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Sunday 6th October 2024 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Hearts


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Everything posted by ???

  1. ???


    It's hilarious you take offence to that! Jesus...
  2. Was a genuine question as I'd only ever heard of that person on here, then spotted there was someone called that on the forum. As for the thread you've dug out, there was a reason for that, which I don't need to explain. Away and donate some money to KKK-chat you f*cking clown.
  3. ???


    I just want to hold dildo and have him tell me he likes me, is that too much to ask?
  4. ???


    Oh, that's right. I forgot about that, dildo has deciphered this from, erm, nothing really. Which probably means you can take it as gospel. I'm a c*nt, but I'm the man.
  5. Sone Aluko. Knew nothing about him when JC first brought him in, and thought it'd be another youngster who'd not quite be good enough to make the step-up.
  6. So what was your point above regarding food/drink about then?
  7. ???


    Oh no, I've made over 2000 posts. I'm socially inept compared to dildobaggins. I upset the clique? I know nothing of Dildo other than the fact he doesn't work/reside in the UK (I think).
  8. ???


    You're still mental I see, I give you a week.
  9. Not if the food and drink is outsourced from external catering companies.
  10. ???


    Confusing you with BB? What? If the pinnacle of social interaction for you is talking with random strangers on a football message board then you truly are warped. In case you aren't aware, the few who do post on here either knew each other before DT existed or through sitting on buses on their way to the football. It's not a random bunch of people that've just clicked on the net , regardless of what you wish to believe. Universal unpopularity? Obviously so. I just wish the ten members of DT would like me... I love how you've never met me, don't even know me, but you act like you do. What a bizarre little man. Naw, you're really not. We could've been friends you know. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=bZTsW8WKy5c
  11. ???


    It was a perfectly good analogy, a 9 year old's belief system is flawed. As for the social skills comment, you're an incredible being, you really are. Don't you have any other banter? Well you mental f*cker, it's good to see that we're both in agreement. How dildo-baggins can argue that a forward roll and a somersault are the same thing I'll never know. The real reason is probably because I said it, that's enough reason for them to argue. If one of the other DT cronies had said it, he'd have probably applauded them, that's how they roll somersault. They're cool like that...
  12. ???


    Yes, I really mean it. You're like family to me.
  13. ???


    So if a 9 year old believes Santa is real, does that mean that there really is a fat bearded guy in a red suit and hat that flies around the world on the morning of 25th December on a sleigh being pulled by flying reindeer delivering presents made by midgets in one of the coldest places on Earth to kids that've behaved by climbing down their chimney whilst stopping off for the occasional mince pie and christmas cake and washing it down with brandy, glasses of milk and the odd beer? Does it f*ck, so stop your greeting and just deal with the fact that it wasn't a somersault, regardless if you're a retarded 9 year old or a 50+ year old in the middle of a mid-life crisis. It still wasn't a somersault.
  14. Why does this subject always crop up? The whole England v Scotland thing is f*cking boring.
  15. ???


    I disagree, it's a blatant forward roll. There's no attempt to leave the ground, he goes so low that he actually goes off camera. I was born in 1982, and I used to do things like that when I was wee. I don't think people remember me for being some crazy somersaulting baby? It doesn't matter what year it was, a somersault is somersault and a forward roll is a forward roll. I'm no expert in acrobatics, but it's clear that what Strachan did was a forward roll.
  16. ???


    That's a forward roll.
  17. ???


    I f*cking love you all
  18. Nope, it was this... http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=2fmo1Sjn7dg I'm going to hell.
  19. Or I could post a thread asking if liquid just dries up, or if anyone knows why they carried a cross during crucifixions. That'd be much better, wouldn't it?
  20. ???


    He's the same breed as JMO.
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