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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by tlg1903

  1. So we havnt been winning when we have to then
  2. Well given that we were trying to finish 3rd at the time yes we did
  3. Thats a relief what size are they planning on? I've not really kept up with this topic as i dont live in aberdeen and have no idea where half the places are.
  4. Quality Aye i know what your saying, i just think that after saturday our team is going to be scutinised for any possible infractions
  5. Honestly though why the hell do we want a 30000 seater stadium. Bloody rediculous
  6. That has to be from the evening express. In no part of it does it have a go at willie miller just references him because he had made his point about lafferty. I think rangers have dealt with lafferty as they should have, big fine, publicly condemned him and made him apologise. Not really much more that they could do, they are hardly going to cancel his contract. What i think gordon smith is possibly getting at is that in our ranks lee miller is certainly prone to taking a tumble. I dont for a second think that he would try anything on the scale of the rat faced hun cunt but given he's an aberdeen player and wont get anything like the protection from the sfa as a hun would i think Lee needs to be pretty carefull.
  7. What like the last hearts and utd games?
  8. Hibs have sorted their defence out and with riordan and fletcher potent up front. The fact we have home advantage is massive, accompany that with we actually have something to play for i think we will sneak it. I think the huns will sneak it too. No getting away from the fact that its going to be a tense afternoon.
  9. My bad that was meant to read "at home this season"
  10. As others have mentioned it would be interesting to see how we started the spl after such an early europa start. We need to get into it first though. There is no guarantee that utd will lose to the huns (they havnt lost to the gruesome twosome at home this season) nor that we will beat a hibs side that is surely high on confidence particularily in defence.
  11. No more mike mccurry. Good times, not hated a ref so much since les mottram. Actually who has been your favourite ref over the years? I always had a lot of time for dallas and rowbotham and was genuinley disapointed when they retired, no others really stand out though.
  12. We are dammed if they do and dammed if they dont At least if the huns win and we win theres europe to look to and (equally importantly ) i get 20 notes of an arab, would ease the blow a bit
  13. You can say what you like about walter smith but its because of him hutton turned into a player. When PLG was there he was hung out to dry and given no instruction on how to play. Under smith's tutelage he started playing to his strengths and the results were phenomenal. Great player, in the italy game at hampden he was by a mile the best player on the park
  14. Exactly! All the apologies in the world make hee haw difference. What annoys me the most about it is that we were dominating possesion when it happened (still did after too but not to the same extent) and i think we would have scored one maybe even two if it had been 11 v 11 for all of the first half.
  15. I think a lot of credit has to be attributed to charlie mulgrew for how he conducted himself after he was red carded. If that had been me i would have lost the plot big time and stamped as hard as i could on the fuckers knee. As for JC i cant help but be a bit saddened that in the face of such a massive misjustice he is being so placid. Can anyone even begin to imagine ferguson reacting that way? know a lot of people on here dont like levein but at least he had the minerals to tell it like it was.
  16. Yeah bad enough having to essentially want them to win the league next weekend
  17. Anyone at the dundee game where cannigia made his debut and mcruvie made a big sniff noise after announcing him coming on as a sub? Well funny, It might have been the same game where he came out with willie falconero
  18. Couldnt resist putting on the rocky theme tune whilst reading these posts. We have to win sometime and it would be very timely if it was tommorow. On the fucking dons!
  19. Somehow i dont think thats a big issue
  20. Bye jamie, thanks for the few good memories, make sure you let the physio table down gently.... buy it some goodbye flowers maybe
  21. The question has to be asked, whats happened to foster in recent games?
  22. why would we have heard about it? Cos JC would have talked about it in the press for sure if he had, no way he would have kept something like that quiet. Of course, this is my opinion but given how much he gobs off in the press its not exactly unfounded. As for not needing a reason to pile in on folk you might want to take a wee look in the mirror there TF Those in glass houses and all that
  23. 2 things stand out for me in this article Aye right, think we might have heard about that. Typical JC righteous indignation, making things up to back his case. We did not not win the game simply because hearts were time wasting, it was because we lacked a cutting edge If you say so csaba. respect is earnt not doled out just because your the opponent. Man up and admit you were delighted with a draw, and did what you had to do to get it.
  24. Paterson had loads, managed inverness for 5 years and huntly for a good few before that. maybe not top flight experience but still plenty in charge of a football club
  25. Ferguson wasnt very experienced when we took him in
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