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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by tlg1903

  1. Aye fair play to Wigan to be sure, they play how they play and don't compromise. As much as i hate supporting a team with James McCarthy in it i have had a soft spot for Wigan the last few years. Martinez deserves great credit for bringing them back from the dead imo, bet villa fans are gutted he turned then down
  2. i wouldn't be gutted if brown retired at the end of the season and derek adams took over but i don't think brown should be sacked just yet........... cant afford to anyway.
  3. thought we dominated the middle of the park but did hee haw with it. Hibs were very average
  4. fallon (i did this before the motherwell game so here's hoping he plays a blinder again)
  5. truly awful pundit and manager is what i recall the most
  6. Forced to apply to the sfl for entry into 3rd division is the only punishment to fit the crime. Anything else in unjust in my eyes and makes a mockery of the spl.
  7. Why do they have to come back into the spl after liquidation for there to be change and a fairer league? Aside from the fact that as a punishment it is way too soft I worry that if they were let back in we would see no change to voting rights, tv money etc etc.
  8. Because if they are re-admitted to the top tier straight away then they have not been punished suitably in my eyes. Add to this it shows that the 10 other clubs are content with the mediocrity of the status quo and have no ambition whatsoever to change it.
  9. From day one they have been waiting for the spl to pave an easy path for them to follow
  10. This would be what i would do also, i can see no other way of protesting against the decision not to punish them properly. I have allegiances to other european sides so i would focus on them and the national team instead. I would still keep an eye out for aberdeen results but i would find it hard to forget such a capitulation to cheats by the club. I think a lot of non o/f fans would not go back, certainly whilst it was still fresh in the mind. Clubs could really struggle with the drop in revenue imo.
  11. How come traynor no longer does your call
  12. tlg1903


    It was alright that film, do think some of the praise for it has been over the top though. It needed more driving involved if you ask me. Anyhow. I decided recently i want to watch some old classic movies. Anyone got any recommendations? Currently watching Dr Strangelove on film 4, really funny in places. "gentleman you cant fight in here, its the war room!" Class
  13. They are taking new memberships if anyone is interested http://www.scottishfa.talent-sport.co.uk/PagesPublic/Home/home.aspx
  14. Do i get to be smug now about my prediction that there was no way hivs would out sell us?
  15. Yep well said maverick.
  16. tlg1903


    Well i didn't think you went up on acid. Fair play to you man there's no harder gig to succeed at.
  17. tlg1903


    Probably because you have practiced on your own and you're not used to having people looking back at you. Must be a great buzz when you make them laugh though. Did you have a few dutch courage pints beforehand?
  18. I've posted this video before in this thread but it seems appropriate yet again as a soundtrack for your long weekend GS Thats a fucking mental list dave, Couldn't help but notice that season ticket holders are owed also
  19. tlg1903


    I've done a fair bit of theatre in my time but stand up is a completely different ball game. An audience is naturally a bit easier on a story teller because they have to suspend reality to engage with the story in the first place. Also as a performer you have a role to hide behind whereas in stand up its just you and a mic................. go on then mr funny man, make me laugh. Kudos to you Jim, takes stones to give it a blast. Where did this happen?
  20. Alex Thompson has not put a foot wrong yet in his inquiry but given he's actually a proper journalist its hardly surprising. A shrewd move interviewing some one like Spears who actually has a bit integrity about him.
  21. Not some of the motive just a sweet as fuck perk
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