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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by tlg1903

  1. Mcleish sacked by villa, hardly a shock. The fans were never going to take to him, was always a silly appointment imo
  2. true dat
  3. what a finale to the season
  4. 20 owners? Too many cooks springs to mind
  5. This was actually the very first football match i ever watched all the way through. Looking at it now it might actually have been better for my life if we had lost that shoot out. Potentially i could have decided that AFC were not worth the effort and saved myself years of misery
  6. I can only imagine the pessimism everyone felt before the ball hit the back of the net
  7. Very well said gs, I'm sure you will be stunned to hear i haven't heard anything back from them
  8. If we had him, hayes and pawlett in our squad we might actually have the potential to stretch teams. Always liked swanson.
  9. Spiers is a hun through and through, I always respected that he was pretty open about it unlike a lot of Journo's. I suppose it must be pretty horrible to watch your club go through this but as Kowalski says he has gone down in my estimation, he's supposed to be a journalist and such comments are nothing short of unprofessional.
  10. no way wayne rooney is playing the guitar in that abortion of a coldplay cover
  11. Clark. I fully understand the sentiment above, i would add though the year or so up till he left he played well. In the few occasions christina grew a pair and became chris he could look dangerous and was an integral part of the team. Only for a year though, the rest of his afc career has been steeped in mediocrity.
  12. SURELY d+p have to start looking at selling assets soon, their duty is to the creditors after all
  13. That would be my point of view too. They stand to lose the most without o/f doubled up voting.
  14. Aye he took his goals well, so did Ibra.
  15. It was a cracking game
  16. Bloody hell Al i actually blushed reading that, very kind words and i really appreciate you saying them.
  17. Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to you with the greatest of the concern for professional football in Scotland. I have watched the goings on at ibrox unfold over the past year and listened to an awful lot of bluster about it from several news sources and a lot of it i have taken with a pinch of salt. Over the past few weeks, however, there have been worrying statements made by a few club officials. To quote from the Guardian Michael Johnston, Kilmarnock's chairman, said on Saturday that Rangers' commercial worth to the rest of the league outweighs any issues of sporting integrity and they must therefore stay in the SPL. "I think we need to keep Rangers in the SPL," said the United manager, Peter Houston. "Fans might be upset by me saying that but if we showed them budgets, it would show we need Rangers. "Supporters' clubs all over the country will probably disagree with me but if we were to lose £600,000 from our budget, it is something every chairman has to look at. Scottish football needs a strong Rangers and Celtic. Rangers deserve to be punished, with what I don't know, but if they drop into the Third Division that doesn't help us." I would like it to be known that i fully understand the position that clubs are finding themselves with on this topic. Sadly i think clubs need to face up to the fact that regardless of what happens with Rangers they are likely to be facing a financial hit because of what has happened at Ibrox. If they drop down to div 3 then there will be, according to Peter Houston anyway, a 600k hit to be taken. I will assume that a similar figure has been bounced around Pittodrie when looking at the prospect of the spl without them. On the other hand though fans across the board have been very vocal in their protestations of Rangers being re-admitted to the spl as a new-co. It is virtually unanimously agreed that the only punishment to fit the crime of liquidation is to have to start over and apply for Div3 entry. I'm sure you are aware of the spl survey that appeared online recently but here are the highlights if you have not. There have been a total of 16527 responses. If Rangers are liquidated and reformed as a Newco, should they be allowed immediate re-entry into the SPL? No (15782) - 95.49% Yes (745) - 4.51% In the event of a Rangers Newco being allowed immediate re-entry how, as a supporter of another SPL/SFL club would you respond? I would continue to attend SPL fixtures as normal (1957) - 11.84% I would NOT attend any SPL fixtures at all (8630) - 52.22% I would continue to attend SPL fixtures but boycott any fixtures involving the Rangers Newco (5282) - 31.96% I support an SFL team so don't attend any SPL fixtures (658) - 3.98% Fairly conclusive results. And for the record as a survey it is credible. 16 and a half thousand people is about 10% of the accumulated average attendances of all the spl clubs. I looked up how many people had to take part for a survey to be valid and it turns out 10% is the industry rule of thumb so these results should be taken seriously. The reason i bring this up is that spokespeople for clubs say that they cannot take the hit of 600k that Rangers bring. I would like to ask how you would compensate for the missing millions you will lose over the season when 50% of your support disappears? No two ways about it, a newco Rangers in the spl next season makes a mockery of the league and if this happens i will not be paying to go to any Aberdeen fixture until such a time that i feel they are taking part in a competition that is not set up to maintain two giant parasites over all the rest. I strongly advise you to heed the will of your customers on this matter. Letting Rangers back in looks the easy option but i can assure the strength of feeling from every fan i have spoken to about this is resolute. Let them back in and its all over. Scottish football has never cost so much to attend and the product that is paid for has never been so poor. You just have to look at falling attendances all across the country to know people are very bored and un-entertained. Vote them out. Once out change the voting structure of the SPL to one that just requires a majority to vote through changes and take the power away from Celtic. With this done change the tv income distribution to an even split and a real leveler of the playing field would be to vote that clubs share gate receipts 50/50 like they used to. The only club that would be down because of this would be Celtic. This would go some way to taking back some of that 600k Peter Houston is talking about. I would very much appreciate a response to this email, in particular to the question of how you plan to compensate for the missing millions when 50% of the support doesn't come back. Thank you for your time and look forward to your reply Your sincerely
  18. I've been watching that as well, its excellent. The blonde cop is HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT
  19. cut the rope
  20. Maggenis playing a blinder apparently
  21. indeed, for AT dealing with scottish meeedja must be reminiscent to having to observe corrupt media's in war torn countries.
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