That was the dullest and shortest AGM I've been to.
Not a great deal to report:
Quite a big turn out, much bigger than last year I didn't see anyone voting against the re-election of Willie Miller, or any of the other directors who were up for re-election Chris Gavin was challenged to prove what his achievements have been since joining the board. His response included something about youth development Pawlett signed a 4.5 year contract this afternoon There will be another three promotions to try and attract some more fans later this season. Duncan Fraser pointed out that they can't dotoo many of these promotions as they would be viewed negatively by season ticket holders There is money available in January and next summer if the right player(s) are found by McGhee (who was also in attendance) Funding for the new stadium will be "new money" and it will be a challenge raising the funding (same story as last year's AGM) They hope to have a museum in the new stadium There will be training facilities at the new stadium Some sort of fans forum is being set up to discuss and make sure the fans have an input on the stadium move (but Loirston is definitely the site) Milne was walking with a limp Coffee, tea and cakes were served afterwards. I never stayed. All in all, it was pretty dull compared to last year's fireworks.