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Saturday 21st September 2024 - kick-off 5.30pm

🏆 Scottish League Cup: Aberdeen v The Spartans


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Everything posted by tom_widdows

  1. Plan for scottish football is to remove this fear of change. Getting fed up with the media, fans and even people who know fuck all about football (if last saturday nights conversations are to be taken seriously) essentially stating the game in scotland will die overnight if yon Blue Meenies vanished and never returned. People say a drastic change is required and the loss of one of the 2 largest clubs in the league or as it seems to me - one of the crutches- is probably as drastic as it can get. I say it would force the rest of the clubs to rethink how to survive and perhaps they might find out having yon currants turning up at their stadium once or twice a season doesnt actually make them that much cash once the extra policing, stadium repairs and surrounding area repairs have been accounted for. If Sky, espn etc fucked off then the only way to make cash is to get off your ass and get the fans back in. Perhaps start using your youth players instead of bringing in players from the mainland europe equivalents of east fife for vast sums The theory that celtic would be untouchable is not the case I say. My dad used to say to me the key to winning the league isnt worrying about beating Rangers and Celtic. It is making sure you beat all the other clubs first. I might be living in quckoo land but I say within 3 seasons celtic would be cut down to size. Particularly if their only cash advantage is driven by their own fanbase as opposed to Extra TV revenue. Starting thinking outside the status quo box and seeing what you could achieve!
  2. It is when you are the kind of muppet who spends their entire pay-cheque every month on crap rather than living on the real world. Not so easy to pay for that massive house you dont really use, that bentley which doesnt suit anyone, or that tab at the casino when your pay wont even cover the gas/lec/council tax, insurance/service/petrol, or medical bills when big Del breaks your fingers & legs
  3. They're given a little present and allowed to go free? They're smacked and told not to be naughty, but basically let off?
  4. Guy on your call just now 'I cant take 2 defeats out of 3 Jim' And Mccoist was out in the press saying they had the best fans in the world?
  5. Sort of a Rich mans darren mackie then?
  6. fuck sake miller. Yer keeper pulls off one of the best penalty saves of recent memory and you shaft him
  7. what a surprise Kenny Miller continues to bottle it when it really matters Question - Why is it you can hold onto the ball on the ground as if yer playing rugby to time waste without punishment yet kicking it as little as 5 yards away gets you a yellow card?
  8. too late for you to sign Frank Carson
  9. Well it worked so well the last time who could argue?
  10. If said hourly rate was correct PWC would have walked away with approx 8million from that property developer (b4 tax of course). I wouldnt say thats light.
  11. As far as Im aware they actually claim their money from the assets of the company they are dealing with. I believe the likes of Price waterhouse coopers were billing £500 per hour when they were winding up one of our previous clients. Longer the administration process takes the more they claim and the less the creditors get.
  12. Bizarre that ONE person has their face blanked in those photos At least the others have the balls to admit they support this shite.
  13. Have our physios got serious blackmail material on Milne etc or something like that?
  14. Highlights dont seem to be working for me but if thats what they show then it has to be some of the most creative editing in history. At no point did it ever feel like any more than an extremely narrow win.
  15. Baggy the fact is Tesco can (and seemingly are) laying people off and then using this government scheme to employ staff who work for tesco but are paid by the tax payer. Are you or anyone else seriously happy knowing that everytime you shop in tesco, argos (and many others) some of the people on the checkouts or stacking the shelves are doing so out of your taxes instead of that companies annual billion pound profits? Tesco etc get richer while the unemployment levels stay the same
  16. Granted I dont see much but going from highlights / footage / and the occasional game Ive been too I really dont see why he is being touted as something special.
  17. Plus No Skateboarding No Roller Blading
  18. Knew they were skint but seriously? http://www.gumtree.com/p/business-services/learn-to-drive-from-age-12/95335568
  19. Its not just brown its our club Was Rae not playing regularly at Dundee yet as soon as he signs for us hes on the treatment table Either our medical staff are too cautious or our training methods are suicidal
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