He played his cards very close to his chest there. What i took from it was "we are cutting costs and im not talking about rangers because at the moment it is all speculation"
Whilst i find it heartening that the club are looking to make the right choice if rangers are re-admitted to the spl i cannot in good conscience return to an spl game. As a competition it would be corrupt and i could not in good conscience contribute money to it however much i may miss attending fixtures.
Ok so most on here have made noises that if a newco rangers is in the spl next season they will not go back. Given the club now appear to be likely to vote against rangers re-admittance should rangers be voted in by the other clubs would anyone feel differently about going back?
Redknapp about to get his jotters?
Any woman worth their salt would drop you in a flash if you oggled another woman as blatantly as he did the England job.
There's already a tesco not far from Murray park so can't see them buying it. Still milngavie is one of the nicer areas in Glasgow, it's not out if the question for mp to be turned into a residential area.