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Saturday 28th September 2024 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Dundee v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by tom_widdows

  1. Seems bizarre when Lennoxtown and Cormack Park will surely be available But when does anything with the SFA ever make sense
  2. Presume the Algarve trip is to help aclimatize to the scorching temperatures of Euro 2020
  3. And Yugoslavia were twice the 4th best team in the world (two world cup semi finals) and twice the 2nd best team in Europe reaching the european championship final twice. Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia and Slovenia have all played at major tournaments and North Macedonia will be at Euro 2020 this summer. Montenegro reached the playoffs for Euro 2012 losing out to another supposedly 'fairly new' country the Czech Republic Kosovo reached the playoffs for Euro 2020 losing out to North Macedonia. That part of the world has a proven record in international sport. Frankly its lazy and patronising to label any of the former eastern block countries as not good enough for international football. 7 world cups and 7 european championships since the break up of the USSR, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia . With the exception of Montenegro (2006) and Kosovo (2013) none of the countries from the eastern block are 'fairly new' to International Football
  4. Thats it confirmed now https://www.afc.co.uk/2021/04/01/allan-russell-joins-new-management-team/?fbclid=IwAR2vM7gcqE8EqA1oNXauakiHOTCCH__GHqZi3eTN6G9Rn1xdqEMR8nDnFhA
  5. I just find it amusing that no one bats an eyelid when the Croatians beat the Germans (well not since 1998) but when their fellow former Yugoslav republic neighbours North Macedonia (previously FYR Macedonia) do it suddenly its a shock
  6. Which one of those nations is fairly new?
  7. Visqueen is a company that makes various tanking, gas protection & damp proof membranes. Not sure if they will guarantee their product with the method you are proposing but best of luck with the project
  8. Finally get a goal? Much like Kris Boyd in a Scotland shirt
  9. If yer going with concrete put the DPM under the slab so it stops ground moisture at the first hurdle and protects what is the main structural layer. You can then fix battens/ posts etc into the slab without damaging it - DPMs should never be fixed with nails etc as these lead to tears effectively making it useless.
  10. Well given the questions were given to him in advance that wouldnt surprise me
  11. Think we need a bit more info. Is the shed bolted to the slabs or held down by its own weight? By slabs do you mean paving slabs similar to those used to make paths, and if so were these laid specifically as a based for the shed or were they there as a patio? Is the area around the shed flat, or are there any slopes falling towards it? My initial thought is to move or carefully dismantle the shed and put down a minimum 150mm thick concrete slab with suitable Damp proof membrane on 50mm sand and min 150mm sub-base/ well compacted hardcord. If you want to insulate it put minimum 50mm PIR rigid insulation (kingspan Thermafloor or similar) under the slab with a polyethene separation layer between them. This will help protect against frost Area of the slab should be slightly larger than the shed to give you room for error and ideally the fininshed slab level should be above the external ground level (say 50mm step). Found this video on Youtube and there seem to be a fair few others. As for insulating walls this can backfire if you are not careful particularly as its a metal structure. You could find the retrofit insulation increases the condensation build up leading to rust and corrosion. Theres lots of talk about the benfits of retrofitting buildings to improve energy effiency but not alot of this warns of the consequences of getting it wrong. Seen cases were people packed their lofts with extra insulation only to find their ceilings turning black because they hadn't put in tile vents to maintain the required cross flow ventilaiton. If the orginal building isn't designed to be insulated to modern levels, doing so can go spectacularly wrong. Personally I think if you are really serious about using this for a gym you might find it cheaper in the long run to buy a new shed which comes with insulation already built into the roof and wall panels.
  12. Given Denmark put 8 past the Moldovans, whilst a win against the faroes is a must, a 2-1, 3-1 etc wont do. Minimum 5-0
  13. Worse than than apparenlty Last win was a friendly against New Zealand in November 2019 Record since then is 10 games, 4 draws (5 if you include the 0-0 with slovakia when they lost on penalties), 6 defeats, Goals for 4 Goals against 9 Their last 'competitive' win was against Gibraltar in June 2019
  14. I reckon it being in the 'AFC' board might have had an impact. I was looking for it during the week and eventually had to do a proper 'search' to release it from its storage spot next to the Ark of the Covenant
  15. 18months since the last post on this thread (Thought it was in the 'football' section. Perhaps it should be) Following on from their little trip to Brora they lost at home to Queen of the South and fans had a little protest outside the stadium.
  16. Red tops claiming Russell has been given the all clear to work with the dons whilst keeping his englandshire role
  17. Did folk used to say Claude Makelele didnt do anything, but when he was injured or suspended his teams suffered?
  18. Brewster had a big impact and Id say he was pinnacle in the Dons fininshing 3rd that season. 9 games, 4 goals and set up the equaliser at Tynecastle all at the tender age of 41. As for McNamara......
  19. Perhaps sort out the recent lack of crosses
  20. From Golspie by any chance?
  21. Brora currently 1-0 up against Hearts
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