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Saturday 21st September 2024 - kick-off 5.30pm

🏆 Scottish League Cup: Aberdeen v The Spartans


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Everything posted by tom_widdows

  1. Cant say we were applauded when we arrived More greeted with looks of concern, curtains closed, doors locked, shutters pulled down.
  2. Goes to show you cant always judge a game on radio coverage The first 20mins we had what I was fearing to be the usual suicidal defending - Duff doesnt seem to understand when a keeper shouts leave it, you fucking leave it as opposed to hitting it with pace back towards his on rushing feet so he has to dig the fucking thing out at the last second. Then suddenly the defenders clicked and this boy Ifil was leading the show. we only had 2 chances in the first half when their 1st keeper decided to pass the ball to us and either mackie or miller nearly lobbed him from the corner of the 18yard box. Then we took the lead from an aluko cross and a blatant headed own goal even though the stadium annoncer said it was miller. Hull had a couple of long daisy cutter shots which nelson dealth with comortably (Bossu ) second half and hull either werent interested or couldnt handle us. deano had a powerful volley cleared off the line and warner somehow managed to deflect a 4yard shot onto the post and out. Hull just couldnt get past our defence and asides from a long range shot that went over the bar i cant recall them having anything until deano came back on for the last 5mins. Slick passing and flashes of skill on show form thedons. When we attacked we actually looked dangerous for once Plus a good vocal spport that must have been close if not more than 1000 strong.
  3. why do these priks never burn themselves?
  4. have a foreboding sense of doom since scotland most nortious casual movement will most likely be in attendance against those lovely hull boys and wont want to be outdown by hibs and huns
  5. Sven working some magic already? Notts County 5-0 Bradford City
  6. Just think of what could have achieved had you done the baker hughes 10k
  7. Ya have to agree he certainly has made an impact
  8. I hear there were more than at your little Jimmy protest
  9. who said anything about 26k? yer the one with an apparent 13k salary. (£1100 above min wage) There is a certain aquantance of mine in the final year of his degree who is also an assistant manager of an edinburgh nightclub. just bought himself a new car with his last bonus.
  10. That tea lady was hired the same day we signed billy dodds And we all know what happened that season i suggest we do some serious research and find out real reasons why we are pish instead of just taking out the job list of AFC putting it up on the wall and throwing darts at it till you hit a name and then blame them. Willie miller, stewart milne, mark mchee are obvious targets. why not delve into the full backroom staff. theres always someone in a company that isnt pulling their weight. Find out who that is and sack them. then see what happens after that
  11. Darren mackie is on about £100k a year he should go and thats money for a new player Foster is on about £100k a year he should go and thats money for a new player The tea lady is on minimum wage. she should go and thats money for a new player ya see where im going with this? Reds and co and angus the bull are on fuck all They should just go
  12. Best not to mention how much your salary is Especially when so called dirty students can earn more than it by working part time while studying
  13. Spare seat and spare ticket going ya know ya want to
  14. Anyway back on topic anyone think hearts will get past the Croats?
  15. Its that sort of thinking that helped fucked over the housing market For the same price I paid for my 2bed flat which is a renovated tenement I could have had a brand new modern one just up the road that had bedrooms literally half the size of mine (if ya can fit a double bed in its a double bedroom. fuck having wardrobes, floor space etc), a kitchen/living room that is smaller than just my living room and 1 parking space (I have a selection to choose from) Why was it the same price? because it was brand new but it is now worth about 40-50% less than it was when bought. Tenement flats have dropped a max of 20%
  16. They are shit to live in. Cheap to make, quick to build, people will buy them because they are brand new and look nice in the brochure. Then the cheque clears and they realise that theres no storage, the rooms are all tiny and those apparent quality finishes are actually that great. Build each house for £50k. sell each house for £150k. 100 house development nets you 10million profit You think developers get rich by 'spending' money?
  17. quite frankly it is people like you that are ruining the game by daring to suggest that such a link exists and that you might sully my good name by revealing it
  18. surely mackie and co and score 5 against just 3 casuals
  19. So the trick is to launch the award at high speed towards his napper rather than just hand it to him?
  20. Add to that 'This is the worst home defeat in Europe since the 3-1 defeat to Torino'
  21. So we wouldnt have lost 5-1 if severin and Lee Mair had stayed?
  22. 1. Dave_min 2. Mizer 3. topcorner 4. Minijc 5. Padre 6. Penfold 7. Tom_Widdows
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