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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by capitalsharpie

  1. I think this should have been done a while ago. This would give us a bit more time to adjust without them being there possibly? The question now arises, who will take them after this recent run of poor performances?
  2. And is that not exactly the same situation as Riordan at timothy?
  3. As we have been turfed out of the cup and have just managed to squeak into the top six, some questions have to be asked. Firstly, what does getting into the top six actully mean now? Personally I think it will mean nothing as I just dont think we will gather any more points. Every team above us has outplayed us and scored quite highly against us. If we think this is going to happen and our team are already in a state of transition, with us now knowing at least ten players are on thier way out, do we use the remaining fixtures to blood some younger players to see what they are made of? Surely a response from our glorious board if directors is needed. And a positive one at that. IF they dont want Pittodrie to be deserted for the rest of the season and season ticket sales to flounder for next season, surely some positive sounding noises about support for the management team and the finance they SAID that would be given to the tango man in the close season actually happens. Surely silence is NOT an option from them. The players. Who is worth keeping, who are dead wood? There are some obvious names Bus, duff, 'Namara etc. etc who should be shown the door, but what about the likes of Mair or Severin? It seems that making him capatain was the worst thing that happened to him. Lastly, Calderwood himself, We know that to sack him would waste a lot of cash to compensate him, so that wont happen, but surely, if he squanders the said cash and repoduces more poor perormances into next season, surely his position wold become unsustainable? Would he walk away, muttering as he left about Aberdeen fans overly high expectations and no suppoert from the board. It seems that things are in a bit of a mess just now and it needs some clear, definite forward thinking management on all levels, fom the top of the club to bottom in order to sort it out. Thoughts?
  4. Its not even what we want, its who we NEED.A subtle difference lost on the higher echelons of AFC.
  5. I think Pittodrie will be a very different place after this. Firstly, I think the place will be half empty at best, and secondly, those that do go will give the team very short shrift indeed. I just dont think any more poor performances will or shoukld be tolerated
  6. furryboots? what time?
  7. I really am thinking long and hard about a season ticket for next season. I was all for it even last week, but the overall contempt that has beed directed towards us I just dont think I will bother. Mind you, it could be worse (believe it or not) I was speaking to a jambo on the train home and he paid £240 quid for his season ticket to watch bottom six drivel. He wont be renewing for next season. I think I will wait and see what happens in the close season. I reckon 4 points from the remaining fixtures. Tops. And thats being overoptimistic I feel.
  8. But how will you know about when the witch hunt beggins?
  9. Thus result wil NEVER go away. The weegie rags will delight in reminding us about this for weeks. Every time a cup competition rears its head in the future this result will be dragged out to highlight the "romance" of the cup for wee teams. It will be an embarassment that just wont go away. Well done jimmy. Well done boys.
  10. Totally agree with this sentiment. Nothing encoiurages me about next season. If Calderwod's signings in the summer are gonna be of the standard of Bus, Duff and Namara then we are going backwards.
  11. That bunch looked as if they thought they could just turn up to win.
  12. Yes we scored a few times (twice by a defender in al of that) but we shouldnt have to score FIVE GOALS against ANYBODY to win a game. no matter who they are. You DONT win ANYTHING conceding the goals we have this season. Judging by Namara's reaction after being subbed, I think he will be offski regardless. Prick
  13. Surely this should have been a season where we used these players to build on the relative success of last season? To lose all these players plus nicholson an miller in the summer is just not acceptable.
  14. We headed back to Edinburgh as soon as we possibly could and had sobered up to a brutal extent by the time we got home. On the way home we came up with these conclusions. Jimmy's tactics were virtually non existent. Nobody in the defence knew what they were doing and where they should be. Namara was dreadful and we actually stopped conceding when he left the pitch. He should be the first out the door, he clearly doesnt give a damn about AFC if he is travelling fom Edinburgh every day. There in NOBODY in that team that is worth keeping. Except Diamond. He is the only one that has shown comitment to the club. Despite him being a tim. I dont want to hear anything from the tango man unless its an apology for fucking the whole thing up. He can blame the players all he wants, but ultimately its up to him to get the players up for games like these and its only him that picks the squad. Every single problem with our bunch of players was exposed today. Weve been riding our luck up until now. It just completely fell apart today. Hat off to QoS though, Like microcuts sed, they had a gameplan, stuck to it and were more organised a the back. All the best to them in the final. I have never seen auch a poor performance since the dark releation days of alex "the prick" miller. I was neither a Jimmy GTF person or a jimmy lover before today, my knee jerk reaction ater the game was that the best thing that could have happened was for him to resign immediately.
  15. No change there then???!!
  16. Wow, thats a STUNNING group of fixtures which will attract hearts crowds of which never has been seen before. Full houses all round I reckon. NOT!!
  17. Its all that radiation seeping from JC's skin making him feel all light headed.
  18. Yet again its all about creating a sense of stability in the back line. Chopping and changing keepers every game is bad news. It has to be Soapy. If our defence is poor, keepers no matter who they are will always be forced into mistakes.
  19. Breaking Hearts mair like!!!
  20. Hell, it looks as if they are screwed either way. They want rid of twinkle toes and the debt is all thiers. He stays and the debt grows to that of a small African nation, whilst they cling on to mid table mediocrity and the odd cup run, with attendances heading on a downward spiral. Unbelievable. Totally hilarious
  21. Jesus, do they not realise that if they piss romanov off too much he may fuk right off, taking his financial support with him meaning the jambos are TOTALLY screwed?? They are one step away from complete finacial oblivion? They NEED as many season ticket holders as possible, or else they become completely fincially unviable.
  22. Ah, god forbid they have tp do anything else with thier lives once the grand old age of 35 sets in...
  23. Bwahahahahaha!! 6 NIL!!!! Hope we will have a "relentless red machine going forward" on Saturday!!!
  24. What else do plyers want out of a career then?
  25. What would the end of 10 men be like without the vice like grip around your neck, squeezing your last breath out of you? Happy Madrid memories indeed.
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