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Saturday 21st September 2024 - kick-off 5.30pm

🏆 Scottish League Cup: Aberdeen v The Spartans


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Everything posted by tom_widdows

  1. Dean Jones - 84 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_jgxxNsqyg
  2. van Dijk offski http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/34115519 Also David De Gea's move to Real Madrid Collapses http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/34108093
  3. 2478 According to AFC Heritage That old stand must have had its safety certificate updated.
  4. Yon Tic off to Amsterdam, Istanbul and Molde
  5. Just spoke to the ticket office and apparently there will be cash gates tomorrow Seems sections of the Jackie Husband Stand (closest to the open end) have also been allocated.
  6. Have a look at the current planning and building regulations for new sports stadiums & stands.
  7. Slightly on topic Just seen the plans Partick submitted to redevelop the open end of Firhill. 350 seater stand with flats, officers and retail https://publicaccess.glasgow.gov.uk/online-applications/files/8A6D92FA32A4656BDE707C194B4E36EE/pdf/14_02744_DC-ELEVATIONS_AS_PROPOSED-3150545.pdf Actually larger than the previous scheme they had rejected by the council back in 2011
  8. No idea if I can go. Would have been a last minute rush out of the Office had there been a cash gate. However 1825 tickets available - 1758 apparently sold. The pull of the big red machine is strong these days.
  9. Less than 70 tickets left according to the site. Well that's me out then
  10. I would like to go given its the closest fixture to me however work appears to be blocking the path. Anyone happen to know if there will be cash turnstiles on the day or have Partick also adopted this 'all tickets must be purchased in advance' bullshit?
  11. I reckon Tommy wright's lot can take them.
  12. You make the assumption that Hibs and the SRU would let Hearts move in and not hit them with a hefty bill for the privilege. Personally what I find incredibly frustrating is AFC fans that have seen their team go debt free for the first time since fuck knows and build a team that is the envy of most clubs in Scotland now stating that we should admire a team that 3 years ago was one decision away from liquidation I recall similar stuff being touted by AFC fans when mad Vlad was bragging about a 50million pound main stand & hotel complex. Many sports teams have 'planned' to build new stands or new stadiums in 2-3 years'. Plans and reality are rarely kind to each other. The ever fickle football fan
  13. Morton away preferably on a Tuesday night. That way I might actually have a chance of going to a game
  14. 13000 for one season (or even part) is not a hassle. Temporary Changing rooms, physio rooms and office accommodation are also readily available. The delay with football stands is making them safe for x number of thousand fans. the office and changing room areas can be completed fairly quickly with the actual seating and fan facilities following on later. I reckon it would be a lot cheaper than renting Murrayfield Hibs stayed at Easter Road when they re-built the main stand. However that is hearts and re-buiilding the main stand at pittodrie is in a a different league to the one at Tynecastle.
  15. Do you have a link to the update on their expansion? I would be interested to see if they can be as innovative with the new stand as they were with the interlinked concourses for the 3 others. Hearts also wouldn't need to move away as they would still have a capacity of nearly 13000 without the main stand. Now they have apparently purchased or been gifted most of the surrounding buildings they have a better chance that they ever did with old Vlad at the helm and their only stumbling block as I see it is the nursery next to the Roseburn. Vlads old dream of a 10000 main seater stand on the other hand..... no chance.
  16. Apparently tic fans are turning on Delia. I've heard the arguments for why every scottish football fan should want celtic to win in europe but personally I think those who tout that are missing the bigger picture. The worst one i heard was how grateful the other clubs should be as they would get £250k out of it. Wow £250k to strengthen as opposed to 10-20million in celtics pocket. Too long have the Scottish football powers that be put all their eggs in the old firm basket whilst ignoring the other teams. Few years ago I recall tic and blue meanie games being postponed so give them a better chance of winning in europe only for them to bottle it on each occasion. The excuses of 'lack of competition' flouted without even the slightest hint of irony. The backing isn't even to win the fucking thing, its to 'get to the knock out stages'. If you're a 'big team' and you are not in the tournament to win it then you may as well not bother. The Germans ripped up their plans and started again after euro 2000. The Belgians did the same when they failed to qualify for German 2006. I don't recall Scottish football ever re-writing its philosophy and Scotland haven't qualified for a tournament since 1998 or even got past the 1st round of those they made it to. A fair balance of finances would be a start. See if the Tic can still dominate when the only extra cash they get is due to their own supporters buying tickets & merchandise, and from attracting large sponsors. Heavily enforced rules regarding how much of your income you can spend on wages A proper requirement for clubs to play their own developed players week in week out. Not like that stupid u21 rule which saw clubs name 3 bench-warmers, one that says you have X number of years to get at least 6 home grown players into your starting 11. Every club to have proper training facilities (indoor and outdoor). Then again none of that would probably help as too many cannot see past a 2 horse race.
  17. slightly interesting scores in the league cup Dunfermline 3-1 Dundee East Fife 1-1 Motherwell (Extra Time) Partick 0-1 Falkirk Raith 2-1 Hamilton Forfar 1-1 Hearts (Extra Time)
  18. Colin Fry In tribute I feel we should turn to Phoenix nights
  19. I can send you a scanned 'tracing paper over photo' sketch from a few months ago. The actual formal CAD sketch has been lying dormant due to excess office and private work. Free hand perspectives on CAD are a kazak sugarcube!)
  20. Given Celtic's keeper is allowed to rugby tackle arab players in the box I'm not holding out much hope. However ambrose has made it more interesting
  21. BBC claiming he is swedish too. Gotta love journalist accuracy
  22. Manc would I be right in thinking that the residential and stadium access routes are pedestrian only? If that is the case the breakout zones should be taken care off. The old adage of 'things are a bit different in London' could possibly be argued.
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