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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by tlg1903

  1. I stand corrected jute, apologies for for my tardyness.
  2. Fucking awful. I really wont miss 2011 4 funerals (including the one tommorow) and varying grades of shitness since half way through january. Maybe the tens are going to be like the star trek movies, odd numbers shite and even ones great as 2010 was a cracker. By that logic a wrath of khan year is up ahead which cant be a bad thing
  3. Totally agree manc at the end of the day we won the game because of it and this is way more important. His red card will be rescinded surely and he will be out for two games. I dont like it but i think the sfa were right to nail pawlett for this and have shown consistency by doing it which is to their credit. One thing no one has mentioned is that if the sfa maintain this standard players will stop chucking themselves down in the box so much which is no bad thing. It does my head in when a player goes down unconvincingly when if they had fought for the ball they would have been in for an assist or goal scoring opportunity.
  4. On my to read list already
  5. i'm pleased to see that top of the agenda is getting rid of 3 governing bodies
  6. Are you serious Jager? Why would you do that?
  7. well said tom
  8. tlg1903


    The cynical cunt in me thinks the following Its a shocking decision even more so for the fact its so political. The FA statement makes it very clear they expect an appeal. They expect this because they know they have not much of a case when its one persons word against another. Thing is by giving this sentence they send a message to fifa about their stand on racism. "this is the punishment we give out mr blatter, bit more fit for the crime than just shaking hands" they can bellow whilst basically telling suarez in whispered tones to appeal immediately. Suarez can very easily win his appeal or at least get the sentence greatly reduced due to lack of evidence and potentially doesn't miss a game but the FA still get to say fuck you to sepp because they have shown what they will do in the case of conviction.
  9. indeed
  10. Yeah it was a doozer, i thought copenhagen were just starting to dominate at the end of the first half and wasn't overly optimistic for the second then smith pinged in that volley and i experienced the best bounce i've ever known at pittodrie
  11. tlg1903

    Kris Boyd

    Boyd will never play for us
  12. In/Oot: IN Pre match: the pheonix Match: the dump Post match: numerous bars in town Prediction: really hard to say but im gonna go 1-1 Attendance: 5,637 btw if anyone fancies getting a beer after the game drop me a pm and i'll send you my number. Always nice to put faces to names
  13. The police have far to much fucking authority over football in my opinion, hows about they just do their jobs rather than dictating policy
  15. Fuck me, common sense applied by the spl!!!!!
  16. sportscene How the fuck did cillian sheridan get on, he makes alan shearer sound exciting!
  17. Good words but thats all they are at the moment. I will wait to see what action and direction they give before supporting them, its all a bit vague so far and as rocket says who's behind this? They say they want transparency from the board but not offering much themselves So were the casuals its fair to say Time will tell i suppose, lets hope they are the real deal. I don't really want to see a repeat of the embarrassment of 32 fans with a bed sheet calling for the head of the manager when said manager was challenging for 3rd (or maybe fourth, cant remember off the top of my head ...... certainly going for the euro place anyway) and had just won the 20 minute protest prior match. Anyone any suggestions for what sort of strategies this group should potentially explore that might actually be effective?
  18. some crackers on this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JWOjFLqj-M
  19. Just had a thought. Anyone on here in the building trade able to take a speculate on how much money is likely to be made by the buyer of the pittodrie once all the homes are built and sold? My thought is given our illustrious home builder chairman has a bit of experience in this area it would make sense if he bought the land after outbidding the highest bidder and then gave the profits from the resulting build to the club. He would lose nothing and the club would gain.............. never going to happen is it
  20. when i saw it first in real time my first instinct was a deep intake of breath and shake of the head. When i saw it again i thought differently, a harsh red but understandable
  21. Mcardle has had a few decent games at centre back but he gets fucking raped at rb which is unfortunate since hes played most games there. I cant help but think that the lack of even two natural full backs for the past season and a half has contributed greatly to a lot of the individual mistakes. It will be interesting if ozzy plays right back again next game. Also it would be good to see folly back in the side soon as he did a lot of good covering work and we have missed him. Is there any due date for his return?
  22. Clint dempsey for me is easily the most under-rated player in the epl
  23. Sounds horrible, its a shitty break for him
  24. would be really really pissed if someone pm'd me a link to the game, i have had a wee look and all the ones i could find have thankfully been shut down already
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