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Saturday 21st September 2024 - kick-off 5.30pm

🏆 Scottish League Cup: Aberdeen v The Spartans


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Everything posted by tom_widdows

  1. oh niki your so fine, your so fine you blow our minds, hey niki?
  2. Fair enough but does a fine still apply if you decide to get of at the first stop or infact any stop on the way for which the actual fare would cost less than your discounted ticket? silly question probably. 'Sorry sir, i dont care if you paid £20 for your ticket, you cannot pass until you pay me the £3.60 it actually cost for you to come here'
  3. I heard this on the radio. However the statement the train company gave the BBC was weak to say the least. 'we dont think its fair that they should get the discounted rate through megatrain whilst others have paid full price' They forgot to mention their terms and conditions dont actually say you cannot leave the train early. Instead they put the phrase 'you cannot break your journey'. A phrase which I see as 'you cant get off the train, hang about a bit and then get on the next one to complete the ride'. They apparently see it as 'you cant get off the train early without paying a fine'. Open to interpretation you see. If the terms and conditions said 'you can only leave the train at the stations stated on the ticket' then this whole mess is cleared up but their legal department woudl have a shitfit if Rail company bosses tried to implement that. A complete legal minefield over the terms or restricting the movement of the public would arise. Im awaiting the case of 'mum' or 'dad' getting off train early because their child is suddenly taken ill or they receive bad news on the mobile and have to turnaround. I for one would absolutely love to see little station guard telling aggitated parent they cant leave the station till they cough up the money. Of course it doesnt say 'except in exceptional circumstances' anywhere in the terms and conditions. Im actually pissed off there people paid the fine. Take the case to court because even the most inept lawyer would destroy the Railways case and for a laugh stick an illegal imprisonment charge on them. Yahoos picked it up so i reckon the Daily Mail and the redtops will have it in the next few days. Their little glut of 'get as many stories about dogs attacking kids as possible' is running dry so the old debate as to how rail companies can justify charging up to £300 for say a single between Aberdeen & Glasgow (yes it is possible) will kick off once again and when the dust settle I bet yon english couple with have had their fines refunded as a 'goodwill gesture' One question I want answered would the couple have had pay a fine if they had suddenly decided 'fuck it, lets get off at the first station (Clapham Junction), turnaround and go home?' If not at what point on the journey do they start dealing out the fines?
  4. Derby really must be a shit hole if they were happy about that
  5. I presume they want him to plug a gap in the middle? Surely theres a difference between giving a 10month work permit and a 2-3 year one? Give him a working holiday visa
  6. Utrecht 2-0 Celtic Penalty after 19mins 2-2 aggregate
  7. Utrecht 1-0 Celtic Penalty after 12mins Aras losing 1-0 too
  8. 3-0 bebo and dundee 1-0 down to brechin
  9. No radio coverage again Seems the league cup has been deemed too worthless for even Radio scotland to bother with.
  10. If anyone caught the replay on Alba, did you think Pawlett looked particularly pissed off at being subbed? Seemed to mouth AWW FUCK when he saw his number.
  11. Likewise dave i thought you were also reasonably intelligent...well until i spotted you were the first person to respond to Daytrippers latest fishing atempt The ticket you buy is valid for the train you ride on. The fact you pay less because it is a special going to aberdeen is irrelevant. They can only charge you more money if you get on the wrong train or stay on said train longer than your ticket is valid for. The absolute carnage that would be created if you got off the train at dundee, gleneagles, carnoustie etc and the ticket barrier or attendant refused to let you past because your ticket said Aberdeen is quite an amusing thought. I get off early then thats an extra seat they can sell for the rest of the journey. You buy a student season ticket for AFC when you are not a student and thats a seat AFC are losing money on everytime you go. But since this thread is now spirally into 'does tom widdows rip off scotrail or not' instead of 'Aberdeen football club finally closed a loophole for which some are happy and others are not' I invite you to continue this discussion via PM.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0TsKLYA0xY&feature=player_embedded Just in case you missed it on BBC last week
  13. And the train from Glasgow to Aberdeen stops at Dundee as well as carnoustie, stonehaven and many others. It doesnt stop at Vladivostock. I can get off the train wherever I feel like so long as its a station on that route. Once I get off I cannot get back on another train to complete the journey (The time the train leaves is written on the ticket - in the case of the arabs the 1637 train from aberdeen gets into dundee at 1750. So long as I get on THAT exact train my ticket remains valid. If i got on or off the train at Dyce or partick then im cheating them because the ticket is only valid for stations between Aberdeen or Glasgow. Find me the condition that says I cannot get on or off the train Ive booked at any of the stations between Aberdeen and Glasgow. Id really love to see some ticket conductor pull a gun and order me back to my seat if I tried to leave the train early. id also like to see him throw me off with a ticket that is valid for that train.
  14. whats terms have I ignored? Just checked the friends fare terms and conditions and there is nothing to say you cant start or end your journey at any stop on the way so long as those journeys are on the trains you booked. What it does say is you cant 'break you journey unless it is for connections' which means you cant get off the train at one station ie Dundee for the match, then get on another train to take you the rest of the way to Aberdeen before promptly turning around and going back to Glasgow.
  15. If i was to buy a friends fare to aberdeen and then stay on the train if it went to dyce (or for some reason onwards to inverness) then that is dishonest because I have only paid to go as far as the Granite city. If i get off 3-4 stations early thats fine because im using Scotrails facilities for less time than what I paid for. On the way back ive paid for a seat on a train that leaves Aberdeen at a certain time. If I get on said train 3-4 stations later thats fine because im using Scotrails facilities less than what I paid for. Dont recall any terms that say you must be on the train the whole journey. The friends fare is the same price for adults, students, children OAPs etc. Only condition is you must buy at least 3 tickets and be on a certain train. Try to use it on another train and the conductor is entitled to charge you a full price fare If I was to buy an annual scotrail student ticket and use if for those journeys when im not a student, that is classed as fraud because ive obtained a discount im not entitled to. Result if caught would be a fine and possibly a ban from using their trains. If they were so inclined I believe they can bring criminal charges against me At the same timeby buying a student or concession season ticket when you are neither, you have obtained a discount you are not entitled to. Every home game you attend you have cheated the club out of £12. Ill be interested to see what the club policy on this is since the season ticket terms and conditions dont seem to be available online. I cant be the only one to think its more than a coincidence the student season ticket debate starts on here last week and this week the club suddenly introduce their new policy. I do wonder if a few ticket office workers are getting their balls booted for not asking for student IDs etc during the renewals
  16. about as sneaky as the people that took advantage of it in the first place. Im thinking there will be a lot of people paying £10 to switch to 10game ticket
  17. How is it moving the goalposts? Do the terms of a student ticket say 'you can use this if yer not a student because we definetly wont bother checking if you are or not'? Is it possible to obtain a refund for a purchase you obtained dishonestly?
  18. So we have a 4week break every 2 years. Makes more sense than shutting down for 2 weeks in January (2 fucking limp wristed weeks?! At least shut down for the entire month if yer going to bang on about reducing the number of cancelled games) And at least when we shut down for the euros etc we have something to watch.
  19. Removing those wooden seats wont make that much of a difference. Instead of solid timber crushing your shins you will have hard sharp plastic slicing them.
  20. Think ive found a lid to this student season ticket pandoras box so perhaps the mods can open up a seperate thread fo that argument before it consumes the new stadium agreement. Having a scootch at the detailed plans and sections at the moment and I see one of the corners is simply classed as 'future development - Lettable space' Whoever gets that office will have a nice view of the pitch on match days (cant help thinking of Kilbowie park). Capacity is split thus: North stand - 6600 East & West Stands - 4402 each South Stand - 5135 with a double deck of exec boxes at the back. Im not sure if these include the corners. Dont seem to be any mention of video screens or scoreboards so I presume unlike Ibrox all four corners will have windows etc. I presume away fans will be put behind the goal with both corner areas closed off for visits of the old firm. Just wonder if the other teams away fans will be put next to the exec stand or closer to our new 'north bank'? Plus I like the way the roof slopes down to the pitch and extends at least 3m past the front row. Noise will be channelled towards the pitch as opposed to the heavens and little or no chance situations such as that Brondby friendly a few years back. Im not too sure about this 'memorial' garden though http://planning.aberdeencity.gov.uk/docs/planningdocuments.asp?appnumber=101299
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