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Saturday 21st September 2024 - kick-off 5.30pm

🏆 Scottish League Cup: Aberdeen v The Spartans


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Everything posted by tom_widdows

  1. Another country for Scotland to trip up against http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/22657481 Seemingly Jersey are also looking to apply
  2. Get the impression my point has been missed here An attack in which a man is decapitated and his alleged attacker stands on the street and preaches his philisophy gets instant media attention A similar of not more horrific attack for people to witness happens 400miles up the road and gets no coverage whatsoever Differences between the 2 - Victims in both were very different people. One a known criminal and the other an innocent bystander - One was targeted and the other in the wrong place at the wrong time - Attackers in one legged it before the cops arrived. Attackers in the other hung back and even spoke to the public while holding their weapons before being shot by the armed cops. - Police arrested people fairly quickly in one. Cops could almost be accused of ignoring the other - One is to supposedly send a message to the government, the other was to send a message to a rival gang - One carried out in one of the worst areas of a city, the other in a fairly affluent part of another - One was filmed by people, the other if it was those people certainly weren't going to give it to the police or media Similarities between the 2 -Broad daylight attacks in public areas -Same weapons used -witnessed by innocent bystanders If you want to take the debate to 'is one life more valuable than another' then by all means try. It is a very dangerous topic What i am pointing out is crimes like this are happening in the UK on a more regular basis than the media would have you believe. However only certain ones are picked up by the national media A total nutter can go on a killing spree with a gun or knife etc at any point. Usually there is no way of predicting such an event. The media will have people terrified to go to woolwich for months now because 'thats where the nutters and terrorists' are. Young men and women carrying around machetes and killing each other for the purposes of making statements against another gang and with seemingly little or no response from the authorities? That is more scary to me
  3. A similar incident happened in the east end of Glasgow about 6 years ago. Guy was hacked to pieces in broad daylight in the middle of the street. Guy was a well known gangster and had decided to slash one of his rivals faces the night before then made the mistake of going for a walk alone when a car pulled up and within a few minutes he was gone. Local press barely touched it. National press ignored it. Not sure if the police ever got the guys who did it and it was essentially put down as 'just another gang related incident' Fairly ok area of London, victim allegedly a soldier, killers meant to be spouting some sort of religious spiel so straight away labelled a terrorist attack. Media jump all over it. Perhaps im too cynical or have a sick mind but I cant believe that there haven't been similar incidents with the London Gangs in the past. Of course the inevitable death penalty debate will no doubt kick off again
  4. News reporting that there is not enough evidence to make a judgement. Doesnt sound like they are 'satisfied' to me
  5. And Dunfermline look to be going down with a whimper
  6. Caley doing their best to throw away their European spot
  7. Farage didn't really do himself any favours on Radio Scotland this morning. His equivalent of Malcolm Tucker must be raging soundbite can be found here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-22566183 I really cant believe how pathetic David Cameron is that he is seemingly running scared of this guys party. My main issue with UKIP is they remind me so much of the what the Nazi party was in the 1920s way before they got so far as mass murder. Mixture of smaller groups combine to one party in a country in financial turmoil, putting the blame on the rest of Europe and immigrants. Disgruntled and desperate population votes for them on promises of wealth and prosperity eventually leading to an almost religious belief that they are something special whilst all the while their politicians and military are concealing the fact they are committing genocide.
  8. Contract extension to technically he has signed on 3 years Let the debate begin
  9. Wigan equalise on stroke of halftime its win or bust and if they do win aston villa fans will be shitting it. Their saving grace will be sunderland having to go to Spurs on the last day
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs5yxozm_84&feature=share]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs5yxozm_84&feature=share]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs5yxozm_84&feature=share Hard to top that for an example of euphoria and despair
  11. Dundee players spent the entire bonetti tenure that Cannigias debut springs to mind as possibly the most angry ive ever been at a football match Also did brown not claim he would sub the player immedietly? Will he also pull said player off and reduce his team down to 10 if hes already made 3 subs?
  12. Think that is actually an improvement Seem to recall hearing Man U and Barcelona fans were only allocated 12000 each for the last wembley final
  13. whyte and green took on the likes of hughes, mcclair, keane and cantona
  14. tom_widdows


    Oblivion was ok but having seen a certain low budget independant by David Bowie's son a few years back I was better placed to explain it to my 2 mates at the end
  15. Parading the trophy at Ibrox I presume. Certainly had the warning signs up at partick station saying ''football at ibrox today. Subway will be busy between these times'
  16. only bit I saw was their goalkeeper falling down liek a truck had hit him when kuyt dared to jump for a high ball infront of him. My dislike of Portuguese teams and my enjoyment when they fail steadily increases
  17. exactly how many points are they likely to lose should they go into administration? Dunfermline got 10 but im sure I read somewhere in the spl its a % of your total points from the previous season?
  18. I trust Partick are sending them both a bill http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-22351486
  19. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/22232813 Clyde Moving again East Kilbride is slightly closer than Cumbernauld I suppose. Do wonder what North Lanarkshire Council are going to do with an abandoned 8000 seat stadium. Is this to be the site of some of those missing social houses the government keeps promising?
  20. Once again the media will do themselves a favour if they stop putting up headlines saying 'bomber caught' followed by the subheading ' the teenager 'suspected' of carrying out the bombing. Jury goes into any court assuming hes guilty from the start
  21. Id prefer be brought footballers instead of dancers
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