No I'm 39 but I thought I should drop down to your intellectual level.
I'm well aware that some people think the place is a dump, where did I suggest otherwise?
Other opinions are fine too but when they are as stupid as some of the things you were suggesting? This is a football forum not a special needs school.
1. what the fuck has the housing around the stadium got to do with whether or not Scotland play there? It's completely irrelevant.
2. if you honestly need an explanation why monies generated by scottish football staying in scottish football and significant wedge not being handed over to another sport is a good thing then there really is no hope for you.
3. "For Scottish football to move forward it needs a radical overhaul and cutting the links to glasgow should be step one." what the fuck does this even mean? How does the SFA cut links with glasgow? You want Maxwell to hold a presser stating no professional football to be played in the largest population centre in the country or something? Away back to licking windows mate.
Literally the only fair point you had was about transport but that can, should, and hopefully will, be worked on.
One other thing I would add as I've seen a few post's mentioning it. I know there are some within the supports of the ugly sisters that don't support Scotland but it really is the diehard bigots. I've been away to Kiev and Milan to watch Scotland games and there was loads of Rangers and Celtic fans there supporting Scotland. To state that the majority won't support the Scottish national side
because they support Ireland or England instead is way off the mark if you ask me.