This constant talk of league restructuring frustrates me. (And anyone who would want to invest in our league in all likelihood).
Anyway, why does it take financial meltdown in the league for the blazers to realise that our football is in a terrible state. The constant pandering to the ugly sisters over the years has brought this league to its knees. In order to survive THEY need a competitive league. We are now faced with a sport so predictable no one wants to spend money to watch it.
The infirm behave like parasites, soaking up any good from the rest of the league, whether its players, tv revenue or influence, and now there is nothing left they still want to jump host to the epl or wherever. (Mark my words, if this talk about restructuring has surfaced, i expect more paper talk about rantic's enthusiasm for an atlantic league again).
We need to learn from the likes of the Bundesliga, very, very quickly other wise in ten years time there may be nothing left of this competition. The governing bodies have been told and warned many, many times now from a variety of sources what needs to be done. The blazers now have to earn thier wage, grow a pair and change this sport from top to bottom for the benefit of the future.