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Saturday 28th September 2024 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Dundee v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by tom_widdows

  1. I don't understand using Motherwell as an example of good recruitment. The Don's have finished 2nd for the last 4 seasons whereas Motherwell since they 'stole' 2nd place 5 seasons ago have only made the top 6 once and escaped relegation via the playoffs. The fact they reached both cup finals least season seems to have people thinking they were something special and forgetting they finished 7th. They have also had 6 Managers in those 5 seasons too. Chris Cadden and Louis Moult are the only 2 I can think off the top of my head that seemed to be attracting real interest but they still played in a team that in recent years has been bottom 6.
  2. 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 - Rico 73 72 - Tom_W 71 70 - Manc 69 - BigAl 68 - MBT 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30
  3. His positioning was a bit criminal at times but give him a chance and I'm sure he will get that Killer touch back
  4. Disappointing to concede but at least this rules out the 'park the bus for 90mins' tactic in the second leg Just hope its a repeat of last seasons trip to serbia and not the previous seasons trip to Slovenia
  5. The question of them being 'good' or not is irrelevant if the other SPL teams (especially the Dons) continue their inferiority complexes and set up their teams to simply defend and hope for a break against them. SEVCO have had relatively poor teams since they were set up and yet just because they carry the name 'rangers' the other teams & managers seem to panic.
  6. Arabs knocked out of the League cup. Now Thompson Jr has sold his shares I get the impression they really are in the shit
  7. tom_widdows


    Hotel Artemis Enjoyable and also short (only 94mins). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4ExcW_ia0Q
  8. I'm not sure what the atmosphere in the Sunday Central League is but I have just 'retired' from playing 5s at Powerleague Townhead (after 10.5 years) because I am no longer prepared to put up with bullshit that seems to come with playing the game competitively now. I know 5s is completely different to 11s but after a relatively calm few years (thanks to some rule changes that got rid of alot of thugs) they bad old days came back with a vengeance and the attitude of both the opposition and the officials ruined it for me. I didnt mind the occasional 'handbags', late challenges or (as the keeper) someone 'accidentally' sliding into the box to try and intimidate me but recently it went back to 'punches, headbutts, spitting ie the stuff that gets you charged with assault on the street, for which the referees and centre management did nothing. On top of that it was turning up only to discover your opposition couldn't be bothered to show their faces so you ended up playing about 5 competitive games out of a possible 12 and lost the league because another team were given more 10-0 victories than you (10-0 awarded if the opposition doesnt show up). The price of games went up but the service went down We used to tap into the influx of highland and western isles students every year but recently if we did get anyone they quit after a couple of matches where they ended up with black eyes, or hepatitis. I'm sorry to hear your 11s team has gone and I reckon my old 5s team will soon follow (not because I was the greatest keeper but because I was one of only 3 who would turn up every week). I think I read that kids theses days spend an average of 7 hours a week outside (including weekends) so I suspect as the current crop of 'sporty' people get older, the number of sports clubs will shrink dramatically
  9. Because the majority of people in this small country will declare their allegiance to one of the Glasgow two. Its the same principal as to why the mainstream UK media is angled towards England - 55million englaish vs 8million scots, taffs & Nirn-sish. The media talks/ writes about what their 'majority' audience are interested in so they can sell their papers/ get their viewers/ website hits. Its the same logic as to why the Evening Express sports reporter has a bizarre fetish for Aberdeen Football club or the Edinburgh Evening news hacks seems strangely keen on Neil & Avril's showbiz elevens
  10. Arabs on the brink of being knocked out of the League cup They now have to hope Arbroath & Alloa fail to pick up any points in their last games.
  11. Seems people are lining up to touch whatever nerve Gary Neville has over this Rooney Transfer First it was Accrington Stanleys owner/ chairmen etc and now its the Motherwell Manager. Twitter - the online school playground of modern society
  12. As I recall he was put his foot wrong on a few occasions but had luck on his side. He had a tendency to parry shots into dangerous positions instead of away for a corner or at least away from the goal with enough pace to allow time to regroup. That type of mistake gave away the killer away goal to Kairat Almaty. But he was young and making those mistakes is what you need to do to get better and I reckon Schemichel Jr will be looking over his shoulder with a bit of concern. A potential win win situation for leicester, Denmark & Wales.
  13. I can barely name the squad these days but as far as I recall Rooney was not the lynch pin of last seasons 2nd place finish and every week someone seemed to be having a go at McLean yet now he is away panic has set in almost as if we didnt know that was going to happen. Frankly Im amazed its taken this long for Rooney to find himself another club given he seemed to spend most of last seaoson on the bench and being brought on when there was either nothing left to play for, or having no time whatsoever. His 11 goals came in 8 games - St Johnstone (4), Partick (2), Ross County (2), Kilmarnock (1), St mirren (1) & Dundee United (1). Squads change, players leave (whether the club wants them to or not) but the dons plough on. Given my reputation it may seem strange to see me say this but get a grip some of ya. Rather than panicking about the players who have left, why not concentrate on supporting the players who have arrived, or perhaps even the players we already have? McInnes has hinted that the cash from Rooney may allow for 2 more players so lets see what he can do
  14. Hibs appear to be trying to set a record for a 2 legged euro tie Currently 6-4 in Toftir (12-5 on aggregate)
  15. That is the tactic that brought about the Bosman ruling. If Rooney was unhappy and wanted to leave then even with several years on a contract he was going to go. Agents, and if necessary lawyers will find a way out of any contract Now if someone can find evidence of Rooney being 'pushed out' against his wishes then I will jump on the bandwagon of club bashing. This is hardly the Dodds/ Winters betrayal. Stevie May to find form and 21 (YES TWENTY FUCKING ONE) year old Cosgrove to show what he can do when he is finally given a real chance. Down South Rooney to start enjoing his football again Aberdeen fans to continue in their quest to be the most negative in the country if not europe.
  16. Odds of that possibly cut today given he is effectively 4th choice at Anfield now....unless Karius is punted
  17. tom_widdows

    World Cup

    Well Ian Wright really justified his ITV Salary there. When in doubt, make fun of the 'foreigner's' accent.....
  18. tom_widdows

    World Cup

    For me it was over the moment Rashford was brought on. He just didn't look interested at all. Stat on ITV says 7 croatian shots to 1 English. Says it all really (presuming that is open play shots). Edit: Well this will make tomorrow's commute more entertaining. I have to assume the attention will now switch to 'England will win 2022'
  19. tom_widdows

    World Cup

    The £340 profit could be seen as compensation for your disappointment If you can addord to lose £20 then surely there is no requirement to cheer them on if you don't want to?
  20. tom_widdows

    World Cup

    What if they are playing Belgium? Surely yon Dutchies are concerned at the prospect of their 'smaller' neighbours doing what Cruyff & co couldn't? Potential rock & hardplace scenario for yourself
  21. The same Cadden who those in englandshire are allegedly bidding £500k for against Motherwells £1mill valuation?
  22. tom_widdows

    World Cup

    Have to say I am enjoying Belgium taking the Brazillians apart. Personally cannot stand the brazillian national team and especially don't like that they were classed as actual favourites for this tournament. Plenty of comments about how England haven't played anyone decent yet wheras it seems the brazillians have escaped that treatment They will now of course come back and win 3-2........
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