I would like to say that the following is not in jest in any way shape or form.
I hope he doesn't resign.
I also hope that whatever club he is in charge of is owned by dodgy mafia types and when he gets given the bullet that its in a literal sense.
If the huns liquidate before the tax case comes in does that mean that HMRC will be entitled to fuck all as the business they are pursuing no longer exists?
I remember he was talented and that he fell over a lot. Surprised he never scored more in but villa are perpetually a boring team anyway.
Must be horrendous for his family, thoughts to them etc
But for these circumstances to have occurred the huns will have already been expelled from the spl. Surely the vote would be should the spl or or should the spl not to re-admit them. It follows that 11 clubs would have to vote them back in instead of having a minimum two clubs voting against the filth not being re-admitted to veto any motion.
No real surprise there, it certainly gives hope to the thought that if it comes to der hun applying for re-admittance to the league clubs might tell them where to go
I know what you mean.
According to my sadly now deceased Aunt (who was a very switched on lady i might add) 30 years ago the DR was a good newspaper.............. I suppose its not impossible that remnants of decent journalism still exist there.
Sorry kow just spotted this. I find this very interesting, on the couple of times i have listened to him on traynor he has sounded not dissimilar to a hun apologist. Usual tripe about how needed the huns are in scotland and how sad this all is.
Jump to 24 minutes and listen to what barry glendenning says about huns. Priceless