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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by tlg1903

  1. 5-1 at ladbrokes at the mo, chris hulme is 5-2
  2. And so it begins any word on attendance?
  3. Totally MS, paton has never been given a decent run in the side and its something i would be interested to see how he gets on. Re message boards nail head nicely hit
  4. Some quite interesting responses to this, the point i was trying to make (not very well i might add) was that surely i could have found better things to do with my time over the past ten years than discuss the merits of Darren Mackie. Note to any teenagers, doing something like this for ten years is how you make a significant start on wasting your life
  5. Bout time we had a Give it up song for one of our players Nananananananananana Kari Arnason Arnason KARI ARNASON I love that tune, its ACE!
  6. Could well be Darren Mackie Was just having a look over on mad and found yet another darren mackie thread. http://boards.footymad.net/forum.php?tno=4&fid=27&sty=2&act=1&mid=2116921448 as the usual debate between those loathing him and those who dont think he's amazing but recognise the shift he puts in AND he scored against dnipro dont you know were trotted out i realised there is no Aberdeen player i have talked about more than Mackie since he started playing. I dont know how i feel about this, its kinda like being amused yet abused at the same time. Thoughts?
  7. sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
  8. Genius kelt, very well done
  9. Jesus when was the last time we stuck this many past a team? :o
  10. I dont remember him being rocket quick but i think hes a bit more mobile than vernon. My main memory of him was scoring loads of goals
  11. Tyrant: 114 - Harcus 70 69 68- Madbadteacher 67 - dave_min 66 65 64 63 - Kowalski 62 Tlg1903 61 60 Manc_don 59 - Penfold 58 - Maverick Sheep 57 - Stewart 56 - GD 55 - Ptayles 54- Mentorred 53 - DandyDon96 52 51-Octavion 50 - topcorner 49 - wee toon red 48 - BigAl 47 - mizer 46 - Jute 45 - BobbyBiscuit 44 - Tyrant 43 - Azteca1903 42 - Jmo 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
  12. That would be maguire well and truly forgotten if true
  13. sfa - receptacle for the the respectable
  14. I was at a pub quiz last night and one of the teams was called "millie dowler - i'd tap that"
  16. unfuckingbelievable i know every support has knobs but jesus
  17. absofuckinglutely 100% agree with this. Anderson took time to grow into the role but when he got there he was a fantastic skipper. Easily the best since mcleish for me (though that is not to say i have forgotten a skipper in the interluding period). One of the best things done under JC's management was the turning of Anderson into Captain. I think it was probably Jimmy Nichol that made it happen.
  18. This seemed a good way to start a thread on kilroys most hated team http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/mobile/uk-scotland-tayside-central-14050761
  19. Doc Brown moment at the mention of alan gow!
  20. What i mean is he's in the job six months, had time to take stock and is now looking at how to shape the team in the manner he wants. As for who he wants out the door i would hazard a guess at mackie and paton, maybe mcardle too
  21. Think this is clearly a slow news day. Guys been in charge for 6 months and is exactly where he should be.
  22. He scored a peach against ict a few seasons back when we beat them 3-0 at their ground. It was the best goal of his i ever saw in the flesh.
  23. True dat still think he would have a field day against a lot of current spl full backs these days
  24. I would, thought he was never given much of an opportunity by calderwood and always left on the bench. I remember him on a rare start against utd absolutely running the game, everything good went through, then he was promptly dropped the game after.
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