Ok so thank fuck the season is over and we can really start to look to next season. Theres clearly going to be a change in personell so realistically which players do YOU think we should be signing or at least approaching.
I'm interested in imrie and cerny at hamilton, possibly neil as well but would need assurances about fitness. Rooneys contract is up at ict and would have him in a second. Scott boyd at county could be worth taking in for the defence but given there would be a fee involved i doubt it will happen. Would really like stevie smith but norwich would have to release him for this to happen. Another f/b that can play either side would def be advisable though. More than anything we need someone with a bit of guile in midfield. Who this is though i have no idea.......
Overall i think the minumum we need is a goalie, 2 fullbacks, 1 centre half, 1 attacking midfielder, 1 wide player and 1 striker