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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by capitalsharpie

  1. Sorry, am I missing something here, (I am still at work as I type so I may well have) If his contract EXPIRES IN THE SUMMER and he is keen, why arnt we waiting until the summer to get him for nowt??
  2. this rant pretty much sums it up. terrible journalism though!!
  3. Maybe with Lovell losing a bit of favour, mackie will get a little extra boost to go all out and improve his goal scoring record. his tally really should be better.
  4. Thing is though, that if caldo recognises that certain players were woeful, why doesnt he stick them on the bench for a couple of games to give them a bit of a think nd create a bit of motivation?!
  5. its the phrase "versatile" I reckon brngs the air of inevitabilty. jimmy's perfect player.
  6. Can you imagine what Bayern could do to us without a manager and four or five of our first team players missing? I reckon it wold be a rugby score. 17-0 ar something....
  7. what time is the press conference?
  8. so am just to quietly accept the crass manner in which this whole sitution has been dealt with, shrug my shoulders and say, well, ther is always next season?
  9. Absolutly, but, his hands are tied by milne who also holds purse strings!
  10. Hold on.Ive jut invisaged a dream scenario about this press conference.... It is to announce that stewart milne would like to apologise to the club, its fans and its players for the complete ineptitiude in the way the club has been run and financed since he took on the role as chairman. He now realises that it was in fact too big for him to handle and that to ensure a better return to the big stage for the club he has decided to put his hand into his on fucking pocket to sort this bloody mess out, whilst garanteeing that a youth academy and state of the art complex will be built free of charge by milne costruction as way of recompense. Once things have been put right he will be standing down as chaiman, selling his shares and fucking off completely. I wait with baited breath.
  11. Fair enough, but like new years resoloutions, yoh have to break them own into manageable chunks and put a time frame on them to make them chievable, so: !)Sort out players contracts by 1st Jan. OOOPPPPS!!! six months too late. Give them an extension and they will see the errors of thier ways. FAILED Pish poor management from the higher levels in the club, who are answerable to no one and blame the fans when the heat is on for "not being behind the team enough"
  12. probably, knowing the complete arse the whole thing has been
  13. "Showing ambition" doesnt just mean going into the transfer market and spending 60 million on the first players with a hefty price tag to try and wow supporters (al la old firm and premiership) but ambition WITHIN the club ie sorting out ontracts in a professional and responible way, sorting out your youth system, having quality training grounds for example.
  14. Which goes back to the board of directors expectations and what they must do to sort it out. The can either keep caldo and the players that have taken us to where we are, whether you like clado or his tactics disnae matter, or you can go all the way back to square one, new manager, host of new players, which arguably must cost more in the long run, instabilty, dropping crowd number and back to where we were ten yeas ago.
  15. So what then is the point in having leagues and cups then? If no one is interested professionally in glory/success then surely to benefit the player we shoulg get rid of all competitions nd just have a continual round robin of teams that go no whhre so as not to put the players out too much. Surely the point of being a professional athalete is to get to the highest point of success during your career and the finanial benefits follow that?? Not the other way around?
  16. Perhaps an interesting point to make is that most Spl clubs debts are signed off to the current bank sposoring the SPL, meaning rhat they give them a preferential rate of interest on thier debts and an interest free spell during the close season when they make nothing. BUT not hearts has they have signed thier debts over to the lithuanian crooks bank and get shafted on interest all year long. :rofl2:
  17. Personally, im not quite sure what they guy has to do. Hes improved (and stabalised) our league position, taken us through to the last 32 of europe, which lets face it, NOONE thought we could given us a cup run etc etc. Surely he has the right over all the donkeys we have had (which the same board employed remember) to ask for more resources and a bit more support from the club through properly organised contracts and contract negotiations. The fans will support him when doing well, and likewise get on his back when doing poorly, as is the will of every football fan up and own the country.
  18. But its the point that THESE CONTRACTS WERE NOT STAGGERED!!!! never mind the length of contract, its almost immaterial if it means that you dont lose half your squad in one go!A good point was made, why were these players not spoken to yonks ago?! :hammer:
  19. My frustration on the whole situation cannot be expressed coherently. (no change there then)?! This smacks of amateurism I reckon caldo is trying tio figure out if he has to rebuild his squad from scratch, and probably in a worse situation than when he first came to Aberdeen.If so he will leave. If this was any other company about to loose its most valuable assests there would be sackings and "mutual agreements" at a senior level, but cos its a football club, these numbskulls get away with it time and time again!!! AAAAAARRRRRGGGHHH!!!!
  20. Have to admit for a wee while it was really hillarious, then it was sad, now its back being hillarious again!!!!
  21. Unsure what folk are griping about. 4th in league, shafted with injuries, but still grindng out points (celtic did that many, many gameas last season and plenty bbc wankpots were willing to verbally ejaculate over thier wonderfullness), still in Europe and both cups. Fighting each game against pish weather. This is the season to grind out results pure and simple as that. Fuck the doubters, no one rally remembers a pish or an even outstanding perforamnce in a league game come the end of the season. Me? Im always behind the team!!!!
  22. Also remember that the attendance of both of the ugly sisters is skewed in that they have half of ireland emptying each week to bulk up there support. I actuall wonder if you were to stop THESE biggots going if their attendance would drop to AROUND ours and hearts??? I realise that weegieland is a vastly larger city, but i reckin thier attendance would drop to around 20-25k?
  23. Christmas=always good for books!! Espesh books that you wouldnt necesaraly choose yourself. Currently reading Imperial Life in the Emerald City by Rajiv Chandreaskaran. Its about the charmed life that the service industry lead supplying Iraq whilst the country goes to shit. Its a fascinating insight into the ignorance of america. Its not that heavy a read, unlike some anti war material.
  24. "...but I have no doubt we wlll go through"
  25. Arrogance will be your undoing!
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