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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by capitalsharpie

  1. Interesting point GS. Its then all back to speculation. Thier business model wont be worth shit if they fail to get into Europe. CL europe at that. We may be re opening this thread in 2 or 3 years.
  2. Is there not coinciding legislation for this also. Look. Its not people who have a drink now and then and have the occasional blow out at christmas. It is the people who drink on a DAILY basis. These are the people who rely on exactly the cheap crap that this legislation is targeting. These are the peopke who end up with regular hospital admissions for acute alcohol related problems and longer term health and social problems that costs us all
  3. I think the comparison to smoking can be made here, 60 years ago everybody thought smoking was not just fine, but actively encouraged as a healthy, sociably acceptable activity. http://wellmedicated.com/lists/40-gorgeous-vintage-tobacco-advertisements/ So, whats changed in the time these adverts were kicking about? research and education, along with the tax on tobacco going through the roof. Not banning the activity per se. Was there much public opposition to the smoking ban in public places? Actually for once, I thought there was a reasonablly decent discussion prior to the legislation being implimented.Peoples perceptions have changed massively over the years with regard to smoking and the affects, both primary and secondary. And that is the point about the culture of drinking. Ok, it wont happen overnight, but to Scotland, the health affects to the general population are as harmful as smoking, therefore the Government is forced to try and do something about it. If it is a tax, then it is a properly progressive tax as those who abuse the substance most (and arguably end up reaping the benefits of out NHS and other services) actually end up paying the most. Read this carefully. This brings, cheap, high strength alcohol in line with the rest. In the main, the people with alcohol problems I encounter dont nip out to Tesco and stock up with good quality bottles of single malts or the finest Russian vodka. No, they drink the 2 Litre, £2 bottles of shitty cider or the £7 bottles of vodka. If you are going out on A Saturday night and having the occasional sociable skinful, or buying a cheeky nice malt for a wee treat at home, the chances are you wont notice a price difference.
  4. Is this not just business as usual from the glasgow media? Continuing to suck up and brown nose to the new encumbments in order to continue the supply of succulent lamb to fill the sports sections? If satan himself had formed a consortium with hitler, pol pot, mussolini, sadam husein and Vlad the impailer, the daily record would run the headline "powerful group to save rangers." They have learned nothing. Ashamed of nothing offended by everything.
  5. So sitting back and watching alcoholicss bleed our NHS and society dry is the forward? There HAS to be a sledgehammer in the short term. Every day in our hospitals, someone dies because they have drank themselved to death. Education is the key, but unfortunately that takes time.
  6. Make no mistake. The problem is not binge drinking per se. It is the folk with grinding large daily alcohol intakes that this is trying to affect. This country has a MASSIVE problem with long term alcohol abuse. I know. I see and deal with the consequences on a daily basis. It costs Scotland itself £3.5 billion a year. We can't afford to ignore this and say "well we've always done this". I actually see it as negligent for a Government to not try and do something about it.
  7. its a sad indictment of how the fans are viewedd really isnt it? People take the time to contact the club about issues affecting them and they are ignored. Yet the club still demands us to turn up ij vast numbers and stump up the best part of 30 quid every home game. They honestly have no idea why attendances continue to drop? Really?
  8. Chick young and ither members if the pro hun weegia cabal will have collective fits of apoplexy over the sumation of events. No longer can they scream "the big boy did it and ran away"! It is SO refreshing to seeproper analytical investigative journalism on this issue.
  9. Just re read the sfa statement. I am mistaken. Its all a bit if a mess isnt it?
  10. So. Let me get this right. As im kinda loosing track of the punishments and stuff that wots happenning. In order for the huns financial position to improve, they are going to have to get rid of the big wage earners in thw current squad. Right? They have had an embargo put on them a while ago where the cannot sign players over 18. Right? And now they have this new punishment where they cannot sign anybody, including under 18's? Right.
  11. If I was a supporter of a lower league team I may see it as an insult to have that league used as some kind of punishment naughty corner dumping ground for big boys who can't behave
  12. spiers can fuck off Another hun apologist.
  13. So, despite the mocking that alex thomzin got by chick young and tom english, he was, in fact correct, The american has been flushed oot,
  14. Its all about making thier lives easier for a buyer. I still dont think a definitive buyer is yet to be released to the general public, without the pressure of sanctions etc, I suppose it would be easier to haggle with buyers.
  15. Sealand wouldnt want them
  16. Yes, bur could it be the spl board are waiting for thedust to settle with the huns so they know the full pictur, repercussions and total amount of sanction availabl etc so they can make thier decisions without media pressure. For example. The huns liquidate, form new hun co. And the board can then say "you are a newco despite what everyone says, the precedent in other leagues is you have to re apply. Here is the paper work, Now fuck off"
  17. Goody. Therecwas a danger the fun of the huns going bust was being taken away.
  18. There was a comprehensive poll stating fans of other clubs intentions if the were given sn easy ride. The sfa rubbished those findings! The only thing that will get through to these odious, cheating morally corrupt bunch of dicks to understand is empty stadia the length and breadth of the country.
  19. If this is the case then i bid fairwell to Scottish football. Fuck you SFA, you will not get one penny more out of me.
  20. This is the thing tho isnt it? what if the hun got relegated through normal league competition? Would sky throw the toys out the pram an rip up the contract? Dont think so, you cannot have a tv company dictate who moves up and down the league and affect natural competition values.
  21. You managed to watch that in its entirety? I used to see the argument that its the greatest feeling as a football supporter to beat the hun. I am now firmly of the view that I want this club to die. I want it disgraced. I want to see titles stripped. I want those hun "fans" from Elgin, Stirling, Skye, inverness, Hawick or whichever rock they choose to live under to one day wake up when they are eventually liquidated to ask themselves "what have I done to deserve this"?. We will respond- you are rangers, we hate you and everything you stand for there is no olace for you in a civilised society in 2012.
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