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Saturday 21st September 2024 - kick-off 5.30pm

🏆 Scottish League Cup: Aberdeen v The Spartans


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Everything posted by tom_widdows

  1. A win coupled with Dunfermline defeat means we will be safe from relegation for another year
  2. 4 bids apparently Paul Murray's Clowns and 3 silly foreigners (singapore, Germany, & USA) who really should know better
  3. Im adding this to the ever increasing list of reason why I dont make serious efforts to go to the football anymore.
  4. In or Oot: Oot Pre-Matcher: Glasgow Concert Hall watching a graduation ceremony Match: Somewhere having lunch which wont have football on or the family will complain Post Matcher: Same as Match or the flat Prediction: 1-0 Hibs
  5. 5,210 Just over 51% full for a cup final.
  6. Challenge cup final on alba now Hamilton vs Falkirk. 2 seasons ago they were both in the SPL and yet for a cup final (all be it one a step below the league cup) they cannot sell out a 10100 seat stadium approx 20miles from each of them seems falkirk were given 3 stands (about 6500 seats) yet both ends are empty £14/15 adults £5 concession
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27xOuaKid2A
  8. Whilst I agree if may not have happened had panicky fuckwits not reacted to short sighted politicans I refuse to blame the government for anyone stupid enough to not only take petrol into their own house but to actually then try and pour it out whilst there was naked flames in close proximety. Im actually wondering if this persons first reaction to smelling a potential gas leak would be to flick a light switch or perhaps light a cigarette. Is the best way to work out whats in that unlabled bottle under the sink to drink some of the contents? whilst growing up I used to get really pissed off with what I considered to be my Dad's over cautious safety streak but it appears there are lots of people who would benefit from growing up with an offshore oil worker back to topic in hand I did enjoy the BBC choice of driver to interview 'so why did you feel the need to fill up your car with petrol madam?' 'The red light came on about half a mile back so I thought Id better fill up' 'okay'
  9. Thought he was ok in 'Melinda & Melinda' & 'Stranger than Fiction' but both were far removed from his usual efforts http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y3ZnZc-NdI&feature=related
  10. Presume this will inevitably lead to 'zoolander 2'
  11. Seem to recall a few years back when out cup game with hibs was shifted to a thursday night (finished 2-2- Brewsters debut) the press and commentators were going on about how we were lucky because we were getting £80k for the privelage of an awkward kick off. Attendance was 7905 but I reckon at the time it could have been closer to 12000 had it been a Non TV saturday KO like the other cup ties. 4095 extra fans - approx £81900 ticket cash (average £20 a head) + Pies, Bovrils etc + Additional merchandies in the club shop + Corporate hospitality Could have taken in an extra £100,000+ and considering the club would have still paid for the same number of turnstile operators, catering staff & supplies, stewards etc bending over and taking the TV cash may have cost us more than if we had said fuck off.
  12. Im sorry rangers fans I could have saved the club but that big meanie Craig wouldnt give me his shares. It has nothing to do with me having no money and my campaign only getting this far thanks to the daily record
  13. The republicans arent the really scary part. That is reserved for the millions of Yanks who support them no matter what. Many if not the majority base their current affairs knowledge on what their TV tells them so if Fox news says Obama is XY or Z then thats good enough for them. The danger of living in a country which still has a pledge of allegiance citing God, has 'in god we trust' written on their money, and continues to base their laws and rights on a document written in 1791. Land of the free so long as you have money and connections etc
  14. Is this the same guy who was on last night's YourCall when Chick Young was hosting? Personally if Traynor isnt available they should just cancel the show because those 2 have no idea how to entertain any notions other than their own. Admittedly they get a lot of muppets calling in but in my experience if Chick young has made his mind up about any subjet (and I mean anything. Doesnt have to be about the old firm) he will just cut the caller off after one sentence. Its like listening to a Fox News programme. Last night was no exception
  15. Believing is all fine and well. I wonder however they will feel when ticketus lawyers go to court to argue this for several years with yon currants paying duff & phelps bills
  16. Im a bit confused here Have hearts said the final prices will be more than they currently are? Im seeing this prices start at say £10 and finally end up back at their current £24 on match day The implication from a couple of folk is the walk up price would end up something like £30 or more. If it is the case then yes it would be disasterous for attendances Perhaps im nieve but I really cant see people deciding 'fuck it im not going today because I didnt buy my ticket 3 weeks ago and now it will cost the same as it did last season'
  17. I dont see why the roseburn would need to be reserved for away fans Just set the allocation, stick the word out to the away team that their fans can now buy online from hearts or even from their own teams ticket office at the same prices (increasing every week) Walk the the door punters would pay the same price they do now so why would the fact you can get a ticket cheaper if you book it weeks in advance make them say 'ah fuck it im not going now I have to pay an extra x amount of cash? It hasnt stopped people using the train or air travel, its just made them more savvy in how they save cash. You suddenly decide you want to travel somewhere you accept it will cost you an arm and a leg Ive suggested this type of system several times so i will be very interested to see how it turns out.
  18. until that celtic story appears on the bbc my cynical mind is 'Glasgow media looking after their own' Celtic pull out of the sky tv deal then yes alot of the spl are in trouble However I believe the flip side of this latest development is if celtic want to broker a deal for their own tv rights (their own satellite channel etc) they must obtain permission from the opposition to cover these matches. Like it or not Aberdeen FC, Kilmarnock FC, Dundee United FC etc are covered by copyright and require a fee for their brand to be shown in the media. Plus no tv deal means saturday 3pm kick offs (or sunday 3pm if theres european games) and only cup finals can be legally televised at that time in the UK. Celtics wage bill alone means they need the sky/ espn millions just as much if not more than the other clubs But I predict as usual the other teams will bow down because they cant imagine having to rely on fans and local sponsorship for their cash
  19. the jinx has already been set with their voucher scheme news Bit like having the open top bus parked outside the RDS on the morning of the 2000 scottish cup final
  20. If results go their way I believe they can win the league at Livingston a week on saturday
  21. I presume we will soon all be recieving letters from the cops asking is if we have ever broken the law with a strict warning at the bottom that we will be fined, tagged, stuck in jail etc if we have. SFA so out of ideas they are now using a useless head teachers policy of 'if the person who did this doesnt come forward then the whole school will be punished'
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