Was that the same cunt who started smoking and proceeded to spit in my face whenever he spoke and then looked shocked when i took umbridge?
As for the annoying flag waving thing
I too get very annoyed when my view of the match is obstructed. If this obstruction happens to be because ther person infront is 7ft tall and cant hep it then ill accept it but when its someone with constantly waving a flag who takes the hump when you ask nicely if they would refrain from doing so during open play then my opinion changes.
Im quite tall and after years of complainign in my ear i have always made a concious effort not to obstruct the view of those behind me be it at a football match, cinema or concert. This usually involves arriving early and making my way to the back row but this isnt always possible. There seems to be some consipracy by the ticket offices to put sit small children or short people direclty behind me in all ticket matches.
The whole 'they bring colour to the matches and should therefore be appreciatted' doesnt wash for me. They need to learn consideration for those around them who may not want to be involved.
You cant have it both ways and perhaps if the whole thing was better organised by both the ultras and the club then relations could be improved. Ideas such as not selling pay at the gate tickets for the ultras section so the typical walk up fan doesnt have to get involved. Dont know how this could work for away matches unless they specifically allocated the back rows only to the Flag waving bridage or perhaps a section at the edges of the stands.
The main problem with this world (not just football) is that too many people only care about themselves and whether or not they have a good time. In my opinion the Ultras are their own worst enemy