It goes without saying but I wouldn't recommend Jason Manford. I got dragged along last night to help out a friend who had a spare ticket. As expected he was very mainstream and not particularly funny IMHO. Fair play to him though, he was on stage for nearly 3 hours! Puts Frankie Boyle's 1 hour set to shame!
Watched Unthinkable tonight.
Some straight-to-DVD thriller that I got from Love Film. I actually thought it was pretty good albeit it a little far fetched. It's about interrogation of a terrorist (Michael Sheen - who is brilliant in it).
He was extremely innovative but it seems to have cost a few lives!
The footage at the end of the doc showing Roger Williamson was terrifying and infuriating. Unbelievable scenes!
Grand Prix: The Killer Years
Fascinating and very sad. Quite a bit about Jim Clark.
Strangely enough, I don't remember much about Ralph Milne.
Interesting that McNeill seems to regret leaving us!
Anyway, that was great. Some wonderful memories and some nice interviews. I never tire of seeing our second goal against Bayern!