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Everything posted by ???

  1. Of all the stupid things I've read recently...
  2. If they're there for ages ordering then there must be something wrong with them. Do they have stutters or something?
  3. ???


    My mate was telling me about a lad on one of the rigs he was on, who was getting slightly miffed that the soup de jour was beef soup every day. "This soup's fine like, but div ye no think they could mak anither kind?" "What do you mean, another kind?" "Since I got here on Monday it's bin beef soup ivery day" "I just had a bowl of it, and it's definitely not beef soup. It's chicken & mushroom." "Na, it's nae mate, try it." "Aye, okay." *takes spoonful* "Well man, fit div ye think? "I think you're eating gravy, again."
  4. Does all this Robbie Winters banging malarkey have anything to do with Craig Brewster as you alluded to earlier?
  5. I don't look old enough? Do you have to be a certain age to listen to music or something?
  6. Faith No More - Midlife Crisis
  7. It's not really abroad? That's like a Minj post. Care to explain your reasoning?
  8. Turned him into a homo?* Good point that actually, didn't the Greeks invent gayness?!? Didn't Brewster play there? *ALLEGEDLY
  9. Bubba, I'd be surprised if the folk that slag him about Harry Ramsdes actually know what happened there, and why it went tits up
  10. Considering we're not one of the best two teams in the country, semi-finals are the yardstick we should be measured by. To get to the final four of a competition is an achievement at any level, you often hear players talk about semi finals being harder than finals.
  11. Missed the original post, but I assume it proved my point.
  12. Is there a listen again feature, as I missed the first hour or so yesterday?
  13. My reply was in response to this statement. Given that Mulgrew was on the line and the player directly in front of him was Fletcher, and they were the only two players in the 6 yard box, I'd assume that most had a pretty good view of it, and would've known straight away if they understand the offside rule. It's true that many don't though. Just look at the reaction of the Aberdeen players. And listen to the crowd. Very few protest, if any.
  14. If you compare five decades worth of player to two decades worth, of course you'll find more players. The law of averages and all that. There've been many great finishers in the UK since the turn of the 90s. You can't really argue with Kris Boyd, he's not got much to his game but f*ck me, he knows where the goals are. Or even Scott MacDonald. Arild Stavrum was a brilliant finisher, just a shame he wasn't around for longer. Marco Negri has a pretty good goals to games ratio. I'm sure there are more but that's off the top of my head... The biggest problem in Scotland in recent years is that any player who has a decent season in the SPL is either snapped up by the Old Firm or some lower league club in England offering ridiculous wages. Did I say that Pettigrew wasn't prolific? Some of the players you listed were not prolific. I'm a Man United fan, and I'm the first to admit that George Best, Bobby Charlton, Joe Jordan and Brian McClair were not prolific. They got their fair share of goals, but prolific? Not in my book. McGhee wasn't what I'd call a prolific striker either. Charlie Nicholas as well. Nor Paul Sturrock. I bet if I was to comment that Wayne Rooney was prolific, you'd ridicule that suggestion, but his goals to games ratio is on a par with some of the players you listed, if not better than those.
  15. I wonder how many people instantly noticed, and understood, that Fletcher was offside? I'm constantly amazed at the amount of people who don't understand the most simple rules in football.
  16. Alan Shearer, Michael Owen, Ruud Van Nistelrooy, Andy Cole, Teddy Sheringham, Kevin Phillips, Emmanuel Adebayor, Cristiano Ronaldo, Fernando Torres, Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink, Robbie Fowler, Les Ferdinand, Dwight Yorke, Ian Wright. I could go on... I don't really agree with your comments with regard to Drogba either. He's just short of a 'one-in-two' record. You've listed players from five decades, and are comparing them to the last one or two decades. And some of those listed were not prolific. Great players, but by no means prolific.
  17. Not when they really should, no. From the FIFA website.
  18. What is the point in fourth officials, surely he could've assisted the ref in this scenario? Oh, that's right, they're just there to hold up electronic boards.
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