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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by tlg1903

  1. cashier number 9 getting a lot of air play on bbc 6, very decent imo
  2. Just finished re-reading a book called ready player one by earnest cline. Its kinda like the matrix meets lotr, if your a geek you will like it especially if you grew up in the 80's. I firts read it 3 weeks ago and was planning giving it a few months until i re-read it but i just couldn't help myself.
  3. Owner Vladimir Romanov insists he will continue to support Hearts financially but admits he is now open to selling the Edinburgh club. Players were paid on Friday, following an 18-day wait for overdue wages, and Romanov recently questioned the wisdom of continuing to invest in Hearts. Romanov reiterated the need for reduced spending on the Tynecastle squad. And the Lithuanian-based businessman said: "I now have to consider finding a partner or selling the club." Hearts, who are currently exploring a move away from Tynecastle, are mired in debts of around £30m, with those arrears serviced by the bank in-which Romanov has substantial stake. In response to the coverage of the wage delay, a statement from the club read: "Mr Romanov has confirmed that he will stand by the club and continue to support it to the extent it remains reasonable as he continues to fight against what he and an increasing number of supporters and associates are seeing as an orchestrated campaign against him personally and, by association, the club. "The position of the shareholder in relation to the football in Scotland, in which he has invested more than any other individual in the last six years, is unsatisfactory. "Hearts must therefore prepare to reduce investment in the playing squad to match the income in the coming season and turn to the Academy for its new additions while also improving revenue streams, including working on a new stadium in order to achieve this as soon as possible. "It is important to stress that Hearts at the moment is strongly dependant on the funding from the major shareholder and the attempts of the media to undermine the position of the club and Mr Romanov pose a direct threat to the immediate future of the club." A club spokesperson then strongly denied reports of an impending 'fire sale' of players, saying: "The club has some of the best players in the country and no player will be transferred for a penny less than their true value. "Hearts will address squad efficiency over the coming months as a normal course of business. We will continue to pursue our policy of focusing on youth development." Romanov's growing disenchantment was evident, when he added: "For seven years I keep hoping that in the country that is the cradle of football they will start respecting the game and stop taking the mickey out of the game itself and the people who are trying to fight for it, but it's like asking the mafia for remorse. "There is only one solution left - to turn our attention to the products of our football academy in the hope that this situation will at some point and somehow improve by itself. Finally, the powers that be have begun discussing a new stadium - it seems like the politicians have developed some sort of responsibility to their own citizens, or maybe their human side has been awoken. "And still Shakespeare's question lingers on - to be or not to be - for football to change, or will it keep on developing as a show under the media blanket and we are finally overtaken by Lithuania and Gabon. "I haven't lost my interest in the club but I have for football. By the law of the 'free world' it is not enough to do good deeds - you have to also pay to advertise them in the press and then it's possible to carry out crimes without any consequences. "The problem is that I refuse to pay the monkeys for the advertisement as someone has to resist their domination in sport and in culture, the ecomony and history. That's why I now have to consider finding a partner or selling the club."
  4. I would actually prefer a statue of rougvie in his ecwc pose
  5. tlg1903


    Long enough for dazzlin to pretend he's read the book even
  6. He did appoint calderwood, dunno what he was thinking there........... his wiki page is shocking!
  7. tlg1903


    Not seen the extended editions so may just have to check those out
  8. BOOOM! War huh? Don't they have to be declared? I'm sure i would remember fighting in one. I used to use the hat all the time as it was the only site i could get on on the work internet. It changed its firewall type thing and voila i could get on DT. Took me all off a day to realise that folk actually discussed and debated over here as opposed to "you dont agree then your a cunt" and if you did it to nic-nac you got banned. I cant help but suspect that some hatters are miffed at the total apathy towards their opinions that is felt over here.
  9. tlg1903


    Brilliant film/s, really do the books justice which is pretty rare. Have you read them kow?
  10. Truly the greatest manager of all time Really good call by utd to rename the north stand after him, i must confess i got a wee tear in my eye when it was announced yeah yeah i know GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY
  11. oh darren
  12. I was trying to remember who played full back for them these days, last game was hamill and grainger. wouldnt say no to either of them to be honest. Again though i cant see wages materialising for new players anyway
  13. Interesting to see if wages would be made available. Would love to sign templeton, is neilsen still there?
  14. boom indeed
  15. Dont get me wrong i have found much amusement in the romanov era jam tart situation since burley got canned. I've also found the hun financial situation highly entertaining and quite rightly so. That said at the back of my mind i cant help but worry for the scottish game, if two of its biggest clubs can go down the toilet, whos gonna be next? Im delighted this is happening to two of my most hated teams but it overall it doesnt bode well for our game. I've been saying for years scottish football needs to start over but a lot of clubs are in debt and if the huns and hertz can go to the wall anyone can. thoughts?
  16. Really good article in the guardian, it left me wondering if this is perhaps the beginning of the end for hearts. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/blog/2011/oct/29/hearts-scottish-premier-league-football
  17. Inter v juve been a cracker so far, 2-1 juve and they should have had a pen as well
  18. tlg1903

    Friday 3.30pm

    Epic halloween based leaving party for some pals. Bring on the unimaginative girls who think slutty nurse is a great and original costume :-)
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