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Saturday 28th September 2024 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Dundee v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by tom_widdows

  1. Strikers: May 5 Rooney 11 Storey 1 Midfielders: Christie 8 Mackay-Steven 8 McGinn 2 Mclean 10 Ross 1 Stewart 3 Shinnie 4 Wright 1 Defenders: Arnason 2 Considine 3 Logan 2 McKenna 2 O'Connor 1 Reynolds 1 Own Goals: 1
  2. 84 - MBT 83 - Nellie The Don 82 - EdmontonDandy 81 - rocket 80 - Ten Caat 79 - Big Al 78 - Rico 77 76 - Wee Toon Red 75 74 - Tyrant 73 72 - Elgindon 71 - manc 70 69 - Jute 68 - Tom Widdows 67 66 - Wi_09 65 Major cull fo the optimists there. ---------------------------------------------------------- Previous Champions: 2009-10: Dave_min (41 points) 2010-11: BigAl (38 points) 2011-12: Snapper (41 points) 2012-13: Tyrant (48 points) 2013-14: 2014-15: Dandy (75 points) 2015-16: Dandy (retained due to no correct scorer) 2016-17: Rico (76 points - Flawless Victory. Nothing questionable about it at all)
  3. And so what if they are? As I found myself repeating on numerous occasions, the whole thing is still a 'design'. You get planning permission for a project and then when you actually go into the really detailed design you discover issues and you rectify them. The controlled parking zone is a nightmare as whilst Aberdeen City council have put it as a condition (I think) they dont have any jurisdiction over that area and it is totally reliant on another local authority allowing it. As soon as Aberdeen-shire Council were given a stake in the actual construciton the alarms bells should have been ringing. If the Club can find an alternative solution which is an acceptable, perhaps even an improvement then Aberdeen Council are perfectly within their rights to accept it. If not the club suck it up and pay for it as agreed. Here's a thought though. Couple of weeks back it was revealed it was techincally cheaper to park illegally in the centre of Edinburgh as the cost of a parking ticket (with early payment discount) was less than actually feeding the parking meters on a weekday. If the Westhill CPZ gets Aberdeen-shires standard penalty charges a parking ticket can be as little as £20.00 if you pay it quick enough. Carload of fans each chip in and it works out £4-5 a head to parking close to the new ground and avoiding the shuttle buses. Putting wheel clamps on illegally parked cars in residential streets is counter productive and if the street is mobbed it isnt easy getting the trucks out to take the cars away. Aberdeen-shire council coins it in every second saturday for the price of a couple of wardens and residents realise the planning rules about car-parking at public buildings are ridiculous (restricting parking spaces as an 'incentive' for the public to not use their cars never has and never will work).
  4. Section 75 agreement is also known as 'Planning Obligations'. Basically the club has signed a legal document saying they will comply with the planning conditions and/or make contributions to improve the local area around the development. Still leaves the building warrant side of things to be resolved.
  5. The building warrant needs to be approved before they can start actually building anything. Far as I know that applicaiton hasn't been submitted yet and given the complexity I would presume it will be a staged warrant. EG Stage 1 Groundworks & services etc Stage 2 Superstructure/ shell Stage 3 Fit out Before all that they need to clear all the planning conditions and of course start negotiations with Aberdeen-shire council about the improved pedestrian access etc. I'll go out on a limb and say there isn't a chance in hell any stadium works will begin until Summer 2019 at the earliest.
  6. Unfortunately there is nothing 'usual' about the development so its difficult to say when they will get round to issuing the actual decision and/or documents. Planning departments throughout scotland are stretched to the limit and even the simplest house extensions are being delayed by weeks even months so I'm not surprised nearly 2months down the line it is only at the 'verbal' approval stage. A much less controversial development I worked on took 18months to get planning permission of which the final 6months saw my colleagues and I regularly writing to the Planning officers asking 'where is that planning permission you promised us? Just glad its not in a conservation area and doesn't involve any listed buildings
  7. Yon tic win the next 6 league titles they will overtake the tribute acts world record and beat the 9 in a row malarky. Then yon tribute acts 5 stars on their badge will look even more pathetic than it already is.
  8. tom_widdows


    Went to see 'Ghost Stories' last night Seen a few people slagging it off but I enjoyed it. I've been put off horror films in the last decade or so since the yanks saturated the genre with same monotonous shite emphasising gore and stupidity but this one played to what I consider to be good horror Build atmosphere, imply the horror rather than just shoving a CGI monster onto the screen, keep you guessing, and also make it at least seem as if the situation could happen to you. As it was split into segments with different aspects it didn't get boring. The 2nd 'story' in particular stuck out for me Martin Freeman has been pissing me off with his Vodafone adverts but he was back on form in this one.
  9. Jesus the Dons players need to look at this motherwell team. They just plain simple fucking get on with it. I'm thinking of the difference say between Northern Ireland's National team and Scotland's. Some of the players picked for the Northern Irish are complete unknowns or even ridiculed but when they get together they form an effective team. Scotland over the last 20+ years on the other hand have been filled with individuals or little cliques who believe their own hype.
  10. Jesus fucking christ Lewis & Mckenna!!! We have 3 upfront (supposedly) and yet there is no urgency, or movenment. Its get to the edge of the box, stop, look up, wait, randomly cross it in and wait for motherwell to clear.
  11. and it begins.... Fucking ittirates me seeing players stop to claim for a foul etc rather than just getting on with it and waiting for the whistle!
  12. BBC saying its a 4-3-3 formation May, Rooney & Stewart all upfront
  13. Whoever Trump's speech writer either has significant 'tongue & cheek' or ignorance.
  14. I'm looking forward to Hibs taking points of the Tic next weekend setting up the OF match to be the title decider the authorities supposeldy all wanted to avoid
  15. I'm going out on a limb and predicting a bizarre absolute hammering for Motherwell akin to the St Johnstone league cup Semi-Final 4 years back. So bizarre a result the fans won't know what to do with themselves afterwards and supporters buses and pubs will be packed with dons fans all slightly zombified quietly sipping their pints/ carry outs. Bar staff and bus drivers will be on edge wondering what the fuck is going on. Or it will be 1-0 motherwell
  16. Red bulls dream of having two teams in the semi finals fails despite RB Salzburg coming back from 1-0 down to Lazio to win 4-1 (3 goals in 4minutes) Europa Semi linal up Arsenal RB Salzburg Marseille (remember the old AFC chat days that was edited by the swear filter?) Athletico Madrid
  17. Given they have to play each other next Sunday I find it bizarre the press etc are still making out as if the police would ever have accepted having two OF matches in 7 days. I'd like to think Rodgers is planning some devilment and will play his under 12s in the games leading up to whenever cockwomble and co decide to have their drinking session and then unleash a nicely rested full first team on murty & co. picking up the 3 points they need and then going on holiday
  18. This lot? http://www.thecentristparty.com/
  19. The traditional tynecastle affair I see Get on top for 10mins, lose a goal and relax........
  20. Supposedly being shared by the Russians https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhVaSWYcdyQ
  21. Back on topic Yon tribute act will definetly end up with 3 home games against two of the top 6 as they have hosted the other 5 teams twice over the main season. I'm going down the bookies to see what the odds on are one of those games being against the tic. To balance the dons season their fixtures should be Hearts - hme Killie - away Hibs - hme Tic- away Sevco - hme But it will probably end up Hearts - away Killie - hme Hibs - away Tic - hme Sevco - away
  22. Motorway over the Peak District? The A623 can be a bit of a race track but classing it as a motorway?
  23. That implies the rest of the world give a fuck about the UK For me the UK is a bit like the Head Boy/Girl at an old fashioned fucked up boarding school. Whilst the rest of the world was stuck in that fucked up class/ privelage/ nepotistic society that was the colonial days they bowed down, sucked up and generally did what they had to do to get by until the nightmare was over and the real world could begin. Now everyone has grown up, mostly escaped the clutches of the fascist education state and is wondering why the fuck they ever put up with the cunt in with the little badge and basically chooses to ignore little old england until forced to interact with them. The older I get the more it saddens me to find out the people in control of the world are not even qualified to run a car-boot sale and yet they have sicofantic support from their party members. There was some tory twat defending Johnsons comments almost making him out to be hawking, Ghandi, Martin Luther King & Jesus H Christ and the sick part was I think he actually believed every word he said. The foreign seceratary who essentialy condemnded a British citizen to rot in an Iranian jail, and could very well set up the real 'war to end all wars' all because his mouth isnt attached to his brain.
  24. Aberdeen City Council can do the same by taking their time with the building warrant application (Which is still to be submitted)
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