I wouldn't be pissed off with Goodwin being appointed, like the cut of his jib and all that, but its not a set the Heather alight appointment either.
It's actually really interesting to see what cormack goes with now. We have nothing to reference from really. I mean, sure he binned DM but he never appointed him either. Glass was his guy. His guy whom he's dispatched fairly ruthlessly, and, if we are to believe press reports, had wanted to earlier but had given more time after a plea from the players.
So yeah, interesting to see who cormack goes for. Often is the case that chairman go for a safe option after a big experiment and someone well versed in the league like Goodwin and Ross would defo fit that bill. Not so sure cormacks ego will allow for that though.... He wants to be seen as dynamic and ground breaking and I wouldn't be at all surprised if goes for another left field appointment.
Happy with Robson in the interim. I like the cut of his jib too.