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Everything posted by ???

  1. Stick him in behind Miller and let him have a free role, with Deek Young on the right wing? The only other option for the right wing/midfield position would be Mackie I guess.
  2. I wouldn't say it shatters the myth to be fair, the team haven't settled yet and Jamie Smith has been out injured. When you've got an unsettled team, they'll naturally withdraw, which I think has happened in the home games. With the sloppy goals we've conceded the midfield will drop back on instinct, which opens the game up for the opposition. If anything, the away form offers a lot of hope as we'll surely turn the home form around at some point. If we can keep the away record we're establishing, and keep winning games on the counter we should do alright. All we need is for JC to work out how he'll play at home and which players he'll utilise to break down opposition defences. Personally I'd like to see him adopt a 4-5-1/4-3-3 formation with Miller up front, Smith and Aluko on the wings, McDonald or Young playing behind Miller, and Severin/Kerr sitting deep as holding midfielders. This would give us attacking options as well as a steady defence shored up by two players who can break up play and give the ball to players who can do the damage.
  3. Rubbish fact... The last 9 goals scored by Aberdeen players have had names starting with the letter M.
  4. Just been looking at the league table, and noticed a huge difference in our home form v away form. I've not been to an away game this season, so it's hard for me to say what the difference is, but it would appear to suggest that we're a counter-attacking team (hence our away results, where we should've taken something from the Celtic game as well), and aren't very good at breaking teams down when we're on the front-foot (hence our home results). The only game we've taken something from at home is the Rangers game, and that game was more like an away tie as Rangers had the bulk of possession if I remember right. Would it also be fair to suggest that our home results should change now that Jamie Smith is back (should he stay fit), as we'll now have Smith and Aluko on the flanks who should be the difference in unlocking defences? At the moment our only real creative player is Aluko so I guess a lot of play goes through him, which is relatively easy to mark against. Am I on the right wavelength here, or is this just a lot of nonsense? Discuss
  5. Something about questions. Hope that helps.
  6. ???


    F*ck sake Mizer, do you ever get bored of selecting random quotes from JC and attempting to ridicule them? Does it make you feel good? Does it? DOES IT? Do you feel like you're staring at JC? Staring right through him? Your googly eyes piercing his stupid, fat weegie, orange skull? Is it because you're safe in the knowledge that he'll back down soon? Is it because you know you've owned him already? Is it because you know that the 'Mize' has stared him into submission before, sending him whimpering back to his weegie castle, tae think again? You own JC. You owned him. You stared him down.
  7. This post reads like you've mutated from Fatjim into Minj LOLZ
  8. You sound cheesed off about something?
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