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Saturday 21st September 2024 - kick-off 5.30pm

🏆 Scottish League Cup: Aberdeen v The Spartans


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Everything posted by tom_widdows

  1. At the risk of generalising if hes a commentator for BBC sussex, UK wise hes probably never been north of Watford and until today probably 99% of his listeners couldnt point to Aberdeen on a map. But in his defence Id never heard of the name Zander till he turned up for Aberdeen. Id met a Xander as in short for Alexander but ive been assured that this is not the case with mr and mrs Diamonds boy. So there was actual commentary? I had it on Iplayer and all it seemed to be was a bit of traffic news, random stints of reports from nearby friendlies (inc ours) indispensed with music, so I went out. Tis no wonder Sportsound gets all the awards
  2. Those shetland cunts get everywhere
  3. Kicked off? Have the casuals and Gay Pride performers got stuck into each other? My money is on the latter because in the words of Phil davis ' Never get into a fight with a poof. They've got the strength of a man and they fight like a girl. You wont stand a fucking chance'
  4. unless mcleish is giving us £600k to take him off their hands?
  5. Sounds like someones broken your cockney translator
  6. make your move? were you planning on saying hello or kidnapping the bloke?
  7. decent squad is only half the battle getting them to stop playing like a bunch of Mizers is another matter
  8. Confirmed on REDweb http://www.afc.co.uk/articles/20100728/hartleys-deal-is-don_2212158_2104711
  9. mods please at least put a big question mark at the start of this thread until something is confirmed And in future for any unofficial news about us signing a player, refer to funsters signature before posting
  10. So if it appears on the Official AFC site who will be doing the honours?
  11. I think what ive been through with them since 1993 was summer up by Bill Bailey on his bewilderness tour 'Im a man...and as a man I crave disappointment.
  12. I thought the government said he wouldnt get an early release?
  13. You get out of the train and you walk. Probably local buses but ive always walked and its no big deal. Infact its easier than walking from Dundee station to tanndice given the stadium isnt up a hill. I disagree about the biggest pain in the arse being the journey to the ground. The biggest pain in the arse is the lack of train and bus services to and from Inverness.
  14. Its not a question of personal preference dave The club seem to be bigging up this shuttle bus ideal which is a pipe dream. As someone has already pointed out even if each bus held 100 people that is still only 6000 fans and also relies hevaily on people wanting to be at the stadium for up to 2hrs in advance of kick off. Having a second means of public transport which will drop fans off less than 1mile from the new stadium (as the crow flies. Fuck shuttle buses, they can walk. Construct an actual direct pedestrian route to the stadium and new footbridge over the A956) and can also be sold to the local government and train networks as having an every day use (at peak times every single southbound train out of Aberdeen could stop there, reducing to say 1-2 trains an hour the rest of the time) is an option the club and infact the local council dont even seem to be trying to approach. This isnt a dig at you but in the last few weeks ive been inundated with complaints from friends, family and colleagues over 'ooh its such a hassle, lets not bother' for various activities. When did everyone become such a bunch of soft cunts? Queing up with 6000plus pissed up dons fans between 2 and 3pm (lets face it how many people are seriously going to use the 1-2pm bus service?) when you can get on any of the south bound trains and walk for a bit? I know what im choosing. Ill lay a bet Rainbow taxis and co would be sniffing about Cove bay station on match days anyway. Bus, taxi or walk the last mile
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