I felt a bit sorry for Foster and was disappointed, though unsurprised, at the boo's he received. On sportsound the other night he was asked what his biggest achievement in the game was and he answered without hesitation. "Being made captain at Aberdeen". I think it's a real shame that someone who clearly has great affection and respect for our club get's it so hard from from our fans, regardless of what you thought of him as a player. Ultimately he never asked for the loan move to mordor and, according to him, was being pushed out the door by McGhee. I remember being really pissed when it happened as it left us with no recognisable FB's and, tin hat on, I actually thought Foster had developed into an effective fb. The fact that he was going to the fucking huns was just the icing on the cake.
As for the game it's already been summed up and not much else to add. I thought flood carried us a bit in the first half and had a pretty decent game and t was nice to see some of the early season strength of character again. It's potentially a turning point........ We will soon find out anyway as December holds :-
dundee away
hearts home
Killie away
ICT home
Partick home
Dundee away is the key game there IMO. Had a few bad results there the past year and a convincing win there would set us up nicely for the next 4. If we win at Dens I would be really looking for us to take 15/15 from December