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Sunday 6th October 2024 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Hearts


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Everything posted by ???

  1. Please don't try and claim that every post that's been made to try and wind me up has been deleted. It wouldn't take long to find them. Whilst we're on the subject of me being racist against gingers*, can you explain how/why it's okay for virtually everyone on the site to rip into Minj because he's slightly overweight (allegedly)? That's racist as well, surely. Don't take the moral high-ground over a mate, who quite clearly knows it's banter. If Jager had a problem with me, he'd obviously have no qualms in sending me a PM to tell me to shut the f*ck up. If I've crossed the line in anyway, then I sincerely apologise, however it seems to be okay for a minority on here to say and do what they want so I can't see a problem in what I've said. *Also explain how gingers are a race, I'm at a loss trying to work that out?!? Caucasian aren't they?
  2. ???


    Yes. I think if you look harder he's not just building a course.
  3. Spot on. One of his strengths is his ability to get his body between the defender and the ball. Nine times out of ten he'll be fouled...
  4. Not all of them have. Me and Jager have a special relationship
  5. On an aside, I saw Stuart Duff and Mark Kerr in the 24 hour shop on Union Street on Saturday night. They were blootered. Shocking.
  6. Are you angry Seebass? Relax, Adam
  7. ???


    If you're talking about the boy Martin Ford...
  8. If only you took this stance when certain posters were digging up the muslim/arab sh*te. Some would say that makes you look like a buffoon also.
  9. ???


    What exactly would be a bad mix?
  10. Nope, just wee ginger midgets, came across your Bebo page.
  11. ???


    Yes, purely. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/purely Isn't this a forum for discussing opinion?
  12. ???


    How do you know this? What are you basing your fact on?
  13. You only say that because it would clash with your ginger hair. Little Jagerdeen in yellow t-shirt. Very gay
  14. ???


    This season was purely down to the new players that came in.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRPPelfVrXo Look, a Youtube vid that plays music to listen to.
  16. Top four is the target, we should be aiming for third though, first and foremost. Starting with three points against Killie this weekend.
  17. ???


    I don't think it is, no, and I don't see anything in the 'advert' that suggests that's the point of it, but as many will tell you there's still a minor problem within the game that needs to be stamped out. And if stamping it out means that more Aberdeen fans will go along to games, then it serves its purpose. I truly believe that the majority of people that make racist comments aren't necessarily racists in its truest form, in my opinion they're just ignorant and have no clue as to what they're saying, as we've witnessed on here and over on KKK. I've lost count of the amount of times I've had to say something to someone with regard to a stupid comment they've made, not necessarily at the football, but just in general conversation. I recently had to get a taxi driver to stop and let me out as she was coming away with some ridiculous things. You should've seen her face when I told her my name. There's still a problem in society, very much a 'them and us' thing. That's not true.
  18. Do you get better safties on another bus? No
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