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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by tom_widdows

  1. Did some prick not run onto the pitch at pittodrie in 1993 and try to attack the ref or one of the torino players only to be decked by either Brian Irvine or Duncan shearer before being escorted from the pitch by the extremely slow plod? Dont recall a red card being issued for that. It is getting stupid now. Remember that player getting sent off for rugby tackling a streaker in a non league english game earlier this year?
  2. Just out of interest who actually does this my average rating seems to be in the negative teens but on occasions for what I see as no apparent reason it suddenly jumps to +6 or higher. Is there some sort of battle between the forces of light and dark going on in the background?
  3. Last time I recall seeing McCall as s manager he was in the 'cheap suit, white trainers & baseball cap' brigade
  4. if its this one then it is about 1/6 of the size of pittodrie (2.4acres) http://www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/nmsruntime/saveasdialog.asp?lID=39322&sID=16528 However unless someone has a connections in the commercial property sector the price it was sold for wont be revealed to public for a while
  5. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/scotland/16278305.stm
  6. He said basically the same thing on sportsound a couple of weeks back. I dont like his 'seating was brought in because of Heysel & Hillsbrough etc. Stadium seating was brought in as a short sighted panic response to horrific incidents at stadiums which were death traps in the first place. Hillsbrough nearly happened the season before in the tottenham vs Wolves semi final but no one thought 'hang on a minute here...what if'. If was bad organisation and policing that started the crush and the perimeter fences which were locked that finished it off. If seating had been brought in for that reason then why was it only enforced in the premier leagues. Are the fans of clubs in the lower divisions expendable? As I see it he has a chip on his shoulder for being a short arse wee cunt. If you dont like the terracing chick then get your free ticket in the seated area because there will always be one for the families, corporate wanks etc. Then you can write another article about how you didnt get a free ticket to listen to young kids screaming etc
  7. Caption Competition?
  8. Thanks to the city councils antics over the last few years I reckon it would be almost impossible to get a ballpark figure on 1 acre of land in Aberdeen. However 1 acre of land in a city centre will get you fuck all as a developer after the restrictions regarding green space, daylighting, parking etc. Once you get over 3 acres I believe the price starts to go up because you have more freedom. Could be wrong though
  9. Try fixing darren mackies too
  10. 1.1m per acre is one thing Price for 13.7 acres with outline planning consent for x number of houses is another
  11. Not according to wikipedia
  12. Besides the fact he wouldnt be as prolific as his rangers days and that he woudlnt want to be at pittodrie, the name Kris Boyd is not going to have the fans rushing down to the ticket office. If yer gonna break the bank then make it worth your while in the long run
  13. In/Oot: In Pre match: The A9 Match: South Stand (apparently) Post match: Inverness then the A832 Prediction: 2-0 (to someone) Attendance: 3,492
  14. Break the bank for that prick? Wise up.
  15. Diving is the latest buzz word so any penalty given for something less than a blatant headbutt, stabbing, gunshot to the back of the head will have the 'oooh was it a dive' conversation
  16. As if anyone didnt see that one coming. Was amazed he left the central belt for Teeside let alone borderline middle east
  17. Depends if they drop the prices for terracing. They will probably increase them
  18. apparently it was being filmed for a TV show http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/tv/2839909/Hearse-towed-away-for-comedy-show.html
  19. http://www.google.co.uk/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=f&oq=forfar+pubs&hl=en-GB&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GGLL_en-GBGB402GB402&q=forfar+pubs&gs_upl=0l0l1l22746lllllllllll0&aqi=g1g-v4
  20. Its a new build though so they will probably want more than 20%
  21. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-16184565 The closing date has arrived for bids to buy Aberdeen Football Club's home - Pittodrie Stadium. The club put the 107-year-old ground on the market earlier this year after securing outline planning permission for 350 homes on the site. The club says the sale of the 13.7-acre Pittodrie site is key to securing the £38m needed to build a new stadium, capable of holding about 21,000 fans. This would be at Loirston Loch on the southern outskirts of the city. Barr Construction - which has built many stadiums - has been named as the preferred contractor. It is hoped the stadium - which is planned to be an iconic landmark - could be ready for the 2013/14 season. In March, Scottish ministers decided against calling in the proposals. The new stadium project was subject to 140 objections from local communities and groups concerned about the environmental impact.
  22. ooo sickner for Fulham
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