I think it's becoming increasingly clear (see Clyde's latest statement) that some/all of the SPL clubs are involved in the plan to put newco into SFL1.
The silence from the SPL clubs is deafening.
Is anyone regretting buying a season ticket?
Very good read, very well researched! Some interesting stuff about when Mourinho was interviewed for the Barca job (before Guardiola) and also when the Huns were trying to get Messi on loan! Neither of which I'd heard before.
Latest Tomo blog has his responses from SFA, UEFA and FIFA:
Looks like the swear filter on the BBC website has gone for a Burton:
Terry has admitted repeating the words he thought he heard Ferdinand say. Who repeats racist language towards somebody of a different ethnic group if they are not intending to be racist!?
Yeah you can just see that happening!
I believe Paul Lawrie and Martin Laird are also there for the opening.
Some good stuff in here, but interesting that Longmuir gets his unequivocal backing.
I'm confused (it doesn't take much).
13 clubs have seemingly declared that they want to vote for newco to be in Division 3, but there is no such option at Friday's vote? They are being asked to vote them into Division 3 but giving the SFL board the option to put them into Division 1 in the same question? So I don't quite understand what may or may not happen. Would they just vote a complete "no" to this question and hence bar them from the SFL completely?
I think they'll end up in either Division 1 or the SPL. Somebody is keeping the SPL door open, otherwise why haven't Dundee or Dunfermline been offered the Club 12 space!?
Latest Tomo blog: http://blogs.channel4.com/alex-thomsons-view/hampden-vote-friday-13th/2221
Suggesting there might be / should be a protest at Hampden on Friday!?
Great stuff GS, with four key questions I wouldn't mind seeing the answer to - hopefully you'll get some sort of response.
Tomo seems to be chasing UEFA/FIFA. Surely by their standards even they can no longer sit back and watch this corrupt farce play out?
Here's a very good letter that somebody on RTC sent to both organisations:
Completely agree, it was the longest 20 minutes of my life. Utter torture.
Well played Murray but Federer was different class after the rain delay. Very difficult scenes at the end with Murray in tears! He strangely may have gained a lot of fans after that.
Feeling sorry for him already, he's under enormous pressure.
Great Braveheart picture on the front of today's Sunday Post, can't see it online anywhere though.
Fuck it, Murray in 4 sets!!!