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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by tom_widdows

  1. Do you consider that to be a reliable source of anything? In the early days AFC chat a rumour started that the Dons were going to sign Gabriel Batistuta thanks to an Oil Company (or 2) bankrolling his wages. I believe the boy who started that one actually got charged with some early internet crime. Evidence would be say a letter or email from a council official. You could also even consider a story in the P&J Someone posting on facebook or AFC Chat is the modern day equivalent of 'My mate heard from a guy in the pub that....'
  2. As I see it Levein actually did the Dons a favour by taking off Goncalves and sticking on Lafferty. Goncalves always looked dangerous and was prepared to shoot. Lafferty once again failed to provide me with any evidence for the previous transfer fees some have paid for him. Not sure about hearts organisation of the away end. I don't remember seeing a single steward in the stand and a fair few folk were just stood in the aisle in front of me. Wonder if that was a factor in the number of arguments/ fights Bobby witnessed?
  3. It is one Application. The answer will either be: a) APPROVAL - No chance of this as certain consultants require conditions to be imposed b) CONDITIONAL APPROVAL c) NO there is also secret answer (d) which is the same fate that Bellfield suffered (Anyone remember Bellfield? That was apparently going to create a regional centre for sporting excellence with a football stadium, Olympic size swimming pool, community facilities etc about 1.7miles closer to the city centre than Kingsford?). Called in by the Scottish executive, dumped in a pile and forgotten about. My cynical view of this outcome is 'its no unless you grease a couple of palms'
  4. Depends on the media spin but I think the Planners have already made up their minds and a decision will be issued by October 1st.
  5. The Glasgow Reds seemingly getting the 1045 from Queen street then heading to the Roseburn Not sure the tram will be a good idea given it drops off on the south side of Murrayfield
  6. Shooting them is a bit harsh so I can see why they could get pissed off
  7. Scotland has some of the strictest Planning & Building regulations in Europe if not the world. Last time I checked (and based on my last visit) the Polish are not even in the top 20. I would be looking to Germans if you want to use continental european stadium examples As I have said in the previous posts building standards approval is a piece of cake compared to Planning approval as the former has set standards which you either comply with or you don't. Planning is objective and as is being nicely highlighted by the Kingsford campaign it is minefield open to abuse. So in your vision the existing away section concourse is maintained? Fair enough If you then flatten the hill and build the pitch at RDS concourse level you would require a massive retaining wall to ensure the concourse and the tower blocks do not collapse. You would then either be faced with the nightmare of fitting Toilets, First Aid Facilities, Snack bars etc underground or build them all at the top of the stand, the latter would significantly reduce the space for seating. There is also the problem of emergency vehicle access being required all around the entire stadium. That high level concourse will somehow need to drop 10m at one end as the regulations will not allow a 'dead end' for emergency vehicles in a brand new stadium. On the flip side if you lowered the whole thing to the RDS concourse level there is the issue of connecting with Golf Road. This new stadium is now turning into serious Engineering which leaves Kingsford's budget in the dust. Its not within the boundary of the Pittodrie site and anyone wanting to demolish it would need to negotiate with the owner. The 3d images from the 'Planning permission in principle' may show flats being built there but that is merely an indication of what 'could' be built. The final residential development could look nothing like the 3d wireframe images as the whole site requires 'detailed' planning consent & building warrant part if which requires the consent of all owner's for the development to proceed. A residential property developer can adapt their scheme to avoid that house if the owner wont sell. Your stadium relies on it being flattened. Not having such a car park in the first place is one thing. Suddenly removing it with no alternative solution is another. If the club couldn't provide alternative facilities to make up for losing this area the Cops, Council, HSE could issue a revised safety certificate reducing the capacity of Pittodrie or worst case scenario actually refuse to grant one. As previously mentioned the flats scheme is an indicative proposal and does not have detailed planning consent or building warrant approval. There is no guarantee the Golf Road hill can or will be flattened in any development. It is also much easier to build on a site when one of your priorities is ensuring you don't undermine the structural integrity of a football stadium I'm telling you now, just the preparation works for your vision will be more than 10million How does that solve the parking requirements? Do you mean the reason against a 'redeveloped' pittodrie? There is a big difference between trying to redevelop within the existing footprint and just flattening the place and starting again, and money would be top of the list in the case against the latter.
  8. 2009 Polish Planning & building regulations versus 2017 Scottish Planning & Building Regulations? What angle of slope to you have in mind? Also can I ask why in your quest to show pittodrie can be redeveloped do you continue to post pictures of stadiums which are constructed in clear sites well away from any residential development? Pedantry here but that's the East Stand. A Stand which holds almost 13500 people and has a footprint almost double that of the RDS. Yes the club could 'stick whatever is required' in that but why use a structure twice the size of the RDS as an example? May I ask what stadium's roof you have used as I have my doubts what you have shown would add up to more than 10000 capacity? I think alot of assumptions are being made with your sketches 1) The person who owns the house at the back of the RDS will happily sell up 2) The Planners, Police etc will allow the removal of the South West Car Park whilst Pittodrie is still being used 3) It is possible to half build a stadium which will most likely require a huge raft foundation due to the high sandy soil content, the first part of which will be into a hill the summit of which is approx 10m above the RDS concourse. 4) Its possible to build the other half in the space of a couple of months. Hearts new stand will eventually (if there are no more delays) take the best part of 7 months to construct and they don't have the problem of digging out a hillside and ensuring a Main Road doesn't cave in. 5) If by some miracle this was pulled off that the Planners would actually allow a massive car-park to be built on the old Pittodrie site. The existing road infrastructure is barely suitable for the existing car-parks. Its a whole new ball game the moment you increase the size and push all the parking into one location. I would not be surprised if the cost of your vision was the same if not more than Kingsford with the difference being the club wouldn't have any money from selling Pittodrie, or any training facilities. you mean the one that sits in public parkland and was built in the 1980s?
  9. Ireland on the back foot now and basically no chance of automatic qualification. Also looks like they will have to beat the Welsh in Cardiff to make the playoffs Welsh & Irish group is currently missing out on a playoff spot anyway
  10. Back on topic. A few more consultant responses have been uploaded and it would appear transport Scotland & the Flooding & Coastal protection department have now given conditional approval. transport conditions are as follows:
  11. Get Manc to do it.
  12. I would disagree. The back pedaling break system IMO is up there with stopping your car using just the handbrake. If you are confident experienced cyclist the only thing that should send you over the handle bars is hitting something, or some joker jamming a stick through the front wheels which then spins, hits the frame and causes the 'kick' that puts you in the air. if you have to apply the front brake in an emergency you do it the same way ABS does on your car - on/off/on/off. You either stop or at least have the control to swerve which means you either avoid a collision or reduce its impact. If yer really good yer left hand is also activating the rear brake which takes away some of the impact of the front. I narrowly avoided hitting someone who decided to step into the cycle lane on waterloo street while looking at his phone using the front & rear brakes on my bike. The other reason I didn't hit him was about 10m before the incident I clocked his body language and guessed he was looking to cross but was only interested in avoiding oncoming traffic rather than checking behind him (road is one way, cycle lane is 2 way). Hazard perception was part of my cycling proficiency test in Primary school, my driving test when I was 17 and my fairly recent CBT. This guy appears to think he is a great cyclist but as I see it his use of the illegal track bike on a public road shows he was more interested in the speed aspect and was primarily interested in himself. A cycling boy racer if you will. The whole 'oh its all about being in control' just doesn't wash with me. My experiences of rear wheel braking is restricted to a couple of BMX rides and I never ever felt in control. You want to drive/ ride any vehicle on a public road it is your responsibility to ensure it is Legal (not for race tracks only) and also road worthy. If the cops do you for illegal tyres on your car your defence of 'I didn't realise they were illegal' is dismissed straight away as it is your responsibility to keep your vehicle in a road worthy legal condition. I personally hope this incident starts the ball rolling on how cycling is policed/ regulated as successive governments are really pushing for people to reduce their car use and get on a push-bike but there is little to no education on the dangers and your responsibilities for doing so. Cycling Infrastructure takes time to install but any muppet can head down to Evans or halfords and buy a bike and be causing chaos and/or accidents on the city streets or shared concourses before the credit card payment has cleared.
  13. Said cyclist was also riding an illegal track bike (no front brake and only backwards pedaling to slow down) and showed no remorse seemingly taking to social media to berate the victim. I believe he still has not changed his attitude since her death or his conviction. Hazard perception is key to riding or driving in any situation, and ignornance of the law is not and hopefully never will be a defence. I wonder if the gentleman in question would have a different attitude had he killed a small child?
  14. Smoking closely followed by vaping. The latter is perhaps soon to overtake the former in the irritation stakes because it is claimed (it still hasn't been proved) to be healthier than smoking and for that reason some people (morons) who have never touched a cigarette are now taking it up because 'its safe'. At least one saving grace for the vaper is they aren't chucking their fag ends out of car windows or onto the pavement. I am considering carrying a can of lynx around with me which I can spray in the faces of vapers who choose to exhale their 'perfume' all over passers by. Lack of self awareness. Some examples: Those who get onto crowded trains/ planes etc still wearing their massive ruck-sacks and proceed to bash already seated passengers in the head as they waddle down the aisle and/or suddenly turn around to talk to their mate. Those who unload their shopping trolleys in the doorway of the supermarket because it would be too much hassle to move an extra couple of metres. Those who block off side streets when there is a queue of traffic at the lights. Often these are the same people who sit in the middle of box junctions. Cyclists who ignore traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, over take on the inside of stationary or slow moving traffic, cycle on busy pavements, don't use lights, hi vis clothing or hand signals. On the opposite side, drivers who tailgate and then overtake cyclists so closely they could clip your handlebars with their wing mirrors. The apparent removal of indicators from cars, vans, motorbikes, and buses. Those who will walk their dogs in parkland or in the hills, put their dogshit in plastic bags, and then leave it on the ground or hanging from trees. What the fuck is their logic for this? Broken Glass. I am hoping one day glass bottles will be phased out and no longer will public parks or pavements be plagued by the shards from a broken Buckfast bottle
  15. And every single one of them has now been knocked out Dons U20 knocked out by Caley Thistle 4-2
  16. I believe the removal of the bottom team results is only used to determine the 2nd place teams that go into the playoffs. All goals scored in the actual group stages count towards your final position. At the moment Group E is apparently missing out on the Playoffs
  17. I fear the 'Alex Smith Syndrome' is still alive and well. Depending on the scorelines 2 Scotland wins along with 2 Slovakia defeats could mean going into the last game in Ljubljana with the chance a draw would be enough. (2-0 England, 5-0 Scotland, 2-0 Scotland = Scotland +9 vs Slovakia +2 goal difference.
  18. In my experience arguments against projects based on peoples opinions of those who will start frequenting the area are rarely taken into account as it cannot reasonably be determined. Group of 'bams' can suddenly turn up anywhere at anytime but provided they do not break any laws they are entitled to be there as much as the local vicar/ WI group. I recall seeing an application to use a house as a Nursery/ Creche in which one of the objections was 'it will attract Paedophiles to the area' Objecting based on the 'number' of people who will suddenly show up is another matter hence why the club has to show the development and local road infrastructure can handle up to 20000 people showing up for 3-4 hours on a weekend afternoon, or a weekday night.
  19. I believe the existing plant is next to the Merkland which is why I have indicated it there. Could be wrong though All are Mid way up the stand on the central concourse. Ever since Uni I have tried to design accessible spaces either to the back or the middle of any tiered seating arrangement. Its hard enough to spend your life in a wheelchair let alone having your view blocked by a steward or an enlarged advertisement hoarding, and risking a football in the face. Unfortunately its often much easier & cheaper just to stick them down the front.
  20. I would like to clarify a few things about the sketch - I have no experience designing sports stadia. I have worked on public assembly buildings (Conference centres, wedding/ funeral venues among others), but stadiums are a specialist design category hence why the usual suspects end up designing them - Arup, Barr, Miller Partnership to name a few - 12670 is closer to 12500 which I believe was the clubs original figure. - The sketch footprint is based on a scanned OS Map used by AFC for a planning application to install temporary ticket portakabins outside the RDS which I downloaded from the ACC planning portal. It was then scanned into Autocad, scaled as closed as possible to 1:1 using visible scale bar and then traced. OS Maps are good but they are not 100% accurate and are certainly not a substitute for a proper measured survey. The original map could be out by a couple of metres and tracing over pixelated lines may have made it even less accurate. In short this sketch should not be used to accuse the club of 'lying to the fans'. The club may have appointed far more qualified people than me to look at this and were give advice without the need for any drawings. I have advised people not to proceed with building projects which would not achieve what they desired without needing to produce any drawings. Some ignored me & succeeded, but others ignored me and got their fingers burnt and their bank accounts emptied. As far as I am aware stadiums require at least 2 emergency vehicular access/ egress points. There is an existing access road/ path in that corner and I felt this would be the logical place to install it. Filling in the corner would also require structural alterations to the RDS to remove the a chunk of the windshield, perhaps even the structural lattice frame and would also result in one of my pet hates - modern stands which do not tie in with their existing neighbours- Stamford bridge, Valley Parade, The Valley, Tannadice all spring to mind. The stands I have shown are like Tyncastle compared to the shallower RDL Gradients. IMO The expense of messing around with the RDS offset against the number of seats you would gain and the final appearance does not add up. Take the two blocks you have shown and add the one immediately next to it. Those are semi detached houses = 6. The bon accord golf club house could possibly be retained but the current road access would may need to be changed. Pittodrie Street is a wide Collector/ Distributer Road (may even be classed as an arterial road) and re-routing it means you have to ensure it is no worse than existing. The new stretch would also need to comply with all the modern road regulations - sight lines, corner radiuses, drainage routes, pavement widths, pedestrian crossings. Re-routing it a few metres as you said would be pointless as in doing so you would remove the clubs argument that they could still use it as an emergency muster point. If you are going to the expense of moving a road and want a decent size main stand the whole road needs to be re-routed well clear of the existing main stand. I'd say the only way to re-route the road is as per the sketch below. This would allow for decent sized main stand plus external concourse. To prevent a hairpin bend at Merkland Lane you would need space to provide the required corner hence the loss of at least 6 houses. If the new route then turned again to reconnect with the existing Golf road junction (ie wrapping around a new main stand) it would cut a chunk off the stand (Fir Park, Rugby Park spring to mind). The other problem with this re-routing malarky is the loss of stadium car parking. I doubt the council would allow that even if the capacity was reduced. You can't park cars on a pedestrian concourse on match days The height issue comes down to the following. - Is there actually enough space within the site boundary to build as high as the RDS - Unfortunately not - Those flats being in the South West Corner mean they have been designed to get a certain level of sunlight to the windows and Garden areas based on the surrounding area - When you extend or building anything nearby the local planning regulations kick in. Increasing the depth and/or height of the existing south stand will affect the current sunlight path of those wonderful giant blocks of flats which now cover more than half the south stand (wasnt aware they had extended right up to the away support concourse). To give you some context I had to reduce the size of a small single storey rear extension to a house (4m x 6m )because it failed the 45degree sunlight path test in relation to the neighbours garden. The extension was less than 3.5m high. The South stand would need to pass both the 25degree & 45degree tests (http://www.firstinarchitecture.co.uk/designing-for-daylight-45-and-25-degree-test/). I estimate the existing one is about 18m high and I seriously doubt it would pass any of the tests if the height and or depth was increased. Building in a built up urban environment is a very different beast from a large empty field. The lack of space around Pittodrie is the ball&chain that will hold it back as you have to fit modern regulations into a constrained environment. Kingsford is a blank canvas so at the moment pretty much anything design wise is possible. There seems a belief that greenbelt land is some sort of mythical protected beast that can never be touched however it is often easier to form a case for building in such areas than it is for causing significant disruption in a predominantly urban residential area. Kingsford has less chance of utilities being accidentally cut off, roads being closed, property being damaged, residents being disturbed by the charming individuals that make up a large portion of your average building site staff. Perhaps ACC see the Kingsford move as a way of removing a potential troublesome element of society away from the city centre. (I am often ashamed to be associated with some of the people who frequent football stadiums these days.) I wish I could say the planning process is straight forward but it isn't. It is often slow, confusing & tedious and at its worst you could say is blatantly corrupt.
  21. According to Sportsound last saturday of that £750K hibs would only see about £500k as the rest would be heading to St Mirren.
  22. Dugdale gone http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-41082916
  23. This sketch is very rough but it is my own work and has not been sanctioned by Aberdeen Football Club. It has been created using publicly available documents/ images and is for discussion only. Capacity - Approx 12,670 + whatever corporate boxes could be fitted in the Main. The pitch is the current maximum size permitted by UEFA (future proofing for when they decide to play silly buggers again) with a 3m wide grass run off and 5m wide track. The Stand gradients are the the steepest currently permitted (Tynecastle style) with the current minimum aisle (1200mm) and row (750mm) widths. I may have gone over the top with the number of disabled seats and vomitories but I have also made the assumption it would be possible to build a retaining wall strong enough to hold back the SS car park and not screw up the Flats behind so as to provide both an emergency vehicle path and a high level concourse under the stand for fans, plus that the council would continue to allow Merkland Lane/ Pittodrie street to be used as emergency dispersal areas (as they currently are) Stand heights are based on the existing stand heights (obtained by counting bricks). There may perhaps be scope to add a couple more rows to the merkland given it backs onto a car-park but it would only add about 400 seats max. Main stand would be a smaller version of Boca Junior's Admin block/ stand. For those who continue to suggest re-routing Pittodrie street, I happened to be running around the stadium last Sunday and by my estimates to do this would require the club to purchase at least 6 houses and both the Bon Accord & Caledonian Golf Club Houses. Compulsory purchase orders are very hard/ expensive to get and even harder when you are messing around with public roads. Could end up waiting 5 years just to get permission and then face the appeals process all the while putting money on the lawyers pockets. The club would perhaps have to emulate what Hearts are doing with the neighbouring Nursery, and build new club houses for the Golfers into a new stand/ admin block. Anyway I'm away to stock up on canned food, shotguns & tin hats, and dig myself a fall out shelter.
  24. In or Oot: In, a day out for me Pre: Train most likely Faraboots: Whatever I'm given Post: David Sedaris @ the Usher Hall Prediction: 0-0 (Because I'm going) Crowd: 28,322 Would love it if the largest crowd of the weekend was Hearts Vs Aberdeen
  25. U20s team through to the 2nd round after beating st Johnstone U20s Sevco, Tic, Dundee, Hibs, Killie all knocked out already.
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