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Saturday 28th September 2024 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Dundee v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by tom_widdows

  1. Still reckon they will need that patch of grass next to codonas as well. I wouldnt be surprised if part of the thinking behind this is 'they could use the retail and leisure parks parking facilities that way the stadium wont need them' The 'beach masterplan' has been on the go so long I wonder if the trams are still in the pipeline. My honours year project was actually 'Aberdeen breach - improve it' but strangely enough not one of us hit upon the idea of sticking a football stadium on that site. Memory is sketchy but I think one of my friends put an 'indoor beach' there (similar to this one in japan)
  2. Does anyone have the gist of the article as its only seems to be for subscribers? Is the site in question the old doubletree hotel? If so its a non-starter unless they add in the skatepark, playpark, extreme sports building and the grazed area between the beach boulevard and Codonas.
  3. 2-2 and Brown sent off. Perhaps now the Tic are no longer running the show his 'immunity from prosecution' has finally been revoked?
  4. Much like predicting he would come good just before he hit is purple patch in the previous 2 seasons, I'm going to stick my neck out and say that if he does leave for a lower league english team he will absolutely thrive. Not sure if he will ever 'make it' in the premiership but he'll certainly be one of those players who scores barrel loads in the championship which will put him into that weird category of players the likes of West Brom etc sign for tens of millions for little return. And good luck to him if he does.
  5. Richard Leonard Offski Suppose its time for Anas Sarwar to finally get the gig and see if he can be just as useless
  6. At the risk of getting back on topic Game has been rescheduled for 30th January meaning Dons play Livi twice in the space of 4 days (Home game against them on 2nd February)
  7. Derby appear to have been in the financial shit for a while now so I am not surprised they are one of the first of the next batch of clubs to announce problems paying their players down south. Unlike Sheffield Wednesday they managed to get away with the stadium sales trick but failure to get promoted in the playoffs 2 seasons back suggests they were gambling alot on getting TV money.
  8. Kudos must go to 'powerleague' Townhead. Games were only cancelled when the pitches were completely buried by snow. Perhaps Livi and co should invest in a bright red, or blue pitch with all black penalty areas
  9. Presume Oxford will be updating the definition of the term 'all-weather'
  10. Is 'Brutalism' or the soviet 'cosmic' style back in fashion then?
  11. Article is here. Think it only covers Englandshire so remains to see how quick Scotland gets on with things. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/jan/11/downing-street-rules-out-24-hour-covid-vaccination-centres
  12. So it appears the UK government are now not looking to have 24hr tests because 'there isnt a demand' for appointments after 8pm Am I the only one who sees this as another example of 'blame the public' for government incompetence and dare i say it 'LIES about how many actual doses they have managed to get, or how many doctors/ nurses etc are still actually fit to work? I seriously doubt its 'lack of clamour' as if its tickets for a Lloyd webber show, its more along the lines of a 12pm sunday kick off at hampden for any team north of Motherwell ie they can't fucking well get to the vaccination centres. If they want to get 70% of the population vaccinated before next Christmas give the 8am - 8pm daytime appointments to the 70+ age groups who may have to rely on public transport or family members to drive them, and then open up the 8pm - 8am for everyone else. Its not fucking rocket science. Ill happily take a 3am appointment in Wick. Fairly sure my elderly parents will take a 4am appointment too
  13. The 1 goal shows the gulf in class between reasonably paid pros, and a 11 joiners, teachers, & bin men
  14. Would have been nice to tick 'new boghead' off my lower league grounds list (or at least pretend id have a chance of getting a ticket in the panic). I expect after lockdown it will be all home ties, or away days at premiership stadiums. Tic & Sevco in home ties against lower league opposition shock..... again
  15. Twitter just shut down his account permanantely......... or at least until he can re-register.
  16. Id say its more like 5 years if at all. Mother Nature playing a blinder with this one. Everyone was scared of ebola but a highly infectious virus that kills pretty much 99% of its victims in a matter of days is actually easier to control - When there is little you can do to treat/cure, you locate the source, put all victims into quarantine and effectively sacrifice them. When the virus has nowhere to go, the strain dies out. A slow burning sleeper cell which picks and chooses who and how badly to infect in a fairly random pattern is a real test of the human race to see if we can reasses our priorities and stop being such cunts to the all the other living things on the planet. ive no idea if I fall into any special category although this year is the first time ive ever been offered a standard flue jab so using the vaccine queue thing I supposedly might get it sometime in february but who knows. If true I can't honestly say I think I should be given priority over anyone else and sometimes wonder if its even worth getting given how shit the world is.
  17. Sums up the lacklutsre sabre rattling bullshit that is Trump. I'd day if these people were actually serious about 'taking their country back', they wouldnt have played up to the TV cameras, taken silly photos of themselves sitting in the speakers chair etc. Serious revolutionaries would have barricaded themselves in ready for an assault by the authorities, or trashed/ set fire to the building, or perhaps even both. Wonder what France would be like today if their revolutionaries had just stopped once they got inside the Bastille, Versaille etc Interesting tweet from Jemele Hill from 'The Atlantic'
  18. Not the ones stationed in DC The Virginian ones are being sent in on the orders of the Democratic Governor.
  19. Absolute clusterfuck this and potentialy a proper test of the constitution so many Americans cling onto. Supposeldy the DC cops have asked for the National Guard to assist but this request has been denied by Trump's stooge. Interested to see if the Delta Force end up being called in, or indeed if they actually 'can be' if the sitting president doesn't order it
  20. After reading they have put their heads above the parapets again, apparently uploaded some of their stuff onto streaming services and hinted at releasing previously unheard material I broke out my copy of 'the White Room' Now if its possible these guys could be the next gig I attend the lockdown really won't seem so bad.
  21. https://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/historian-highlights-eerie-parallels-between-reactions-to-cholera-and-covid19-outbreaks/
  22. Not an expert but id say putting undersoil heating under astroturf would either be pointless or a recipe for disaster. Astroturf should have a protective membrane underneath which would have little or no breathability. Undersoil heating is a 'wet' system which needs to be able to breath to prevent overheating which it can do through soil. Put that under a thick plastic sheet and you can probably guess what will happen.
  23. An astroturf pitch that freezes. Thought it was just my old school that had one of them
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