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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by tom_widdows

  1. I only got to hear the radio commentary but the impression I got was Ojo had an absolute mare and Liam Mcleod even suggested Hibs fans would be smiling at his performance. Mind you Liam McLeod's commentary seems to be getting worse by the season. The way he described the dons penalty award made it seem like he had seen something the referee hadn't and it would be something to bitch about if it ended 1-0. About 10seconds of discussion about whether or not it was a penalty before he finally confirmed it was given. Really miss David Begg
  2. Rutger Hauer - 75 Given the state of world politics perhaps this film of his is a warning of things to come (probably NSFW)
  3. I seriously doubt any club actually looks at the away allocaiton at Pittodrie and thinks 'hey they give our fans lots, lets give them a bigger allocation at our ground. Away fan allocation at stadiums is based on the following factors 1) Capacity of away end 2) Likely hood of security problems 3) Potential of a large away following impacting on 'home advantage' 4) Potential of 2 & 3 resulting in reduced ticket sales in the home end 5) Taking 2,3 & 4 into account how much profit can we make once we deduct the extra security costs, reduced home fans revenue, and potential stadium repairs and fines. The 900 tickets for theibrox cup replay was seen by some as the club 'chickening out' and 'bowing down to the old firm' however perhaps it should have been an opportunity for Dons fans to ask why the club would make that decision? There are some serious fuckwits in the Dons support and one of the most irritating is the drunken snobby ned who will happily declare the homes fans are all scum and live in slums (and actually believe it) at the same time as wiping the vomit from his chin while ignoring the small urine stain on his 'expensive' jeans and smashing his seat and others around it. Its pricks like this that put me off going to Dons away games and why more recently Ive taken to attending Ross County away matches. The difference in the attitude and behaviour of the two clubs supporters is quite staggering. As for sticking nets up between supporters, that for me is a sign the clubs have accepted their supporters are animals but will put a token gesture (sticking plaster over a crack in the dam) to show they are trying. Perhaps this new action will reduce the desire for many who choose seats next to the away fans to rush the segregation fence where the stewards and cops have to put up with the first wave of their bile and spittle. I don't blame the cops for not wanting the hassle. Cops are there to keep the peace and if several hundred drunken idiots descended on a public place outside of a sporting event its a different story but because its football then they are supposed to tolerate it?
  4. Edging ever closer to 'hobo with a shotgun' territory
  5. So Mr Ashley won in court and now everyones favourite zombie club are facing a bill of several million plus apparently an injunction stopping them selling their replica kits which leaves them open to legal action from hummel Hopefully worth a few months entertainment
  6. St Johnstone seemingly on their way out of the League cup after 2 games. Lost to County and Montrose so far and need to win their last 2 games and hope results go their way in other groups to try and get one of the 4 runners up spots. County effectively through to the last 16.
  7. Kilmarnock
  8. and bear in mind he jumped ship after about 1/4 season (supposedly the Dons actually got for £1.2mil for him!) and a chunk of that money was then wasted on the likes of Nigel Pepper. I would be very careful about basing the current financial model on whatever the hell the club were up to back in the days of Roy Aitken & Alex Miller.
  9. Interesting to see some of theScotland women's team are as thick/ petulant as their male counterparts. 3-0 up and cruising, Concede 2 and then rather than go for the throat and get the 2 goal lead that they need back they resort to timewasting and not even being clever about it. looks like the Argies will get a penalty now
  10. I cant help wondering if somewhere in the Gulf there are a bunch of CIA/ NSA etc etc blokes banging their heads against the wall for the yank governments comments. 'FFS why the fuck couldnt they keep their mouths shut before we had actually completed our mission! Nae Cunt's gonna swallow the Iran story now!'
  11. If that particular debate is to kick off again in both Europa league final squads there were a total of 11 UK players (10 english players and 1 welshman) out of a possible 45 (22%) of which 3 actually made it onto the park. In the current Dons first team squad we have 18 UK players (11 Scots, 4 Englishmen, 2 welshmen, 1 Northern Irishman) and 3 non-uk (2 Irishmen and 1 Czech). If for some bizarre reason Arsenal & chelsea decided to comment on the nationality make up of our squad I think we are pretty safe
  12. The opposite occured (as I see it) thanks to the wonderful attitude of the 1980s conservative government who rather than open up to the eu and world markets at the same time as backing the UK infrastructure to be competitive and aspire to be the best in the world, they turned their back on them in favour of imports. Some industries they just shut down completely whilst others they sold off into private hands which decades later found their way into the hands of companies from other countries - USA, India, France, China and so on. The red tories under blair continued this pattern as did condom head and maybot. A few weeks ago one of the tory lot suggested the way the UK will prosper from a no deal brexit and get lots of trade deals is to completely remove any tarriffs on imports stating 'the british deserved the best and cheapest products in the world'. His vision was the other nations would return the favour and remove all tarrifs on UK exports which would restart the UK as a manufacturing world power. The presenter asked how something can be both 'best' & 'cheapest which lead to the tory footsolider just repeating his statement about britain deserving the best and cheapedt- the tactic used by politicians when they haven't thought something through. The next question was how feasible would it be for UK based companies to compete if one of the major things in their favour (tarrifs/ taxes on foreign imports) was removed. Once again he responded with the best and cheapest line. When british steel went to the wall the other week some tories and brexiteers quickly turned this on the EU suggesting because of their state aid rules british steel could not be bailed out by the UK tax payer but it would be different in a no deal brexit. The world trade organisation has similar rules on state aid and no country in their right mind would sign a trade deal with the UK without similar rules, after all how can 'private' business compete against a business who are automatically favoured by your trading partner's government. When the aim of the government is to sell everything into private hands (the hands of their cronies) at the same time as ensuring said cronies pay little or nothing in taxes to fund the country's infrastructure/ society you find yourself in the modern UK. The government sells tax cuts for the lowest paid as 'rewards for hard working families' when in essense these familes only end up with about £200 a year extra in their pockets but find their local bus services reduced but the fares increased, their kids school has lost a teacher, their bin collections are monthly, child care allowance cut, the local hospital has closed a department and so on, but thats ok because now you can go out and spend that extra £200 to make the country great again. I would not have as big a problem with leaving the EU if the fuckwits who got us into this situation and proposed it say 15-20 years ago and had spent the best part of a decade planning how the UK could unravel itself from the various rules, regulations and laws relatively smoothley, and then put it the electorate. Instead we got the kids playground
  13. I don't think you can use the 1975 referendum as comparitive example to the 2016 one. This was before my time but as I understand it, in the 1970s the UK still had the following industries - Coal - Steel - Shipbuilding - Car manufacture and had just discovered that lovely blackstuff that is killing the planet (Pollution & wars). The internet only existed in science labs & military bases Air travel was still for the rich. If you had a business in the UK I suspect the majority of your work/ product sales were in a relatively local area. The idea of say an Aberdeen builder buying building materials from a supplier in Plymouth may have been considered madness. Saying you could buy it from outside the UK would may have seen you sectioned. Having only been involved in the common market for 3 years I don't imagine there had been a dramatic change in UK society so had the country voted to leave the impact would have been fairly minimal. Fast forward 40 years Air travel is cheap Smart technology and the internet potentially allows someone in Scotland to run a business in Tanzania without having to leave the country UK fishermen sell hugh proportion of their catch to the Spanish etc The only car industry is niche poser sports cars There are only about 3 shipyards left and they are fighting to stop being mothballed No coal industry Oil & gas is on the decline yet the UK not following the Norwegian model relies in imports from the continent to keep the nations heating on The farmers have been fucked over so much by power hungry supermarkets and politicians stabbing them in the back they ended up selling their land to developers so the UK imports a substantial amount of its food. Any farmers left more often than not rely on the subsidies and workforce they get from the EU The last remaining steelworks is owned by an Indian company and should they decide its not worth the hassle the UK building industry will be solely reliant in imports from the continet The NHS relies so much on foreign workers because by some miracle we have managed to keep it a secret that our health service is crumbling and the staff are underpaid and treated like shit. Our education system also now heavily relies on foreign teachers however word now seems to be spreading abroad that as with the health service you will get treated like shit and want to slit your wrists with the stress. The skills shortage list for the UK is scary. Everyone seems to be going to Uni but no one seems to have any skills In short our entire 'union' is intertwined with the EU and to suddenly just pull the plug on that the way they the tories are threatening is terrorism as far as I am concerned. But because little england got its feelings hurt when it marched up to the the EU gang and said ' give me special treatment or I'm taking my ball and going home' only to find the EU had better balls and a stadium to play in, the posh minted wankers started the whole imperialism agenda and took advantage of millions of people in their constituencies who most of the time they would rather didnt exist painting this picture that everything wrong with the UK was the EU's fault. Nothing to do with successive governments cutting taxes, selling off assets to their cronies or just burning whatever cash they have to keep the fire going. I'm getting fed up hearing the reteric ' we will take back control of our schools, health service, transport etc etc' but when asked 'what EU laws are actually stopping the UK from improving these things' they either change the subject, accuse the interviewer of being part of the 'elite', or even admit they havent researched any of the claims they just made. Some say many voted for brexit because they had nothing to lose ie their life is so shit it couldn't get any worse so they may as well vote for a 'change' I wonder how many of these people jumped on the Conservative bandwagon following the demise of the blairites and then blamed the Lib dems for how shit things suddenly got from them? If the think life is shit now wait until the toffs in power get their wish and rip up workers rights charters, health & safety policy and replace all benefits with tax credits but only if you have a knighthood or went to a private school I'll happily put up with brexiteers bitching and moaning should it be cancelled same as I put up with people bitching and moaning we no longer execute our citizens (watch that one come swinging back should a no deal brexit happen). Funny how EIRE was once supposedly the restrictive cousin to the UK (possibly down to the amount of control the churches had) and yet within the EU they seem to be turing into a freedom loving eutopia (except for the northern bit the brits stole).
  14. They certainly have
  15. Turnout in EU elections supposedly up from 4 years back Farage's horde 'winning' alot in the North of England. Scotland so far SNP up 10% on 4 years ago Farage & co currently on 15% of the vote Lib Dems up 5% Labour taking the bigger kicking so far down nearly 18%
  16. Suppose we should be thankful FC Luch Vladivostok don't play in the Russian Premier League at the moment https://goo.gl/maps/kE4JEgqsdQoMzk1H9
  17. At least all the Kazak teams are also seeded so no chance of treking to the far east (until the next round at least)
  18. Seems a lazy (dare I say desperate) appointment. Perhaps they are under orders to make it a more 'competitive' old firm league next season.
  19. Seems they will achieve the same as DMs team did with the only exception being they didnt pass up a guilt edge chance to make it 2-1. Berra seems to be playing the Jackie Macnamara role for Hearts in this pantomime
  20. Arsenal allegedly chasing Ryan Fraser for £30million with tottenham also keen If so that would supposedly see £6million making its way into the AFC coffers.
  21. And DantheDon takes it! 82 - DownSouthDon 81 80 79 - EdmontonDandy 78 - Tyrant 77 - OxfordDon 76 - Elgindon 75 - Lencarl 74 - Rico 73 - wee toon red 72 71 - Ten Caat 70 - Manc 69 - BigAl 68 - MBT 67 - DantheDon 66 - kennyfuckinpowers 65 - Jute 64 - TomW 63 62 61 - rocket -------- Previous Champions: 2009-10: Dave_min (41 points) 2010-11: BigAl (38 points) 2011-12: Snapper (41 points) 2012-13: Tyrant (48 points) 2013-14: 2014-15: Dandy (75 points) 2015-16: Dandy (retained due to no correct scorer) 2016-17: Rico (76 points - Flawless Victory. Nothing questionable about it at all) 2017-18: Tom (73 points) 2018-19: DantheDon (67points)
  22. Cerny Logan Shinnie © Considine McKenna Wilson Cosgrove Ferguson Ball McLennan Lowe Subs Craddock Gleeson Mackay-Steven May Devlin Campbell Ross
  23. Doesn't sound like the Lowland League are going to expand to make 18 teams although they do perhaps have the option of a quick post/ pre season tournament between Broxburn Athletic & Penicuik Athletic who missed out on promotion in the original playoffs
  24. All down to the final day 82 - DownSouthDon 81 80 79 - EdmontonDandy 78 - Tyrant 77 - OxfordDon 76 - Elgindon 75 - Lencarl 74 - Rico 73 - wee toon red 72 71 - Ten Caat 70 - Manc 69 - BigAl 68 - MBT 67 - DantheDon 66 - kennyfuckinpowers 65 - Jute 64 - TomW 63 62 61 - rocket -------- Previous Champions: 2009-10: Dave_min (41 points) 2010-11: BigAl (38 points) 2011-12: Snapper (41 points) 2012-13: Tyrant (48 points) 2013-14: 2014-15: Dandy (75 points) 2015-16: Dandy (retained due to no correct scorer) 2016-17: Rico (76 points - Flawless Victory. Nothing questionable about it at all) 2017-18: Tom (73 points)
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