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Everything posted by ???

  1. You should think about making your second name your first, and inserting crisis as your second.
  2. You obviously missed the point where I said 'apart from the year we finished 6th' Idiot
  3. Is the season over? And who said that he's been taking us forward this year? You really are a daft sh*te.
  4. Christ, us and Motherwell bottom if St Mirren hold on?!?
  5. We've been over this before. Look at the state of the club's finances and bear in mind what happened last year. Nothing else to be said.
  6. Good effort chunk. You can't grasp that it's not just the results on the pitch which Calderwood is judged by, so until you do, 'hud yer wheesht'. I've been saying this for a long time, but the league gets tighter and tighter every year, everyone outside the Old Firm can beat each other on their day, as we've seen this season numerous times. We've lost a ridiculous amount of games already yet we're still only 5 points from 3rd place. The 3 teams that many expected to battle it out for 3rd (Aberdeen, Dundee Utd and Motherwell) are all sitting in the bottom half. There's a long way to go yet...
  7. Dear Mr Bass, I write with regard to your recent question concerning Captain Marvel. It is with great sadness that i must inform you that Russell Anderson left last summer, to join Sunderland. He's since joined Burnley on loan, where he's damaged his cruciate ligament and is out for a year. I don't think he'll be scoring for Aberdeen anytime soon, let alone scoring a thunderbolt. Get it right up ye,
  8. I recently found out what 'H' stood for, and it's not homo, as you'd expect.
  9. You must've missed the bit where I said 'on and off the field'. 4th in the league, two semi-finals, last 32 of the UEFA, and the first season in God knows how long that we made a profit, is a vast improvement from the previous year in my opinion.
  10. Just wondered why certain elements of our support seem to think that oil companies based in Aberdeen would pump money into it? Discuss
  11. Apart from the season we finished 6th, he's undoubtedly taken us forward year on year. His biggest problem from last season was the fact he lost 3 of his regular starters in Clark, Hart and Anderson. Even though last season was relatively successful, on and off the field, we all knew that we had to rid ourselves of the deadwood, which he did, and try and replace them with a very limited budget. It's way too early to say whether Calderwood's been successful or not.
  12. I assume it's because, to some extent, he's taken the club forward every year. You could also say that this team is relatively new and it's still early days for them. One of the partnerships, central midfield (Kerr-Macdonald), is a new pairing and I think they're still trying to get to grips with the way Aberdeen play and the way their partner plays. Our defence is also new in respect of the full-backs (Foster/Hodgkiss at RB and Mulgrew at LB). We've still not found the right blend up-front and I think that's down to the players that have been injured. On paper, we've got the makings of a pretty good first eleven, as good as any outside the Old Firm. My biggest concern is that I still don't think Calderwood is 100% sure of his best 11 yet, for various reasons. I think he's a fair idea of the eleven he wants to put out, but he's not had the opportunity yet. I'd say the first eleven, if fit, would be (what I think JC would play, not what I'd necessarily play ) Langfield Foster Diamond Severin Mulgrew Smith Macdonald Kerr Aluko Mackie Miller I don't think he's had the chance to put this eleven out yet, for one game, let alone a run of games.
  13. You have to pay to display fixtures that are in the public domain already?
  14. I think my schoolboy comment stands well after this post. A team is picked by a manager, first and foremost, to get a result. Can you grasp that? For example, are you suggesting that no team practices set-pieces in which their target men, usually defenders, are meant to score goals? Cantona was a midfielder?!? Keane, Beckham and Strachan no longer play for Man United. I don't really see your point. And it's pretty f*cking obvious that I was talking in reference to United's current side. So I'll say it again, barring Ronaldo, United's midfielders don't score that many goals. At which point did I say they don't score goals? I was comparing the start Aberdeen had to the start Man Utd had, and the over-reaction by certain elements of both fan-bases. Yes, perhaps he is, and I'd sure hope so considering he's picked most weeks. Again, did I say anything about me having statistics? I'd assume that the man in question, Jimmy Calderwood, would have a wealth of stats that explain why he picks him every week. Whether or not this is justification for his selection, that's not for me to decide. Can you explain why it's a poor analogy? Two teams struggling for form at the beginning of the season, with key players out injured and new faces brought in, two sets of strikers not scoring as much as the fans would like, with an unlikely midfielder as both teams top scorer.
  15. On current home form, how worried do you think they'll be? We need a win, so it'll mean we set our stall out to stop their threat (as any manager does in any game).
  16. What do you mean he's not in the team to score goals? What a f*cking ridiculus schoolboy comment that is. If he's on the pitch, he's a player who's there to do the job of a football player, and that job is to do all he can in helping his team win. And we're lucky enough to have Gary Macdonald as our top scorer right now. Didn't he sign as a goalscoring midfielder? And whilst we're on the subject, bar Ronaldo, United's midfielders don't score that many. What would this f*cking clown know though, eh? How many have Rooney/Tevez scored this year between them? Maybe they offer more to the team than just goals. Maybe, just f*cking maybe, on a day-to-day basis Jimmy Calderwood is seeing more of what Lee Miller has to offer than any of the other strikers at the club. Have you actually looked at in-depth stats of what Lee Miller brings to the side, or are you just a typical muppet who looks at one statistic, the goals per game ratio? I'm not suggesting they should ever be dropped on current form as they bring more than goals to the United side. Maybe, just f*cking maybe, Lee Miller does that in the Aberdeen side as well. I was giving you an analogy based on two teams that are under-performing, and that both contain strikers not scoring as much as clueless fans reckon they should. If you can't see how this relates to what you're saying about Lee Miller, then you're clueless. F*ck, what would I know, I'm just the Donstalk village idiot.
  17. No, it's not a f*cking ridiculous comparison. At the time I'd posted it, Ronaldo had scored 2 goals this season, while Rooney and Tevez only had 1 each. Considering they've played more games than Ronaldo, and are United's main strikers, surely Fergie should expect more. F*ck, let's take Ronaldo out of the equation (as I think the issue with him is the fact he's the best player in the world) and throw in Darren Fletcher. 2 goals this year, United's joint top scorer. So as you say:- The expectation levels at Man United are far superior to anything at Aberdeen, so by the logic used in this thread, Fergie isn't getting the best from them and should either be sacked or drop them both. If that's not a perfect analogy then I don't know what is.
  18. This seaon, or in the time he's been at Man United?
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