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Saturday 28th September 2024 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Dundee v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by tom_widdows

  1. Call me cynical, but I think the market project is just the next 'union terrace gardens'. They've been trying to do something with 'the green' and the old market for years and this is just the latest piece of PR nonsense to try and deflect from the continuiing deminse of the City centre. Best hope for a new stadium by the beach is to keep the press coverage to a minimum until plans are sorted and contracts are signed The more fancy 3D images that get banded out in the press, the less chance of a project proceeding.....unless its blocks of flats of course
  2. Been quite a sizeable anti snp graffiti campaign around the west end of glasgow and last night there was a small group holding an 'SNP out' banner on the 'bridge to nowhere' which crosses over the M8 just before it joins the kingston bridge. Some ex 'Britain first' muppet is standing as an independent in Sturgeons constituency too and they had a little spat outside one of the polling stations. Large billboard campaign on 'avoiding a hard border with england' too. Given it was raining today the quesiton for me is will the stereotype of the lefty voter not bothering to cast their vote come in to play? I presume the SNP guy in my area will keep his seat but given the sadomasochism on offer in the UK as a whole I cant say ill be surprised if the Tory got in. Channel Islanders are the latest part of this 'united kingdom' to be hung out to dry by a bunch of entitled fuckwits who got in over their heads but won't care until they find out the country is bankrupt and the Swiss, and cayman islands decide to have a laugh at their expense. UK is horrible group of states currently trapped together on an express bus to right wing fascist hell unless the tories can be removed from westminster and/or the Celts all jump ship. Then perhaps there might be some hope for 3 of the nations Says alot about how shit other places in the world must be that so many people are risking their lives to try to get here.
  3. Damn you Ryan Hedges! Rules: 1. One name per points tally for the season, first come first served! 2. Only allowed to change prediction until closure of January transfer window as along as it is to an empty tally. 74 - MBT 73 72 71 70 69 68 - danthedon 67 - RicoS321 66 - Manc_don 65 64 - Wee Toon Red 63 62 - BigAl 61 60 - Jute 59 58 - Elgindon 57 56 55 54 - Tom_Widdows (fourth place & European football guaranteed) 53 ------- Previous Champions: 2009-10: Dave_min (41 points) 2010-11: BigAl (38 points) 2011-12: Snapper (41 points) 2012-13: Tyrant (48 points) 2013-14: 2014-15: Dandy (75 points) 2015-16: Dandy (retained due to no correct scorer) 2016-17: Rico (76 points - Flawless Victory. Nothing questionable about it at all) 2017-18: Tom (73 points) 2018-19: DantheDon (67points) 2019-20: No winner - DantheDon retains title following an independent inquiry
  4. Agreed If anyone remembers the 5-3 game at Tannadice I think the arabs had signed 4 - 6 new players just before it and put them all into the team. They finally got their act together late in the second half once they'd made subs (plus the dons defence being its usual charitable self) but in the first it was a turkey shoot. I not sure if any of those arabs signings even made it to the end of the season
  5. That'll be Chris Kane of St Johnstone on the radar of the scout who's job it is to trawl the message boards for ideas
  6. First song I played on my IPOD on the way from Auckland Airport to the city centre (yeah I know its a completely different country) Bit of nostalgia for the film 'Young Einstein'
  7. Only slight consolation is Premier Sports will be pissed off
  8. Nice of St Johnstone to stick the boot in when we are down
  9. Seems this super league stuff isnt going away just yet. Sounds to me like Real Madrid and co may end up taking (or at east trying to take) Man U, Chelsea and co to court over breach of contract. With any luck they might wipe themselves out https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/apr/24/perez-says-super-league-clubs-cannot-leave-as-manchester-united-fans-protest
  10. Suspect he will have a high profile QC on speed-dial so will be surprised if a custodial sentence will be on the cards at the end of it
  11. Sickner tonight. Wee Toon Red crashes out, Big Al clinging on by a thread Rules: 1. One name per points tally for the season, first come first served! 2. Only allowed to change prediction until closure of January transfer window as along as it is to an empty tally. 74 - MBT 73 72 71 70 69 68 - danthedon 67 - RicoS321 66 - Manc_don 65 64 - Wee Toon Red 63 62 - BigAl 61 60 - Jute 59 58 - Elgindon 57 56 55 54 - Tom_Widdows (fourth place & European football guaranteed) 53 ------- Previous Champions: 2009-10: Dave_min (41 points) 2010-11: BigAl (38 points) 2011-12: Snapper (41 points) 2012-13: Tyrant (48 points) 2013-14: 2014-15: Dandy (75 points) 2015-16: Dandy (retained due to no correct scorer) 2016-17: Rico (76 points - Flawless Victory. Nothing questionable about it at all) 2017-18: Tom (73 points) 2018-19: DantheDon (67points) 2019-20: No winner - DantheDon retains title following an independent inquiry
  12. Different League: The Derry City Story on BBC 2 last night. Got a surprise when a young looking Sven Gorran Eriksson popped up. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000vcdr/different-league-the-derry-city-story
  13. Mourinhio OOT Some rumour about im refusing to take training in a protest about the superleague plan Shall just head down across to a bookies website to see what the odds on the scottish red-tops running a story about him and the Tic job
  14. I know im not the most avid football fan but this premise sounds so fucking boring. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/56794673
  15. Arsenal showing SEVCO how its done
  16. Maybe he will start by playing players in their strongest positions?
  17. Came in on this late but Im sure I saw the PSG goalie run into the back of his own defender and end up getting a free kick despite there been no munich players near either of them. Loathesome club and I won't be surprised to if I see Tic & Sevco goalies adopting this tactic
  18. Squeeky bum timer at both ends of the table Rules: 1. One name per points tally for the season, first come first served! 2. Only allowed to change prediction until closure of January transfer window as along as it is to an empty tally. 74 - MBT 73 72 71 70 69 68 - danthedon 67 - RicoS321 66 - Manc_don 65 64 - Wee Toon Red 63 62 - BigAl 61 60 - Jute 59 58 - Elgindon 57 (fourth place & European football guaranteed) 56 55 54 - Tom_Widdows 53 ------- Previous Champions: 2009-10: Dave_min (41 points) 2010-11: BigAl (38 points) 2011-12: Snapper (41 points) 2012-13: Tyrant (48 points) 2013-14: 2014-15: Dandy (75 points) 2015-16: Dandy (retained due to no correct scorer) 2016-17: Rico (76 points - Flawless Victory. Nothing questionable about it at all) 2017-18: Tom (73 points) 2018-19: DantheDon (67points) 2019-20: No winner - DantheDon retains title following an independent inquiry
  19. Its grim in there Not quite as grim was watching 10mins of the game and not being able to recall a single dons pass inside the st johnstone half
  20. DMX - 50 Heart Attack
  21. Presuming Hendry cant play so that reduces the chance of a dons goal by a further 302%
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