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Everything posted by ???

  1. Ah, just watched one of his goals from a couple seasons back, remember it now...
  2. I thought Lampard did this for his mum after she died? Doesn't he point at the sky after he scores?
  3. Didn't Brazil first do this in the 94 World Cup after Bebeto's wife had a baby?!? Does anyone actually do this? http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=CmwMVnlFEjc http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=LKhkuhr3H6A&feature=related
  4. Okay, you're right. I'm pwn'd now as well. What a sh*t day I'm having...
  5. I don't , still awaiting answer to the original question. Ajja jumped in with two feet and it didn't make contact.
  6. I asked ST, didn't argue I asked, as I was genuinely interested in which players other SPL teams have that he'd classify as players that excite in the Aluko mould. Also, quality players aren't always skilful players. Happy to clear that up for you.
  7. Oh Jesus. I named some players, what's your point?
  8. Who are the skilful players in the other teams?
  9. A certain Donstalk poster spotted at a recent gig...
  10. Not in the respect that he's like Ronaldinho, more-so in that his workrate isn't the greatest compared to say Foster/Young, and we can't afford to have him in the team week on week... Tax dodge? Scottish regime of 10 pints and a kebab? How many youngsters do we have that do this?
  11. ???


    Sounds like you more than hugged him...
  12. Cat Aids. http://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/Article.aspx/963649?UserKey=
  13. Look Kowalski, someone's listening to a video.
  14. Totally agree with what you're saying, but considering the team's form this season, isn't it understandable that JC has played Young over De Visscher given the latter is more of a luxury player?
  15. From the little I've seen of him, inconsistency seems to be his problem, although I guess we could say that about the team as a whole? I think he's the sort of player who'll look brilliant in a team that's flying, but on the other side of the coin, he'll look anonymous when a team's playing sh*te. He needs a run of games...
  16. If this is the case, why's he not getting a game? (not arguing/debating, just genuinely interested in why he's not getting a game)
  17. You've not left mushroom for any more sauce puns have you?
  18. Does anyone know how much money he spent/recouped in his spell at Aberdeen?
  19. You're thinking of Jess the cat...
  20. Iwelumo has scored a pile of goals in the Championship, but that's his level I think it's fair to say. Watched him a few times and he's a pretty good player. Lee Miller is a very good forward, although it's clear he's not a goal scoring forward in the mould of Kris Boyd. The frustrating thing for us is that he'd work very well with a quick, clinical finisher, which we don't have. Is Michael Owen available in January?
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