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Everything posted by ???

  1. You'd think it's fairly obvious to most that Miller and Severin are two of our key players, Smith as well when he's fit. Were we to punt them, who would we be able to bring in to replace them and do a better job?
  2. ???


    You've been bleating on and one saying that the last 4 1/2 years are not acceptable! When JC was brought in, his job was to steady a sinking ship, get us into the top 6, and make sure we stayed there. To do this, he had to address the quality of player at the club, although he had a huge obstacle to overcome in the fact the club has none, or little, transfer funds. He had to make a statement of intent. He had to let the people at the club know that he was here to take things forward, to let the fans know that he was a sign of change, and to let the opposition know that this sleeping giant will be revived. This statement was made in the shape of Scott Severin. Still to this day, I've no idea how he managed to persuade Severin to leave Hearts for us, but it was a masterstroke, and in my opinion one of the club's most important signings of all time. The Severin signing signalled the way in which Calderwood was going to operate, bringing in quality free transfers for key areas of the team, and there's no doubting he's succeeded in his task, with the likes of Severin, Smith, Nicholson, Miller, et al. These signings would play a huge part in JC's next task, improving the standard on the park, whether that be individually or as a team. Whilst he's had more successful with individuals (Clark, Hart, Anderson, Nicholson, Diamond), there's no doubting that this has paid dividends with some of these players bringing in relatively decent transfer fees. The team's performances still come into question regularly, but there's no doubt that he has consolidated our league positioning. Yes, he's lacked in certain areas, but the big picture isn't just about a bloody cup final, as some would have you believe. With the players he lost last year, he's basically having to rebuild the spine of the team, no mean feat given the players he has to try and replace. These transfer fees and players are key to the club's future, as it's one of the ways we're going to reduce our debt, another of JC's jobs. Cup runs are integral to many club's income, however, league positions are THE bread and butter, and it was vital that he got the club into regular top six finishes. Another issue that Claderwood had to address was the club's failing youth system. This is something we'll not bear the fruits of for a number of years, but by all accounts he has improved things in this area, so here's hoping the club starts producing young talent on a regular basis, that'll either serve the club for a number of years or bring in large transfer fees. From there, his five year plan will have been to get us into a position where we're competing for the European spots every season, whether that be contesting for third place or getting to cup finals. Whilst the cup final has eluded him, the UEFA run last year put a lot of money into the bank and put the club back on the map. His biggest obstacle in keeping the club in a position to challenge has been in the shape of seeing his best players enticed away by the money on offer in England. Whilst this has had an adverse effect, it's also opened the door to us to bring in young lads from down south on loan, something he's done well with by securing the future of Sone Aluko and the success of Josh Walker's loan spell last season. The signing of Jared Hodgkiss may yet prove to be another masterstroke. Next for JC is to take us into 3rd place again, get us back into Europe, and win a cup for a club that's been trophy-less for far too long. Does he have what it takes to do this? Who knows, but what I do know is that he's already given us more than we could have asked for in his 4 years in charge, and taken us further in that time than I expected, so he more than deserves a fair crack of the whip. His last 4 years have been a success, he's done everything expected of him. The next step might be too big for him, and he might not be the man for the job, but only time will tell... I can't understand why people can't see that the 10 in the league outwith the Old Firm are as close as ever, every team is capable of beating each other on their day.
  3. ???


    This man knows it all.
  4. Typical Napoleon complex on display here from Jingerdeen
  5. Is that because no matter how hard he tries, and how much help he gets, he never gets the right result?
  6. How much harm can a midget cause?
  7. That's the one. Something Louise or Louise something...
  8. There was an Aberdeen lass in the paper on Sunday showing off her good self to the world. Can't remember her name , but she's a model and is moving to London to try and pursue her career?!? Very good looking lass.
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