I suspect a twat (probably from the Aberdeen journals) was under pressure to write something that could pass for a piece of spin because the 'burley to be sacked after draw/defeat' story he finished at 2pm yesterday so he could go to the pub for the rest of the day fell through, so he starts a rumour and uses contacts amongst the various AFC message boards to atempt to give it some sort of credibility.
This rumour is hardly original since there have been various posts about possible protests (usually written in jest) but bugger me if it isnt a case of hook, rod, line, sinker and copy of Angling times because this little thread has materialised on here and the only surprising thing is the BBC havent stuck a badly written, poorly spelled 'exclusive' on their SPL section.
If none of the tabloids pick up this up (and throw in a little reference to a toaster) then I may have to re-evaluate my opinion on mankind.
But you lot carry on.