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Everything posted by ???

  1. Stoney will fight you. On the internet. He's got a CASPLOCK button, which he presses when he really wants to show you he's angry. If you haven't learnt your lesson by then, at the top of the screen a number '1' will appear next to messages, and that's when you're truly screwed. Best of luck. You should probably just jog on...
  2. I've read it a few times but I still don't understand any of this post?!?
  3. Late runner for thread of the year? Comedy gold...
  4. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=wIB7dCl51Z8 :lolabove:
  5. ???


    One day you'll grasp it. One day.
  6. Check La Liga and the English Premiership
  7. I remember I once called George Galloway a cretin. I wonder if Funster will jump on this post like he did mine.
  8. Regardless of how fit Smith is, I personally think it'd be best if we stuck with the team that's done well in recent weeks. If anything, bring him on with 30 mins to go, but ideally keep him on the sidelines for another week or two. Has he even played a reserve game to get his match fitness/sharpness back?
  9. Off topic, isn't it funny how Fatjim and Ajja have the same applaud count. Every hour, on the hour...
  10. Might be able to get some new trims...
  11. You'd be surprised Mr Funster, I'll be alright, thanks for your concern though.
  12. Exactly, a doctor/physio can't feel what the player does.
  13. ???


    You don't ask for much do you.
  14. ???


    I'll see what I can do.
  15. Listen, I'm not a villain, if I was, I'd tell you that's the wrong spelling of liqueur.
  16. ???


    How would you like me to prove it?
  17. I'm hoping that someone says pwnd now, then I'll be happy.
  18. It's an unrealistic expectation that the sentence above will ever make any sense.
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