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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by tom_widdows

  1. for me that's like having international womans day or Gay Pride etc As I see it If you continue to have some sort of event, society, national day to highlight or promote your race, gender, orientation etc it only helps keep whatever barriers/ prejudices etc that stop you from seeing yourself and other people seeing you as an equal member of society. The fucking media really doesnt help either. Rose tinted view of how the world works I know but I would be interested to see what would happen if they stopped doing such things. Would it come to pass that after several years the world would be like this fry & Laurie sketch?
  2. In/Oot: IN Prematcher: Train then where we can get in once we get to Dingwall (probably straight into the ground if thats the case) Match: Away end Postmatcher: Im minding the tickets! Prediction: 2-0
  3. Fucking English Bastard
  4. Case of it was spotted gathering dust in a wester ross shop at the weekend. Must just be your posh hangouts that dont stock it
  5. there does have to come a point when someone says ' oh just grow up will you' Used to be refered to as a FEB at School because of my parents nationality and as a kid it did get to me but when i got to about 16 i thought 'yes and so?' 40 years ago you still couldnt get jobs, live in certain areas, could be assaulted (in certain parts of the 'western' world even killed) without the criminals ever being looked for let alone brought to justice based on the colour of your skin or your nationality. 25 years ago non white players had bananas chucked at them and were openly refered to as monkeys by fans on the terraces. 2012 some highly paid professional footballer is allegedly refered to as a black cunt (John terry incident) or whatever suarez said to Evra and so on and the whole world comes crashing down. Fuck sake if thats all it takes to ruin your life then you must walk a suicidal tightrope everytime you walk down the street because there will always be fuckwits who will single you out for some reason and since they are fuckwits it will be for the blatantly obvious one be it your skin colour, your weight, your height, your choice of clothing and so on. It is getting really silly now and as with so many things that were real issues in the past (treatment of kids, human rights, sexism) it has gone full circle and become a problem with the same name but a different nature.
  6. fuck sake. Even the players want to avoid another heartbreak at hampden
  7. I suspect in their eyes Cove needs a tescos/ asda/ morrisons etc. the latter in particular since they were shafted with their plans at kepplestone
  8. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/20036930 I cant be the only one who is wondering why the non OF clubs havent just said ' right theres 11 of us and 1 of them so thats enough to change the voting structure cockwomble. Get it sorted now. It actually distresses me at BBC rumours that there are at least 3 clubs who dont want it changed (If true my money is on Kilmarnock, Celtic & St Mirren). This quote from the Big Bang Theory keeps coming about when I think of Cockwomble at these meetings Sheldon: Point of order. I move that any vote on team names must be unanimous. No man should be forced to emblazon his chest with a Bengal tiger when common sense dictates it should be an army ant. Leonard: Will the gentleman of the great state of denial yield for a question? Sheldon: I will yield. Leonard: After we go through the exercise of an annoying series of votes, all of which the gentleman will lose, does he then intend to threaten to quit if he does not get his way? Sheldon: He does! Leonard: I move we are the Army Ants
  9. Hopefully we can finally get rid of this 'hoodoo' Dundee have over us We havent beaten them in the league at Pittodrie since October 30th 1993 (Late Shearer goal in a 1-0 win) Had 8 draws and 6 defeats since then Oot. Friends Wedding There will be cake also (Draw)
  10. that was a rescheduled espn game. The st j alba game we won was won by a deflected mackie goal with about 5mins to go
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vad3loVKgXM
  12. I would refer you to http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-18795510 and the following. A RoadSense spokesperson said: "Subject to advice from our lawyers, this would seem to bring to an end our attempts to overthrow the Minister's decision to approve the AWPR through the courts." Hello Mr & Mrs Lawyer. By any chance can we waste more of everyones time in return for paying you lots of fees? I highly doubt its over.
  13. pedantry here but France 98 was only 14 years ago. We wont reach the 2 decade accolade until we fail to qualify for Russia in 2018
  14. Sweden showing how its done 4-0 down away to Germany with 35mins to go Final score 4-4
  15. Think this is one of those situations where you can mess with 'celebrities' in the media All the want is name, postal and email address Would it cost the same if you put down say chick young, tom english etc, address as BBC scotland, Glasgow and the sportsound or your call email address?
  16. quite true. He'll jump ship in about 6months time
  17. They will then go off the the European Court of Human Rights. you know the one don't you? Originally set up to make sure people dont suffer such things as slavery or the holocaust etc but now seems to be filled with cases about people wanting to play their music as loud as they want, or to have their kid educated in a school 500miles away from their house but have the tax payer pay for their kids transport and lodgings. The bypass will be finished at the same time as the A9 is Dualled......
  18. translation - dear muppets, give us about £500 each on top of yer season tickets so we can actually afford to pay Ian Black, Kevin Kyle etc the amount we said we could. No its not a charity donation, its an investment......
  19. tom_widdows


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvuNfq5vN-w Looking forward to this one
  20. Some cracking challenges by the stirling boys. Think they would have seen red in the spl but 3rd division is a different story
  21. and what of it?
  22. 10 years ago this would have been an Oor Wullie story. Now its classed as 'latest news'
  23. and this will affect green and co how? If all the assets were sold to a new company there is nothing for the liquidators to sell off.....unless they rule the stuff they sold wasnt for sale in the first place
  24. who were the old axis of evil?
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