see Caley have to play Hibs in midweek. Wonder if Hughes will rest any of his players for it Also in the back of my mind is how Butcher will be feeling on the night given it could have been him preparing for a final rather than fighting tooth and nail for a top 6 place.
  14. Hopefully for a different scoreline than the last time
  15. 40000 sell out Is this perhaps the largest gathering of Aberdeen fans in a stadium since 13 March 1954?
  16. Whats Mizer ever done to you?
  17. http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/home-news/loyallist-parade-route-changed-to-avoid-celtic-park.1394122108
  18. Caley apparently shifted approx 6000 so far. Dont think that even fills their section of the lower tier. Think they are hoping for a positive result against the arabs this weekend to boost last minute sales. Hope they can at least get their upper tier opened even if it is for only a few hundred fans. (especially as apparently the cops dont want rival fans sitting above and below each other)
  19. fuxache ssssshhhhhhhhh Hot potato, orchestra stalls, Puck will make amends.
  20. I'd thought Caley's allocation was max 13000 which included the standard restricted views away fans get and That should leave 47000 tickets available for dons fans. Id have though they could even offer 3000 odd in the standard away section take us up to 50000 but no doubt they will have already sold some of them to caley fans.
  21. http://www.afc.co.uk/articles/20140304/scottish-league-cup-final-_2217950_3697586 No Pressure now lads
  22. Soooo anyone got any suggestions?
  23. He is the most prominent figure in the Yes campaign Nellie. Until he shuts up and lets the actual team speak then I'm going to keep bringing him up.
  24. Interesting that I make a start on this discussion and 'issue 2' of the 'YES!' newspaper/magazine is suddenly shoved through my letterbox. I wonder what happened to Issue 1? Shall have a peruse over the next week but already a few things stick out for me Quote from Salmond 'with independence there will be virtually no limit on what we can do' In the 'your questions answered section' Q - Will we keep the pound?' A - (short version) 'Its the best way forward'. That doesn't answer the question. it just states an intention to try and keep it. Q - Will we still be in the EU A - (short version) 'Does anyone really think the EU wouldn't welcome Scotland as a member?' Again that doesn't answer the question. Also a lot of promises for stuff that sounds very good and I'd be all for it but there is no explanation as to how it will all be paid for. Lots of stuff about how wealthy we are but no solid figures. I really can't stand documents like this from any political party. All promises and selective facts that are quickly forgotten as soon as it all gets real.
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