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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by tlg1903

  1. tlg1903


    Its not pedantic at all, hero takes two bullets then all of a sudden he is fine and in a bar and how this has happened is not even addressed, lazy film making in my eyes. The cyanide thing was big motivation, he kept going on about how his insides had been burnt out (yet he seemed pretty healthy and mobile i might add). I just found the whole villain back story pretty unimpressive and incredibly self serving. I think it has only been done to get rid of Dench and return bond to its roots
  2. I think utd fans should be more pissed off at this to be honest, he's not playing for fucking hertz anymore and to glorify his achievements for a rival club is pretty disrespectful to his employers. I would like to think CB and AK would have told him where to go if it had been us
  3. Even more important to get 3 at county then!
  4. This Big game on saturday, hibs got beaten at county and its going to be a very hard place to take 3 points from. If we do though its going to be some game against the fucking tims the week after!
  5. tlg1903


    Ok spoiler alert, don't read if you haven't seen Skyfall. I think you guys must have seen a different movie from me i really do I thought it was nothing more then an average bond film and a personally a big disappointment. Had some nice moments, action scenes etc, but overall the plot was really weak imo. I had been hoping they would follow on from the Quantum of Solace and Casino Royale plot line of trying to bring down the global criminal network that is quantum............. i.e actual espionage work in a spy film. Instead we are given an antagonist with a pretty unconvincing and poorly explained grudge against the head of mi6. Oooooooo my cyanide didn't work (a hard premise to buy into in the first place i might add) so that must be the bosses fault. There were so many things wrong with that not only as a bond film but just as a film, First red flag was that it was assumed that bond was dead when he was shot off the train by moneypenny, there is no danger a. that his body would not have been recovered by mi6 if he was actually dead and b. that he would just go awol for 3 months after mi6 losing something so vitally important. Also who the hell patched up his two gunshot wounds? These are gaping holes in the plot right from the outset. I will concede that it was not without its positives though, the new Q has potential I think and it was great to see the goldfinger Aston again (though sad to see it getting blown up). Ralph Fiennes was show stealing in many ways and I am DELIGHTED he will be the new M. For me the dynamic between Dench's M and Bond became tiresome a long time ago, James Bond does not need a mother hen clucking over him. rant over 2.5 stars out of 5 and 1 of them is for the last two minutes
  6. The hillsborough group can get to fuck imo. The findings to their independent enquiry have ruled that 97 people died because the police were useless and the stadium was a death trap. Neither of these things have anything to do with fans wanting to watch a football match on their feet and they should mind their own fucking business.
  7. because it started out from a victory over hearts
  8. tlg1903


    saw it this afternoon, average
  9. tlg1903


    Might go see that this morning actually
  10. Agreed on both counts, kerr would make it his mission to injure as many players as he could
  11. You could probably find better examples to be fair
  12. I know what you mean, older religions at least have the lots of people have believed this for a very long time going for them. To me it takes a special idiot to look around at the worlds religions and go "whats that? first preached by a failed sci fi writer in the 50's was it? Space ships that look like giant douglas dc-8 airliners eh? alien souls trapped inside bodies you say? No that doesn't sound like a bad sci fi novel dressed up as a religion to make loads of money for a failed sci fi author, easily the most plausible explanation of life, universe the everything if you ask me. Sign me up, why didn't we figure this out before?"
  13. Love the spin they are trying to put on "Folks we are right up that creek at the moment, please pay the players wages for the rest of the season and then we'll do it all again in the summer"
  14. Anyone heard anything new recently?
  15. Designate them a seat in the lower deck and when the upper deck is open they have their normal seat
  16. Its the whole scrying stones bollocks and then the lost page malarky that sets them mormons apart for me. Mormons and Scientologists are defo a Timmae scale higher than your run of the mill christian etc. at least their religions have been getting rammed down throats for a couple of thousand years, people who follow new religions are the epitomy of gullible
  17. Romney is a fucking Mormon, if you understand anything about how retarded you have to be to follow the scripture of Joseph Smith then it's pretty clear that you don't want one getting into the white house.
  18. Gothenburg?
  19. I would sing that well if he's any good at least, anyone know what position he plays?
  20. Even if it's not true Manc, the legend grows
  21. Fair point GS, i would just like to see clubs look at the bigger picture and try to make changes that will lead to a stronger overall league. Once upon a time Scottish clubs and players were respected in Europe, i think that's what we should be aiming for.
  22. I've really enjoyed this series
  23. the thing is though its not just the huns, we need to start taking power away from celtic. A change in the way tv money is distributed could go a long way to levelling the playing a field a bit...... you so other teams would have a fighting chance at a title shot
  24. I find that incredibly short sighted if true, the huns are going to get back up sooner or later and we need to accept this. When they do if its still 11-1 then we will just fall back into the previous status quo
  25. nah it was the one after murray had gone and glenn leaks the email One on the slide was fucking priceless, Mannion is such a wonderful character
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