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Saturday 28th September 2024 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Dundee v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by tom_widdows

  1. Can you give examples of the Donald's having guts?
  2. An experienced scottish international defender with an eye for goal who can pass on his knowledge to the next generation while still putting in shift in 'not kicked to the kerb' shocker
  3. Can you give examples of the Donald's having guts? Can you also put together an algorithm which can accurately predict how previous owners would run the club based on the current financial football climate?
  4. Suggestions FIFA are about to suspend Russia from world football. Wonder if they will emulate the IOC and ban Belarus too.
  5. MBT Ooot. Squeeky bum time for the negative amongst us Rules: 1. One name per points tally for the season, first come first served! 2. Only allowed to change prediction until closure of January transfer window as along as it is to an empty tally. 78 77 - Kevin Spence 76 75 74 73 - Self confesed Lazy Cunt called Panda 72 Bearsdenred 71 - tlg1903 70 - OxfordDon 69 68 67 - Elgindon 66 65 - 64 - MBT 63 - The 'Grand Master' occasionally called Rico 62 61 - 60 - Wee Toon Red 59 - 58 - RedStarTorphins 57 56 - Manc_don 55 - ((Safe from Relegation)) 54 53 - Tom_Widdows 52 - Jute (first edit) 51 - BigAl (first edit) 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32
  6. 'Dark side of the Ring' which is currently available on All-4 Seriously fucked up world professional wrestlers can go into Recall Owen Hearts dying after an accident before the start of one of their big events but never knew the WWE didnt cancel the show and insisted the other wrestlers and commentators carry on mere minutes after watching their colleagues lifeless body being carried off on a stretcher, in a ring which was broken and had genuione blood stains.
  7. UEFA will be happy Real Betis knocked out Zenit St Petersburg. One less headache for their PR team
  8. tom_widdows


    I'm advocating doing something more than standing up in your respective parliaments and saying ' i condemn this' or worse 'we are leading the way in condeming this' Hindsight is the word politicians like to throw about but foresight is a skill that needs to be brought in. Seems the priks who hold all the money and power in the UK have plenty of foresight when it comes to disaster capitalism and hedge funds but not one of them sat down one day and thought ' hang on a minute, we as a nation are awfully reliant on two or three nations on the world for our way of life (gas form russia, Oil from the middle east, manufacturing from china etc), doesnt this leave is in a pretty precarious position , particularly given how these countries operate? Perhaps ending reliance on fossil fuels isnt just a great move for the environment but also a smart move in terms of protecting our nations, Perhaps shutting down all our industries and/or allowing our smallish companies to be aggressively bought out by large foreign conglomorets isnt a thing to be celebrated. Lets change our ways right now. If everyone stopped using gas, Russia is in big trouble If everyone stopped using oil, Saudi, UAE, Qatar, Iran etc are in big trouble If everyone western company started making their products in their own countries, China is in big trouble I suspect the western governments will sit back and continue to talk about sanctions but essentially let Putin take the entire Ukraine. Putin knows fine well the Brits wont do anything with the tories in power, He appears to have the germans over a barrel with their reliance on russian gas The french wont to anything without the germans and brits backing them up The Americans don't want anything to do with the situation for fear of pissing off China who appear to be backing Putin. And selfisly while the Ukranian people suffer, the tories will be loving the distraction. As with the pandemic, they will see it as 'an opportunity.
  9. tom_widdows


    Seems to me the 'west' are happy to let Putin and co do what they like as long as it isnt on their own doorstep and doesn't affect them immediately The political equivalent of saying 'That's appauling, they should be locked up' while a part of a crowd watching someone getting beaten up on the street. But as Rico points out, the break up of the USSR is part the long history of trouble caused by countries, continents etc being carved/ broken up to form separate nations. Africa, USSR, Yugoslavia, Middle East and so on
  10. Thought it was a reference to the next nations league
  11. Wonder if there is the potential for Scotland and Poland to get byes to the playoff finals in a few weeks time?
  12. MBT survives but Rico crashes out Rules: 1. One name per points tally for the season, first come first served! 2. Only allowed to change prediction until closure of January transfer window as along as it is to an empty tally. 78 77 - Kevin Spence 76 75 74 73 - Self confesed Lazy Cunt called Panda 72 Bearsdenred 71 - tlg1903 70 - OxfordDon 69 68 67 - Elgindon 66 65 - 64 - MBT 63 - The 'Grand Master' occasionally called Rico 62 61 - 60 - Wee Toon Red 59 - 58 - RedStarTorphins ((Safe from Relegation)) 57 56 - Manc_don 55 54 53 - Tom_Widdows 52 - Jute (first edit) 51 - BigAl (first edit) 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31
  13. Going on that story Nicholas could have potentially beaten Jean Marc Bosman to the punch had the Dons not come looking
  14. A 34 year old george best who was past his best and allegedly was sacked by hibs for off field exploits. Boosted crowds for the novelty but team were relegated. Let us not forget Cannigia and Ravanelli played for Dundee. That worked out great for them too
  15. MBT clinging on by a thread Rules: 1. One name per points tally for the season, first come first served! 2. Only allowed to change prediction until closure of January transfer window as along as it is to an empty tally. 78 77 - Kevin Spence 76 75 74 73 - Self confesed Lazy Cunt called Panda 72 Bearsdenred 71 - tlg1903 70 - OxfordDon 69 68 67 - Elgindon 66 65 - 64 - MBT 63 - The 'Grand Master' occasionally called Rico 62 61 - (Safe from Relegation) 60 - Wee Toon Red 59 - 58 - RedStarTorphins 57 56 - Manc_don 55 54 53 - Tom_Widdows 52 - Jute (first edit) 51 - BigAl (first edit) 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30
  16. What I recall from Ebbe was a man who inherited a team which had been decimated by a combination of poor management, terrible transfers (£850k for Brian O Neil, £300k for Nigel Pepper and several others), and a Board who suddenly made the decision they were in the shit financially so really put the padlock on the transfer kitty. First season yes we finished bottom of the league but the next season it was 7th, and then after that it was 4th and giving Hertha Berlin a run for their money. The guy had won 4 Danish league titles, and 3 danish cups with Brondby (and shown Aitken how to manage in European football), and even had a short spell in charge of Benfica. He had a good record of developing young players (including Anderson, MacNaughton and some donkey called Brian Laudrup). Ive still got my copy of the Red Final in which he signed a comic strip taking the piss out of him too. Before Ebbe we had Aitken & Alex Miller (Who gave away Billy Dodds), and after him there was Patterson (who I seem to recall was up against Ian McCall for the role), before finally getting a hint of success with Nichol and Calderwood, then right back down to earth again with McGhee and then Brown. With the new training facilites and healthier finances I'd say the club is crying out for an Ebbe Skovdahl
  17. Stuart Baxter? Surely one of these days hes gonna turn up in scottish football
  18. tlg1903 & Elgindon go out fighting Rules: 1. One name per points tally for the season, first come first served! 2. Only allowed to change prediction until closure of January transfer window as along as it is to an empty tally. 78 77 - Kevin Spence 76 75 74 73 - Self confesed Lazy Cunt called Panda 72 Bearsdenred 71 - tlg1903 70 - OxfordDon 69 68 67 - Elgindon 66 65 - 64 - MBT 63 - The 'Grand Master' occasionally called Rico 62 61 - (Safe from Relegation) 60 - Wee Toon Red 59 - 58 - RedStarTorphins 57 56 - Manc_don 55 54 53 - Tom_Widdows 52 - Jute (first edit) 51 - BigAl (first edit) 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29
  19. My regular podcasts were getting a bit dull so spent an afternoon listening to stories/ documentries about Brian Clough. Real loss to the game
  20. Two more down Rules: 1. One name per points tally for the season, first come first served! 2. Only allowed to change prediction until closure of January transfer window as along as it is to an empty tally. 78 77 - Kevin Spence 76 75 74 73 - Self confesed Lazy Cunt called Panda 72 Bearsdenred 71 - tlg1903 70 - OxfordDon 69 68 67 - Elgindon 66 65 - 64 - MBT 63 - The 'Grand Master' occasionally called Rico 62 61 - 60 - Wee Toon Red 59 - 58 - RedStarTorphins 57 56 - Manc_don 55 54 53 - Tom_Widdows 52 - Jute (first edit) 51 - BigAl (first edit) 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29
  21. 2013-14 season 48 Points 41 Goals scored 43 Goals conceded
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