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Saturday 28th September 2024 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Dundee v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by tom_widdows

  1. OK according to a certain Glasgow based newspaper, because the seeding for the playoff draw is based on the highest ranked teams in each tie the Dons are technically 'seeded'. Potentialy opponents are supposedly as follows: ?? Standard Liege, ?? Steaua Bucharest, ?? Granada, ?? AC Milan, ?? AEK Athens, ?? LASK, ?? Rosenborg, ?? Apollon Limassol, ?? Rostov, ?? Reims, ?? Rijeka Hope its a home tie
  2. Just checked and Ill retract (for now) Ferguson had 42 games in europe for the Dons over 7.5 seasons (only 5 away wins but one was in Gothenburg) McInnes has had 32 in just over 7 seasons (7 away wins) However in Fergies time there were fewer games, fewer teams, and none of this seeding bollocks. First round you had the same chance of playing Bayern Munich or Real Madrid as you did an Icelandic team. 83 cup winners cup run was only 11 games. Had the Dons managed to with the 2018-19 europa league they would have had to play 21 games
  3. If so it falls into the same cateogory as Christian Dailly, Darren Fletcher & Kenny Miller having more scotland caps than Willie Miller, Denis Law and Joe Jordan Way more european games played now than in the 1980s
  4. tom_widdows


    Saw 'Bill & Ted Face The Music' this afternoon. Wish they had just left it with 'Bogus Journey' back in 1991 ??
  5. Appears Ojjo and Logan are coming on Wright and supposedly Considine being taken off
  6. Maribor will always be 'bottling it' to me. They were nothing special that season and were knocked out in the next round by a team from Azerbajin Yes there was the blow of the referee awarding a penalty rather than letting McGinn's goal stand but Rooney then misses and then the disasterous OG in the last minute to rub salt into the wound.
  7. Administrators apparently looking for bids between £2.1million and £3.3million for Wigan. Thats to buy the club, stadium, training ground, and remaining players contracts outright but no one is interested. Dave Whelan supposedly used to pay £800k a month just to keep them afloat when he was chairman!
  8. Macclesfield Town have just been wound up by the High court with a debt of about £500,000. This included £190,000 in Tax and £173,000 owed to a former manager. Thats two clubs from the Manchester area gone in 2 seasons. Would have been 3 if Bolton hadn't survived by the skin of their teeth and possibly might well be given Wigan are still in administration At the other end of Englandshire Southend United have had their winding up petition over a similar debt adjourned again this time until the 28th October
  9. After Life Highly recommend it to everyone and glad there is a 3rd season coming soon
  10. Interesting end to the PSG vs Marseille game tonight
  11. Supposedly there is a 3 year deal set up to start at the end of this season. As to whether this can be torn up should gerrard and co decide they made a mistake is another matter but Im presuming as he is on loan he isn't allowed to play against sevco this season?
  12. There seemed to be a few stories about different players not signing short term extensions down south but Fraser seems to be the one most if not all of the cross-hairs have been turned on I keep thinking of Jimmy Bullard Signed for Fulham for 2.5million and 1month into the season gets a severe knee injury which kept him out for 16months. Fulham supported him throughout (as you would expect) but he only managed about 40 games in 2.5 seasons and supposedly when fulham looked to get him top sign an extension he demanded a massive pay rise. Hull then signed him for about 5million and on his debut he re-injured the same knee and was out for 10months. 3 months after he came back he did his knee again and was out for another 3 months. His relationship with Hull fell apart and he was told he was free to leave eventually having his contract terminated for an incident in a training camp. My theory is after what happened with Bullard football clubs may have started putting in additional clauses into player contracts (maybe due to insurance firms raising premiums) which would limit the medical expenses they would shell out on new players with existing or a history of long term injurues. Perhaps all future treatment would be deducted from their wages which the players (and of course their agents) would not be happy with. Only a theory mind
  13. You do know that Coronavirus is the generic term for what this type of virus is? It is called Covid 19 because it first appeared in 2019. The following are also Coronaviruses: Common Cold Flu SARS Hepatitis C Ebola Rabies and of course two of the favourites of the Anti-vaccination lobby - Polio & Measles Do you believe those viruses exist? I'm interested to learn more about the theories and opinions you are posting here such as the apparent patent number for Covid-19. If you have seen this patent number can you share it with us including the description of what the patent is for. All the patents I've found which mention coronavirus relate to vaccinnes for the viruses listed above? Also can you elaborate on what you think the end-game for these lockdowns are and the suggestions of who are the people behind them. Also have you ever read any of Jon Ronson's books?
  14. Build 'temporary' hospitals with hundreds (even thousands of beds) but at no point atempt to recruit hundreds of extra qualified staff to actually run them instead asking people to come out of retirement/ volunteer and then take staff from existing hospitals so in effect you have actually hindered the health service from doing their job Then when the beds go unoccupied (massive factor being you can't just dump sick people in a hospital bed in modified aircraft hanger when there are no nurses, doctors, porters etc to care for them) you get your little right wing backbench fuckwits to start using their lack of use as an example of 'how the NHS wastes money' to further the campaign to get rid of it and fully privatise healthcare. Eventually The likes of the Express and Mail will eventually pile on and the next thing there is another referendum asking 'the people' if the horrible wasteful NHS full of workshy overpaid doctors and nurses should be kept, or replaced with the wonderful, streamlined and efficient PHS. The morons will be sold on the idea of only having to wait days for a vital operation or physio as opposed to months/ years, an extra £200 per year tax cut, and that it will 'take back control' from all those horrible wasteful nae selfish health trusts who claimed they were underfunded but infact just hoarded money rather than spending it on facilities and staff. 50.1% for the PHS which is a MASSIVE majority and THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE and there will be cheering in the streets with union flags and bunting..... Then the reality will set in and lots who voted for it will say 'I didnt think it was a real vote so I votes for the PHS as a protest', or 'I didn't know it meant I'd have to pay £50 just to get inside A&E (£100 in London)' whereas others will go into extreme denial and even get aggressive towards NHS voters. Tory wet dream
  15. In 1939 would you have been saying the same thing about this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergency_Powers_(Defence)_Act_1939#:~:text=The Emergency Powers (Defence) Act,to prosecute the war effectively.
  16. It should be up to individual business owners to choose to comply with the Health & safety at work act? Like Hillsborough 1989?
  17. Just to let you know In the UK Holocaust denial is not actually a crime. You are free to simply say outloud that you don't believe a mass racial clensing happened in Germany, Austria and parts of occupied Poland, Czech Republic and Ukraine. Some recent polls suggest that at least 5% of the UK population don't believe it happened and tragically and scarily that figure is only going to rise as the last of the survivors and WW2 soldiers die out. What you cannot do is picket synagogues, post videos/ blogs/ podcasts, or stand on the street handing out leaflets which insight racial hatred because that falls under existing UK laws regarding hate speech, racism, breach of the peace etc. Several months ago there was a preacher outside Buchanan galleries in Glasgow with a small PA system shouting various things about christianity (similar to the old man who used to stand outside M&S in Aberdeen at Weekends). It was all fairly generic stuff then suddenly he started going on about the 'evils of homosexuality' at which point passers by stopped ignoring him and things started to get rather heated. He was eventually escorted away by the police. He was free to think what he likes about homosexuality, but what he was not free to do was start shouting them through a PA in a busy shopping street thereby antagonising members of the public leading to potential civil unrest. This liverpool hairdresser you are refering to? Is this the one in which they declared they would not follow any of the social distancing protocols, staff would not wear masks etc. Not only that they openly boasted about it with posters and social media? The same one that the police 'visited' along with Environmental Health Officers the latter of which have the power to shut the business down, NOT for the owners beliefs, but for their failure to comply with government guidance, the health & safety at work act, and for endangering their customers?
  18. Why is it a stupid question? You have stated its is an offence to simply say something along the lines of 'I dont believe in covid 19' or Covid 19 is a myth. Your evidence so far for this is a man who has been arrested for breaching lockdown regulations on multiple occasions and has been imvolved in 2 large events which endangered the public one of which resulted in injury to police officers but it seems in your view had all those things happened with him staying silent the cops would have left him alone. I require a bit more evidence before i will accept your claim.
  19. Touch me I'm going to Scream Part 2 - My Morning Jacket
  20. Nice person has added me to their Netflix account so may now finally start watching all the 'must see' box sets Started with this one though Thankfully its like Futurama and not the Simpsons (someone really needs to put the latter out of its misery)
  21. Was that the ONLY reason he was lifted? Or was it perhaps that it was the 4th time he had been caught breaching lockdown regulations in as many months and he organised an illegal gathering/ protest in a city which may face a localised lockdown (like Bolton) putting local citizens in danger and in which 4 police officers were injured? Ill ask again, Can you please show me where it says in UK or Scottish law that simply stating 'I don't believe in Covid 19' is NOW actually an offence?
  22. In other news Englandshire re-adds Portugal back to the quarantine list a matter of days after parts of Greece This after the Grant Shapps had the brass neck to say Scotland & Wales 'jumped the gun' in doing it last week.
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